1 month to 1 year Flashcards
Infants gain how much weight per week the first 6 months of life?
5 to 7 oz per week
Birth weight is at least (blank) by the age of 6 months, and (blank) by the age of 12 months
double; tripled
Infants grow approximately how many cm or inches per month the first 6 months of life?
2.5 cm (1 inch) per month
Growth occurs in spurts after the age of (blank), and the birth length increases by (blank) by the age of 12 months.
6 months; 50%
The circumference of infants’ head increases y approximately how much per month for the first 6 months of life?
1.5 cm (0.6 inches)
and then approximately 0.5 cm between 6 & 12 months of age
True or false.
6 to 8 teeth should erupt in an infant’s mouth by the end of the first year of age.
True or false.
The first teeth typically erupt between the ages of 6 and 10 months.
How should you ease teething pain?
Using cold teething rings and OTC teething gels.
Tylenol and/or ibuprofen can be used if teething interferes with sleeping or feeding. Do not use for more than 3 days. Ibuprofen should be used only in infants over the age of 6 months.
How should you clean infants’ teeth?
Using a cool, wet washcloth
Should bottles be given to infants when they are falling asleep? why?
No. Because prolonged exposure to milk or juice can cause early childhood caries.
At what age will an infant demonstrate head lag and have a grasp reflex?
1 month
At what age will an infant lift head off mattress when prone and hold their hands in an open position?
2 months
At what age will an infant raise their head and shoulders off mattress when prone, but will only have slight head lag, keep hands loosely open, and no longer has a grasp reflex?
3 months
At what age will an infant roll from back to side and place objects in their mouth?
4 months
At what age will an infant roll front to back and use their palmar grasp dominantly?
5 months
At what age will an infant roll from back to front and hold their bottle?
6 months
At what age will an infants bear full weight on their feet and move objects from hand to hand?
7 months
At what age will an infant set unsupported and begin using a pincer grasp?
8 months
At what age will an infant pull up to a standing position, creep on hands and knees instead of crawling and use a crude pincer grasp?
9 months
At what age will an infant change from a prone position to a sitting position and can grasp a rattle by its handle?
10 months
At what age will an infants walk while holding onto something and place objects into a container with a neat pincer grasp?
11 months
At what age will an infant sit down from a standing position without assistance and try to build a two-block tower without success?
12 months
What Piaget stage is from birth to 24 months where the three important tasks accomplished are separation, object permanence, and mental representation?
Sensorimotor stage
True or false.
Crying is the first form of verbal communication.
By what age will an infant say 3 to 5 words and comprehend the word “no”?
1 year
What Erikson stage is from birth to 1 year and involves the caregiver-infant relationship, meeting comfort, feeding, and stimulation needs?
Trust vs. Mistrust
Separation anxiety begins around what age?
4 to 8 months
Stranger fear becomes evident at what age?
6 to 8 months
True or false.
Play should provide interpersonal contact and educational stimulation.