1 - Intro to Options Market Flashcards
who is the biggest user of options? what are three further users?
Retail markets
- individuals
- private businesses
- financial institutions
Why do people use options? (4 types)
risk management
- hedging
- speculation
- short selling
- leveraging opportunities
What are the features of an index option?
- option on market index
- cash settled on exercise
- used for hedging/speculating market trends
what are the features of an equity/share option?
- option on specific securities
- shared exchanged on exercise
- used for hedging/speculating individual stocks
What’s the difference between a call and a put option?
-right to buy
-right to sell
Whats the difference between and American and a European option?
- right to buy/sell on or before expiration
- right to buy/sell on expiration date
What is the risk premium?
The cost to buy an option
what are three features of over-the-counter options?
- customised
- private transactions
- unregulated
what is meant by long and short positions?
long- you are the taker
short- you are the writer
when is an option at the money?
when is a call option in the money?
a put?
when is a call option out of the money?
a put?
What is the intrinsic value?
the theoretical value of the option if the maturity date were today
how must a writer of an option ensure that they can deliver if exercised against?
- cover themselves (insurance)
- maintain margin to offset uncovered position
When does the writer pay taxes?
when they receive the premium