1. Physiology of Blood Cells and Haematological Terminology Flashcards
What are all blood cells derived from and where do they originate?
Blood cells of all types originate in the bone marrow
They are ultimately derived from multipotent haematopoietic stem cells
What do pluripotent stem cells give rise to?
Lymphoid stem cells
Multipotent myeloid stem cells/precursors
From both of these, red cells, granulocytes, monocytes and platelets are derived
What can a multi potent lymphoid-myeloid stem cell differentiate into?
• There are TWO branches in the differentiation:
○ Multipotent Myeloid Stem Cell/Precursor
• Granulocyte-monocyte (neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils)
• Erythroid
• Megakaryocyte
○ Lymphoid Stem Cell
• T cells
• B cells
• NK cells
What are the characteristics of haematopoietic stem cells and why are they important?
- Ability to self-renew and produce mature progeny – it protects the ability of the bone marrow to produce differentiated progeny for the lifespan of the individual
- It has the ability to divide into two cells with different characteristics, one another stem cell and the other a cell capable of differentiating to mature progeny
How are erythrocytes initially produced?
• The multipotent myeloid stem cell/precursor can give rise to the proerythroblast (this is the first cell in the erythroid lineage)
• This then gives rise to erythroblasts (cells with nuclei) and then erythrocytes/red cells (without nuclei)
NOTE: the ending blast indicates that the cell is a precursor
Outline the normal erythrocyte maturation process
The proerythroblast is a large cell and its chromosomes are widespread showing that it is still an early cell
This divides into two early erythroblasts which divide into two intermediate erythroblasts which divide into two late erythroblasts
These early cells are classified based on the appearance of their cytoplasm.
How does the colour of the erythroblasts change as they mature?
As the red cells differentiate, the colour of the cytoplasm goes from dark blue to a more pink colour
This is because the mature red cell is completely pink
Why is erythropoietin important and how is it made?
• Normal erythropoiesis requires the presence of erythropoietin
• Erythropoietin is synthesised mainly in the kidneys, in response to hypoxia (but also sometimes anaemia as both reduce the amount of oxygen delivered to the kidneys)
• Erythropoietin is also partly made in the liver
• Process:
○ Hypoxia is detected by the kidneys
○ This leads to an increase in erythropoietin synthesis
○ This increases bone marrow activity
○ This leads to an increase in red cell production
Wher does erythropoietin production take place?
Mainly from juxtatubular interstitial cells in the KIDNEYS
A small amount of erythropoietin is produced in the LIVER by hepatocytes and interstitial cells
What is the lifespan of erythrocytes and how are they destroyed?
The red cells are ultimately destroyed by phagocytic cells (macrophages) in the SPLEEN but can also be anywhere else in the body
How do white cells come about and what is needed for this?
- The multipotent haemopoietic stem cell can also give rise to a myeloblast, which in turn can give rise to granulocytes and monocytes
- Cytokines and various interleukins are needed
Outline the granulocyte maturation process
- Each cell divides into 2
- Myeloblasts divide into promyelocytes which have primary granules. Pale area adjacent to the nucleus is the golgi zone where the granules are produced
- Myelocytes have primary and secondary granules (so two different colours)
- Band form is an immature neutrophil which matures through condensation of the chromatin and lobulation of the nucleus to form a mature neutrophil
Outline the main characteristics and function of neutrophils
• The neutrophil survives 7-10 hours in the circulation before migrating into the tissues where it has its main effect but it can also have an effect in the bloodstream
• Its main function is defence against infection
It phagocytoses and kills microorganisms
How can a neutrophil get out of the bloodstream?
It becomes adhesive so sticks to the endothelium. This is due to changes on the endothelium or the neutrophil. Rolls along endothelium, escapes via diapedesis, migrates through tissues in response to chemokines then undergoes phagocytosis in tissues
Outline the main characteristic of eosinophils
- Spends less time in the circulation than neutrophils
- Bigger granules and more brightly staining than the neutrophil (usually orangy red)
- Its main function is defence against PARASITIC infection
- Important in allergic responses
- It only has TWO lobes in its nucleus
Outline the characteristics of basophils
In basophils there are often so many dark blue dots that you don’t even see the nucleus
Outline the characteristics of monocytes
- These spend several days in the circulation
- They are large cells with a kidney bean shaped nucleus
- Monocytes migrate to the tissues where they develop into macrophages (also called histiocytes) and other specialised cell types that have a phagocytic function
- Macrophages also store and release IRON through the breakdown of haemoglobin. It can be released again for erythropoeisis
- Finely granular cytoplasm and a large lobulated nuclei