1. Introduction Flashcards
Behavioural traits can be due to:
1. E____ and g____ influences
2. E____ and s____ influences
3. Current m____ s____ of the animal
4. P____ e____
- Evolutionary, genetic
- Environmental and social
- Motivational state
- Previous experience
The hierarchy of organisation states that levels are c____ and any m____ at any level can change the f____ at other and at a____ levels of hierarchy
manipulations, function, all
Brain weight at birth weighs about __g whereas in adulthood it is about __g
There are about __billion neurons and ____ of synapses in the mature brain
At the peak of neurogenesis, ____ neurons are born per minute
In the g____ stage, the n____ of the e____ and s____ fuse to form a z____
germinal, nuclei, egg, sperm, zygote
Zygote starts to divide at __ hours, by a process called c____, to form a cluster of h____ cells called M____
12 hours
The morula continues to divide to form a b____
Once i____ in the uterus takes place, the e____ stage begins
implantation, embryonic
1. Initially e____ d____
2. U____ rate of cell development forms three distinct layers…
1 - E____
2 - M____
3 - E____
3. The ectoderm will f____ in on itself to form the n____ t____ which will eventually become the n____ s____
- Embryonic disc
- Uneven, ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
- Fold, neural tube, nervous system
Spina bifida is failure of the c____ of the n____ f____ at the level of the s____ c____
closure, neural fold, spinal cord
Anencephaly is when the b____ fails to d____
brain fails to develop
Stages of brain development:
1. Cell b____/p____ (n____ and g____)
2. Cell m____
3. Cell d____ and m____
4. S____ and s____ p____
5. Cell d____
5. M____
differentiation and maturation
synaptogenesis and synaptic pruning
The term experience expectant means that development will not happen unless an e____ happens during its c____ p____ and it is s____-s____
experience, critical period, species-specific
Experience dependent are not p____ but are generated in response to the e____. Varies between i____
predetermined, environment