1 Intro to Renal Physio; Bodily Fluids Flashcards
What is an Eq?
1 mole/valence
—for monovalent 1 Eq = 1 mole
—for divalent 2 Eq = 1 mole, etc.
molarity vs. molality
molarity = # moles / L sol’n (M)
molality = # moles / kg sol’n (m)
—diff only important for soln’s with solids (e.g. plasma)
sum of total number of particles in sol’n; think about ionic compounds: 0.5m Na+Cl- = 1m C6H12O6
1 osmole (unit)
amt of a substance that exerts the osmotic P = to 1 mole of non-interacting particles
—takes osmotic co-efficient into account (φ): takes into account interactions between ions that may actually decrease net osmolality (e.g. some Na+ Cl- —> NaCl)
colloid/oncotic P
P due to proteins
reflection coeff
100% means no solute gets through lumen of blood vessel to other side
Donnan effect
q can ∆ osmotic P to be higher or lower than expected
What percent of BW is water? What factors ∆ it?
total body water (TBW) = 45-70% of body wt.
—∆s with SKM which has more water (males tend to have more SKM so TBW tends to be higher % of body wt.)
MALES —> 60% BW is water
FEMALES —> 50% BW is water
—Newborns have incr ECFV so have even higher %of BW given by water (~72%)
What is the easy 60-40-20 rule?
Assumes TBW is 60% of body wt.
—therefore ICFV = 40% of BW
—and ECFV = 20% of BW
What is the breakdown of ECFV?
75% - ISF
20% - PV
5% - other (e.g. CSF, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, aqueous humor)
What is the more accurate 60-40-20 rule?
*require remembering that females are 50% water by wt and males 60%
—60% of body water is ICFV
—40% of body water is ECFV
—20% of ECFV is plasma vol.
What is the dominant cation in the ICF?
What is the dom cation in the ECF?
What is the dom cation in the ISF? Anions?
—have incr. Cl- and HCO3- due to no neg proteins
Is oncotic pressure higher in capillaries of ISF?
What is normal plasma osmolality?
effective osmolality
estimate that ignores proteins vol and osmotic coeff
—osmolality ~= 2X [Na+]plasma
—b/c plasma osm. is 95% due to Na+ plus its related anions
calculated osmolality
more accurate
—osmolality ~= 2[Na+] + [glucose]/18 + [BUN]/2.8
osmolar gap
measured - calculated osmolality
—increased in poisoning
How does pure H2O distribute between compartments?
heads to all evenly
How will ingestion of salt shift fluids between compartments?
Na will shift ISF —> ECF increasing ECFV
—due to low Na+ perm and Na+/K+ ATPase
How will salt ingestion ∆ hematocrit?
it will decrease it b/c it will pull water into PV from ICFV diluting [RBC]
How will salt ingestion ∆ oncotic pressure?
it will decrease
b/c it will pull water into PV from ICFV diluting [protein]
What is the ultrafiltration pressure?
sum of oncotic and hydrostatic pressure (opposite directions in capillaries)
describe how the filtration coefficient changes
Kf ∆s depending on where you are in the body: brain is low; kidney is very high
—∆s in response to vasoactive hormones/cytokines
How does reflection coeff ∆ throughout the body?
really high in glomeruli (almost 100%—no proteinuria)
—really low in liver sinusodes
—∆s in response to vasoactive hormones/cytokines
What IV sol’n would you use to replace an ICFV deficit?
a hypotonic sol’n e.g. 0.45% NaCl OR isosmotic glucose (b/c glucose will be metab’d and then it’s just like pure water)
What IV sol’n would you use to decrease ICFV?
a hypertonic soln’ e.g. 10% mannitol or 3% NaCl
What % of NS stays in the plasma?
only ~25%
—re-call that ECFV is 75% ISF and ~20-25% PV
Give some examples of colloid IV sol’ns. What are they used for?
colloids are “plasma expanders” b/c the blood vessels are impermable to them
—examples include: Colloids include 5% albumin, and various gelatins, dextrans and starches.
What is basic idea behind ORT?
safer/cheaper than IV rehydration
—give water with salt AND sugar b/c Na+ is absorbed in cotrans with glucose)
What happens If capillary pressure significantly exceeds the oncotic pressure?
What fluid shift happens if capillary pressure declines?