1: Nomenclature Flashcards
Lesson 1
Nomenclature systems (Brief History)
Before the 1700s, chemicals had names that had nothing to do with their chemical formulas
(water, sugar, ammonia, etc.)
It would now be extremely difficult to learn the names of all the compounds if they all had random and unique names!
Fortunately, the International Union of Physical and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has established a logical naming (nomenclature) system
IUPAC system
A universal system of naming compounds.
#1: Ionic Compounds
Naming Ionic compounds
First part of the name comes from the cation
If cation is multivalent, must indicate charge after the name in brackets using Roman Numerals
Second part comes from the anion
If the anion is an element, its name is modified to end in –ide
If the anion is polyatomic, must determine correct name
ammonium is a cation. this is why ionic compounds arent by metal and non-metal. polyatomic changes the number of oxygens
#1 Ionic compounds
Nitrate formula
Naming polyatomic ions
Polyatomic 1
Nitrate: NO3 -
#1: Ionic compounds
Carbonate Formula
Naming polyatomic ions
Polyatomic 2
Carbonate: CO3 2-
#1: Ionic compounds
Flourate, Chlorate, Bromate, Iodate
Naming polyatomic ions
Polyatomic 3
FO3 -, ClO3 -, BrO3 -, IO3 -
#1: Ionic compounds
Sulfate formula
Naming polyatomic ions
Polyatomic 4
Sulfate: SO4 2-
#1: Ionic compounds
Chromate Formula
Naming polyatomic ions
Polyatomic 5
Chromate: CrO4 2-
#1: Ionic compounds
Phosphate Formula
Naming polyatomic ions
Polyatomic 6
Phospate: PO4 3-
#1: Ionic compounds
Cyanide Formula
Naming polyatomic ions
Polyatomic 7
Cyanide CN-
#1: Ionic compounds
Hydroxide Formula
Naming polyatomic ions
Polyatomic 8
Hydroxide: OH-
#1: Ionic compounds
Ammonium Formula
Naming polyatomic ions
Polyatomic 9
Ammonium: NH4 +
#1: Ionic compounds
Oxygen numbers: Naming polyatomic ions
Oxygens number 1
Ex. Perchlorate (ClO4 -)
#1: Ionic compounds
Oxygen numbers: Naming polyatomic ions
Oxygens number 2
Ex. chlorate (ClO3 -)
#1: Ionic compounds
Oxygen numbers: Naming polyatomic ions
Oxygens number 3
Ex. Chlorite (ClO2 -)
#1: Ionic compounds
Oxygen numbers: Naming polyatomic ions
Oxygens number 4
Ex. Hypochlorite (ClO -)
#1: Ionic compounds
Using Formulas for Naming
Aluminum Sulfate
Al3 + , SO3 2-
(Criss Cross Rule)
Chemical formula is Al2(SO3)3
#2: Hydrates
Hydrate Definition
A hydrate is an ionic compound that includes water molecules within its crystal structure
Example: Copper (ii) sulfate pentahydrate
#2: Hydrates
Number of water molecules in the chemical formula matches with the prefix
Example: What is the chemical name of NiCl2 * 6H2O
#3 Molecular Compounds
Naming Molecular Compounds
Even though there are fewer non-metals than metals, there are many more combinations of non-metals resulting in many more molecular compounds!
For example, nitrogen and oxygen alone can form four different compounds: N2O, NO, NO2, and N2O4
The names of molecular compounds include prefixes to indicate the numbers of atoms in the molecular formula
These prefixes are the same ones used for hydrates!
#4: Acids
Naming Acids
A compound is an acid if its chemical formula starts with one or more** hydrogen** atoms and has the aqueous state symbol (aq)
Water is an exception to this rule!
Acids are strange!
They act like molecular compounds until they are dissolved in water
Once dissolved, they break apart into ions like an ionic compound would!
#4- Acids
Binary Acids
Binary acids - If the formula of the acid does NOT include oxygen
Start with the prefix hydro- and end with -ic acid
Example: Hydroflouric acid HF (aq)
#4- Acids
Oxyacid - If the formula does include oxygen
Name is based on the anion, and does NOT start with hydro-
Oxyacid oxygen atoms: x+1
Anion name: per- ate
Acid name: per_ _ic acid
Oxyacid oxygen atoms: x
Anion name: -ate
Acid name: ic acid
Oxyacid oxygen atoms: x-1
Anion name: -ite
Acid name: -ous acid
Oxyacid oxygen atoms: x-2
Anion name: hypo-ite
Acid name: hypo-ous acid