1. Introduction Flashcards
I. The Financial Paradigma of the Firm II. Review of Main Concepts
I. What is the main objective of a firm?
To create Value
I. Name the different kinds of value:
- Equity Value
- Enterprise Value
- Firm Value
I. Name the different measures of Value.
- Accounting/Book Value
- Fundamental/Intrinsic Value
- Market Price (usually, referred as market value)
- Liquidation Value
I. What is a good proxy for the Liquidation Value?
Liquidation value: if we sell all the assets one by one, how much will someone be willing to pay for it
Sometimes as a proxy of this value we tend to use the accounting value.
I. Explain the different measures of Value.
- Market Price: We tend to use market price as a proxy of the Fundamental Value
-Book Value: We tend to use book value as a proxy of liquidation value
I. When financial markets are efficient market price can be used as …
a proxy of the fundamental value (the real market value)
I. If the company is listed, we can calculate Net Debt as …
(Nº of bonds* Bonds price) - MNVOA
Please explain in more detail the liquidation value
Liquidation value is the value which would be obtained if all assets were sold, and debt and all liabilities were paid back.
I. Anytime the liquidation value is persistently higher than the financial value,
the company will be worth more “dead” than staying “alive”, for its shareholders.
I. What is the goal of financial management?
To maximize the value of the owner’s equity.
I. What is the objective in conventional corporate financial theory?
To maximize the value of the firm.
I. Are these objectives compatible?
Yes, but only if debt holders protect themselves from expropriation of value
- Debt holders are not the only stakeholders of a company
I. Concept of stakeholders
All individuals or entities affected by the firm’s actions, objectives and policies.
I. Describe the management shareholders’ agency relationship.
Managers act on the behalf of shareholders. However, they also have their own utility function to maximize.
In other words, they want to keep their job, and receive the higher income possible, this results in a problem: managers have different interests from shareholders.
I. Is it possible to eliminate agency costs?
It is not possible to eliminate agency costs, but it is possible to reduce it.
For instance, Stock options may be a solution for this problem.