interdisciplinary field that is at foundation of biology
accdg. to Barresi and Gilbert 2020
Developmental biology
Seeks to elucidate the cellular and molecular mechanism that drive changes in cells, tissues and organs over time - a timescale that spans all of life, from fertilization to aging.
Developmental biology
First known embryologist
Aristotle undertaken the first known study of _
comparative developmental anatomy
Aristotle’s On the Generation of Animals on life cycle themes:
- born from eggs (oviparity)
- born by live birth (viviparity)
- born by producing an egg that hatches inside the body (ovoviviparity)
- born from eggs
- born by live birth
- born by producing an egg that hatches inside the body
2 major cell division Aristotle identified by which embryos are formed
Holoblastic pattern
Meroblastic pattern
Patter of cleavage (in which the entire egg is divided into successively smaller eggs, as it is in frogs and mammals)
pattern of cleavage (as in chicks, wherein only part of the
egg is destined to become the embryo, while the other portion—the yolk—serves as nutrition for the embryo)
concluded that all animals—even mammals—originate from
▪ William Harvey
“all from egg” is the motto on the frontispiece of
Harvey’s On the Generation of Living Creatures, and this precluded the spontaneous generation of animals from __
ex ovo omnia
mud or excrement
William Harvey was the first to see the ____ (the small region of
the egg containing the yolk-free cytoplasm that gives rise to the embryo)
blastoderm of the chick embryo
William Harvey was the first to notice that ____ before the heart
“islands” of blood tissue form
he also suggested that the amniotic fluid might function as a “shock absorber” for the embryo
William Harvey
published the first microscopic account of chick
Marcello Malpighi
Marcello Malpighi
for the first time, the groove of the forming ____, the
____, and the ____ of the arteries and
veins—to and from the yolk—were identified
neural tube
muscle-forming somites
first circulation
built a microscope; discovered sperms in human
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
saw the mammalian egg under microscope
Karl Ernst von Baer
postulated that egg and sperm cells are equivalent
Matthias Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann
discovered the fusion of sperm and egg nuclei during
fertilization in sea urchins; provided a conceptual basis for genetic inheritance and settled the long-standing debate on the role of the egg and sperm in
generation of new life
Oscar Hertwig
discovered and understand mitosis;
great step towards understanding growth and development
Walther Fleming (German biologist)
founder of the science of cytogenetics
Walther Fleming
Walther Fleming
- as the first to detail the chromosomal movements in the process of ____
- he used aniline dyes, a by-product of coal tar, to stain cells of
salamander embryos
Walther Fleming discovered that “the nucleus always splits ____
before the cell does”
Walther Fleming
he was able to visualize the ____ as the cells divide
threadlike material (chromatin)
accurately drew pronuclear fusion in mouse
Johannes Sobotta
on Preformation versus Epigenesis (two persistent
ways of describing and seeking to explain the development of individual
organic form)
Thomas Hunt Morgan
the form of living things exists, in real terms, prior to
their development instead of assembly from parts; generation of
offspring occurs as a result of an unfolding and growth of preformed
the embryological theory according to which “organs […]
are progressively formed from, or emerge from, an originally
undifferentiated, homogenous [material]” (Smith 1976, p. 264). …;
▪ for Aristotle, ____ could be seen as a general process that
explained the development of a form
3 to 4 decades of 20th Century
▪ genetics and embryology remained disconnected
▪ celebrated embryologists in 1930 (Frank Lillie, H. Spemann, R. Harrison and E. E. Just) did not think that ____ have anything to do with early embryonic
▪ they claimed that geneticists had no mechanism to explain how the same
nuclear genes could create different cell types during development
believed in the relationship between inducer and
competent tissues paralleled that of the genes and the cytoplasm
Conrad Hal Waddington
Conrad Hal Waddington
genes and the cytoplasm were in ____
continual dialogue
he said that, “Neither cytoplasm nor nucleus can be disregarded: in fact the
most important subject to discuss is how they affect each other”
an evolutionary morphologist, argued that some
directing substance or substances had to exist to cause the egg of one species
to develop differently from that of another species even though the eggs look
identical and are in the same environment
William Keith Brooks
linked heredity to development
William Keith Brooks
– combined genetics and embryology
B. Ephrussi, G.W. Beadle
B. Ephrussi, G.W. Beadle traced the pathway through which the vermilion and related genes
affected or determined eye color of
transplantation of mutant imaginal disks fated to become eyes
into wild-type larvae led to demonstration of distinct diffusible
substances manufactured or controlled by wild-type alleles at
the vermilion and cinnabar loci, which controlled distinct steps
in the formation of the brown component of normal Drosophila
is the study of the process by which organisms grow and
Developmental Biology
Modern Developmental Biology now studies the genetic control of:
▪ Cell Growth;
▪ Cell Differentiation; and
▪ Morphogenesis
a subfield, is the study of the organisms between the one-cell stage (zygote) and
the end of the embryonic stage, which is not necessarily the beginning of free
embryonic development involves
cell division, cell growth, morphogenesis and
cell differentiation.
all these processes are involved in the formation of specialized tissues, organs
and organ systems of the new individual