1 Intro & You don’t have to be a genius Flashcards
- You don’t have to be a genius
- Think process not product
- Share something small everyday
- Open your cabinet of curiosities
- Tell good stories
- Teach what you know
- Don’t turn to human spam
- Learn to take a punch
- Sell out
- Stick around
New way of operating?
Creativity is NOT a talent. It is a way of operating
Are you an artist?
Need a new way to get your stuff out there
Are you good?
Not enough, you need be great
How to share?
Built sharing into their routine. Take advantage of the market.
What is this book?
A guide for people who HATE the idea of self promotion
Benefit of a blog?
Less need for a Resume!
Benefit of your Hobby?
It can become an income
Why share your interest?
You’ll find a group of people who are also interested
Lone genius myth?
Random, ‘lightening bolt’, occurrence. NOT True
Believe the myth?
Then creativity is an ANTI-social act
Don’t believe the lone genius myth
Because the truth is it’s a group of talented people sharing together, stealing ideas
What is creativity?
Always, in some sense, a collaboration
Social media, blogs, twitter all are:
Basically, places for talent to grow
People online are:
All on the same level
Be an Amateur!
It’s all the time we have left to be
Amateurs can:
Try anything. No reason and nothing left to lose. Free to make mistakes
Creative acts:
Even the stupidest act is creative
Something vs Nothing
Producing something, even small, is better than nothing
Amateurs like to:
Obsess over simple things that may be difficult to understand
World changing so fast that:
That we all only have the chance to be an amateur
Amateurs work with:
Anything! They try and try. Learn and learn
Look for voids, why?
To find it and fill it with your voice
Your voice:
Shout it on the roof tops!
When you lose your voice in one area:
Find it again, in another way!
When should you let your voice out?
At break neck speed!
Our voice is:
An opportunity! To share, to contribute, to grow
In the face of death:
Everything falls away
Do you have something to lose?
NOPE. You don’t, you’re already naked
Waiting for it to happen?
NOPE. Make it happen!
Near death?
Shakes you up, but it doesn’t last
Thinking about death?
Gives reason to keep living!