1 - Numbers Flashcards
Foundation of natural numbers, integers, rational, real, and complex numbers. Incompleteness of rationals and completeness of reals. Infimum, supremum.
What is a supremum?
A real number α is called the least upper bound (or supremum, or sup) of S, if:
(i) α is an upper bound for S; and
(ii) there does not exist an upper bound for S that is strictly smaller than α. The supremum, if it exists, is unique, and is denoted by sup S.
α = sup S ⇐⇒ (i) x ≤ α for all x ∈ S, and (ii) for every ε > 0 there exists x ∈ S such that x > α − ε.
What is an infimum?
A real number α is called the greatest lower bound (or infimum, or inf) of S, if:
(i) α is a lower bound for S; and
(ii) there does not exist a lower bound for S that is strictly larger than α. The infimum, if it exists, is unique, and is denoted by inf S.
α = inf S ⇐⇒ (i) x ≥ α for all x ∈ S, and (ii) for every ε > 0 there exists x ∈ S such that x < α + ε.
What is the Completeness Axiom?
Every non-empty subset of Real numbers which is bounded from above has a least upper bound, or namely a supremum.
In other words, the Completeness Axiom guarantees that, for any nonempty set of real numbers S that is bounded above, a supremum exists (in contrast to the max, which may or may not exist. An analogous property holds for inf S: Any nonempty subset of R that is bounded below has a greatest lower bound.
What are the properties and operations of the set of Natural Numbers?
- Addition: a + b
- Associativity: a + ( b + c ) = ( a + b ) + c
- Commutativity: a + b = b + a
- Monotone Property: a > b => a + c > b + c
- Multiplication: a * b
- Associativity: a * ( b * c ) = ( a * b ) * c
- Commutativity: a * b = b * a
- Monotone: a > b –> a * c > b * c
- Distributive Property: a * ( b + c ) = ( a * b ) + ( a * c )
What is the Archimedean Property?
Given any real number x, there exists n ∈ |N such that n > x.
In other words, this says that the set of natural numbers is not bounded (from above).
Or as old mate Qui-Gon puts it, “There’s always a bigger fish”
What is an upper bound?
A real number α is called an upper bound for S if x ≤ α for all x ∈ S. The set S is said to be bounded above if it has an upper bound.
What is a lower bound?
A real number α is called a lower bound for S if x ≥ α for all x ∈ S. The set S is said to be bounded below if it has a lower bound.
What is the set N?
N is the set of natural numbers. All positive integers:
What is the set Z?
Z is the set of integers, ie. positive, negative or zero:
The set N is included in the set Z (because all natural numbers are part of the relative integers).
Z∗ (Z asterisk) is the set of integers except 0 (zero).
What is the set Q?
Q is the set of rational numbers, Where all solutions of Q take the form:
Q ϵ { a/b | a ϵ Z, b ϵ N }
What is the set R?
R is the set of real numbers, ie. all numbers that can actually exist, including rational numbers, non-rational numbers or irrational numbers such as π or √2.
What is the set C?
C is the set of complex numbers, ie. the set of real numbers R and all imaginary numbers I.
Taking the form:
C ϵ { x+yi | x,y ϵ R }
What does |A| mean?
|A|, called cardinality of A, denotes the number of elements of A. For example, if A={(1,2),(3,4)}, then |A|=2.
What does A=B mean?
A=B if and only if they have precisely the same elements. For example, if A={4,9} and B={4,9}, then A=B.
What does A⊆B mean?
A⊆B if and only if every element of A is also an element of B. We call A a subset of B. For example, {1,8,1107}⊆N.
This means that A is either a subset of B or it is equal to B.
What does a∈A mean?
a∈A means a is a member of A. For example, 5∈Q
What does a∉A mean?
a∉A means a is not a member of A. For example, 2.7∉Z
What does A∩B mean?
A∩B denotes the set containing elements that are in both A and B. A∩B is called the intersection of A and B. For example, if A={1,2} and B={2,3}, then A∩B={2}.
What does A∪B mean?
A∪B denotes the set containing elements that are in either A or B or both. A∪B is called the union of A and B. For example, if A={1,2} and B={2,3}, then A∪B={1,2,3}.
What does A∖B mean?
A∖B denotes the set containing elements that are in A but not in B. A∖B is read as “A drop B”. For example, if A={1,2} and B={2,3}, then A∖B={1}.
What is ∅?
∅ denotes the empty set, the set with no members.
What are axioms?
A statement which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true. A postulate.
What is the definition of convergence?
A series (x_n) converges to x as n goes to infinity if for every ε>0 there exists n_0=N such that |x_n-x_n0|>ε
What is a successor function?
The successor function or successor operation sends a natural number to the next one. The successor function is denoted by S, so S(n) = n + 1. For example, S = 2 and S = 3. The successor function is one of the basic components used to build a primitive recursive function.
What are the three types of propositions that you can prove by induction?
- Addition
- Division
- Inequalities
What are peano axioms?
They are axioms relating specifically to the set of Natural Numbers. Meaning, they are foundational definitons behind the properties and operations of natural numbers.
Is the element 0 part of the set of natural numbers?
Zero is not a natural number. Another definition of natural numbers is whole, positive numbers. Natural numbers are never negative numbers or fractions, so not all rational numbers are natural numbers. It is on occasion included in the set but only arbitrarily.
What are the operations/properties of the set of integers?
The set of integers shares the properties of the set of natural numbers with the exception of property 8. Which needs to be modified as follows:
a > b, c > 0 –> a * c > b * c
Where a,b, and c ϵ Z
What is a good method of proofing?
In many mathematical proofs, it is smart to prove the opposite is not true. So, in the other words work backwards.
What is GCD?
Greatest Common Denominator
What is a bounded set?
A bounded set is a set which has both an upper bound and a lower bound
What is a maximum?
A maximum is the greatest element of a set.
Let A be a non-empty set:
M ϵ A is the maximum of A if M >= x for all x ϵ A
M = max (A)
What is suprenum and infimum of an empty set, ø?
sup ø = -∞
inf ø = +∞
An empty set is the smallest possible of all sets, and by definition, the supremum is the smallest upper bound of a set. As such, the supremum has to be smaller than all other elements and sets. Therefore, the supremum is negative infinity.
Similarly, the infimum has to be larger than all other elements and sets, therefore the infimum is positive infinity.
Wherein, the negative and positive descriptions of infinity are only there to serve as a placeholder for an idea and have no mechanical basis.
What is a minimum?
A minimum is the smallest element of a set.
Let A be a non-empty set
m ϵ A is the minimum of A if m <= x for all A
m = min (A)
What are key differences between the set of real numbers, R, and the set of rational numbers, Q?
The set of real numbers is an extension of the set of rational numbers with the following properties:
- It is an ordered field
- It satisfies the Completeness Axiom
What is the Dedekind Theorem?
A Dedekind cut is a partition of the rational numbers into two sets A and B, such that all elements of A are less than all elements of B, and A contains no greatest element (maximum). The set B may or may not have a smallest element among the rationals (minimum). If B has a smallest element among the rationals, the cut corresponds to that rational.
How do you prove a set is a field?
Show that the neutral elements 0 and 1 belong to the set then prove the operations of addition and multiplication and their inverses apply to the set.
What does A ⊂ B denote?
This is a proper subset. As opposed to an improper subset. It denotes that A is a set that contains some but not all of the elements of B. So A is considered a subset of B. Meaning every element of A is also an element of B. It is the inverse of a superset.
If set A has elements as {12, 24} and set B has elements as {12, 24, 36}, then set A is a proper subset of B because 36 is not present in the set A.
What does A ⊄ B denote?
This denotes that A is not a subset of B.
What does A ⊃ B denote?
This is the superset symbol. It is the inverse of a subset. It means that B is a superset of A. In other words, A is a subset of B.
E.g. A = {1,2,3} and B = {1,2,3,4,5,6}. Elements 1,2, and 3 are also a part of B therefore B is a superset of A
What does injective mean?
Injective means we won’t have two or more “A”s pointing to the same “B”.
So many-to-one is NOT OK (which is OK for a general function).
As it is also a function one-to-many is not OK
But we can have a “B” without a matching “A”
Injective is also called “One-to-One”
What does surjective mean?
Surjective means that every “B” has at least one matching “A” (maybe more than one).
There won’t be a “B” left out.
What does bijective mean?
Bijective means both Injective and Surjective together.
Think of it as a “perfect pairing” between the sets: every one has a partner and no one is left out.
So there is a perfect “one-to-one correspondence” between the members of the sets.
(But don’t get that confused with the term “One-to-One” used to mean injective).
What are the three sets of properties that define the set of real numbers, R?
- Field axioms
- Order axioms
- Completeness axiom
What are the field axioms in R?
Addition and multiplication have the following properties:
- x + y = y + x for all x, y ϵ R (commutative law of addition)
- ( x + y) + z = x + ( y + z) for all x, y, z ϵ R (associative law of addition)
- There exists 0 ϵ R with x + 0 = x for all x ϵ R (neutral element for addition)
- For every x ϵ R there exists y ϵ R with x + y = 0 (existence of additive inverse)
- x * y = y * x for all x, y ϵ R (commutative law of multiplication)
- ( x * y ) * z = x * ( y * z ) for all x, y, z ϵ R (associative law of multiplication)
- There exists 1 ϵ R with x * 1 = x for all x ϵ R (neutral element for multiplication)
- For every x ϵ R \ {0} there exists y ϵ R{0} with x * y = 1 (existence of multiplicative inverse)
- x * ( y + z ) = x * y + x * z (distributive law)
What is a field?
A field is any set of elements that satisfies the field axioms for both addition and multiplication and is a commutative division algebra. A field with a finite number of members is known as a finite field.
What is a finite field? What is the smallest such field?
A field with a finite number of members is known as a finite field. The smallest such field is Z_2 = {0, 1} with only the elements 0 and 1.
What is an ordered field?
An ordered field is a field containing a subset of elements closed under addition and multiplication and having the property that every element in the field is either 0, in the subset, or has its additive inverse in the subset.
What are the order axioms in R?
- x < y if and only if 0 < y - x
- If 0 < x, y, then 0 < x + y
- If 0 < x, y, then 0 < x * y
- For every x ϵ R precisely one of the following is true:
0 < x, x = 0 or 0 < -x
What are optimal upper and lower bounds?
Optimal upper and lower bounds are simply supremum and infimum respectively.
How do maximums/minimums differ from supremum/infimum?
The max is the largest element in the set. The supremum is the least upper bound number in the set. The min is the smallest number in the set. The infimum is the greatest lower bound in the set. A supremum of a set can exist while the maximum does not. Similarly, the infimum can exist while the minimum does not.
What is the Density of rational and irrational numbers?
Between any two arbitrary rational numbers, there is always an irrational number and between any two arbitrary irrational numbers, there is always a rational number. This property is called “density of rational numbers in real numbers”.
Suppose that a, b ϵ R with a < b. Then:
- There exists r ϵ Q with a < r < b
- There exists x ϵ R \ Q with a < x < b
Where R \ Q implies set of irrational numbers
What is a complex conjugate?
The complex conjugate of a complex number is formed by changing the sign between the real and imaginary components of the complex number. Given a complex number of the form,
z = a + bi
where a is the real component and bi is the imaginary component, the complex conjugate, z*, of z is:
z* = a - bi
The complex conjugate can also be denoted using z. Note that a + bi is also the complex conjugate of a - bi.
What is a modulus?
It’s method of determining the length of a function. It is expressed like this:
|z| = (zz*)^0.5 = (x^2 + y^2)^0.5
What is an Argand diagram?
The complex plane
What is the real component of z, (Re z)?
Re z = x = 1/2 (z + z*)
What is the imaginary component of z, (Im z)?
Im z = y = 1/2i (z - z*)