1. Introduktion Flashcards
Lesson 1
Hvilke emner handler bogen om?
- Shuruud/Betingelser/conditions for salah, som skal udføres inden bønnen eks. wudu
- Arkaan/Pillars (Arkaan) som er handlinger der udføres indeni bønnen som f.eks. takbiiratul ixraam, læse Fatiha mm.
- **Waajibaat/Obligatorisk **
- Sujuud As Sahwi
Lesson 1
What are the ten things that should be learned before studying a new subject
Få tjekker op på det
- Defintion af faget - Tacriif
- The topic/Al mowduuc
- Ath thamrah - The benefit
- Nisbatuhuu ilaa ghayrihii minal culuum (what is the connection between fiqh and other subjects)
- Virtue of the subject
- Al ism, the name
- Al istimdaad, where is it derived from
- Hukm Ash Shaaric
- Al Masaail - topics
- mangler?
OBS nr 10 mangler
Lesson 1
Hvad betyder Fiqh lughatan?
Lesson 1
Hvad betyder ‘Fiqh’ shaarican?
Sharican: Fahmu diin wal camalu bihi, at forstå og handle på Allahs religion
Lesson 1
Hvad har profeten scw sagt ift. forståelse af deen?
Profeten scw har sagt: “Man yuridillahu kheyran yufaqqihu deen”, Hvem end allah vil kheyr for, får forståelse af deen”
Lesson 1
**Hvad betyder ‘Fiqh’ isdilaaxatan?
- Terminologisk-isdilaaxan: Definition ift. de lærde er “macrifatil axkaami sharciyyahti al camaliyyati al muktasabati, minal adillati at tafsiiliyyah” - “knowing the ruling of the sharciyyah, pertaining to the action of the muslim, that is derived from adillati tafsiiliyyah (Quran and sunnah)
Lesson 1
Hvad er definition af The topic/Al mowduuc?
- Ficlul mukalafi, min xaythu maa yathbutu latuw min axkaami ash sharciyyah
- The actions a person does to get closer to Allah
Lesson 1
Hvad er af Ath (3) thamarah/the benefit af at studerer fiqh?
- That you are able to worship Allah correctly
- And that you are able to deal with the people in a correct way (fx. Buying, halal transaction, nikkah mm.)
- That you attain success in this Dunya and Akhira
Lesson 1
What is the connection between fiqh and other sciences?
- Fiqh is the science of all the sciences of the sharica
- Fiqh kan ikke stå alene uden alle de andre fag
- Fiqh er f.eks. derived fra Quran, sunnah mm.
- For at forstå Fiqh skal vi forstå usool al fiqh
Lesson 1
What is the virtue of fiqh?
- Whomever Allah wants good for he gives them understanding of fiqh
- That you are able to worship Allah correctly
- The Scholars are the inheritors of the prophet
*Whoever takes the path of knowledge Allah makes the path to jannah easy
**Hvad er navnet på faget? Al Ism **
- Fiqh
- Cilmul furuuc - The branches of the sharicah
- Sharicah (also one of the names, like kulliyatul sharicah, where they specielize in fiqh and usool al fiqh)
Lesson 1
Al istimdaad - Where is the content of the subject derived from?
- Quran
- Sunnah
- Ijmaac
- Qiyaas
Masail - What are the topics of fiqh?
The scholars divide the chapters of fiqh into 4
1. Al Cibaadaat
2. Al mucaamalaat
3. An Nikaah
4. Al Jinaayaat(Capital punishment, qadaa, judging)