1 - Intro to accounting Flashcards
What is accounting?
It is a way of recording, analysing and summarising transactions of an entity
What are the types of business entities?
Sole trader - Jon has full liability and can lose his assets and money if something goes wrong
Partnership - Same as sole trader except there is more than just Jon taking liability if stuff goes left, Jen does too.
Limited company - Jon and Jen still owners (shareholders). Managed by directors (can also be the shareholders). However if sued, you sue only the company. Take all the assets of the company but their personal assets stay safe. Liability is limited of the owners.
However lots more paperwork and effort and need to upload accounts to companies house.m
What is the difference between private limited (ltd) or public limited (plc)?
Private means shares don’t have to be available to purchase publicly and plc is the opposite
What is the objective of the financial statements?
Make sure we are providing accounts that can give info which will help various users make their economic decision
According to the conceptual framework, what user groups and what info is needed of the financial statements?
Investors (current and potential owners) (PRIMARY USERS):
Whether to buy or sell/invest or divest. Info needed would be profitability of entity, dividend payments and performance of management.
Helps them assess job opportunities or career opportunities
Can they pay it back? Look at assets they have to use as security and also the level of debt already held by the entity.
Suppliers and other creditors:
See whether to supply to a certain entity and what credit terms to agree upon
Assess whether to buy from the company, see if the company will still be running in a few years and how reliable supply is etc.
Obtain macro economic data and also tax revenue
Review the entities ethical and social disclosures
What are the main financial statements?
SFP (Balance sheet):
This is a list of all the assets and liabilities a business has on a particular date. The difference between these two is known as equity or capital (what the business owes back to its owners)
Assets - liabilities = equity
Net assets = equity
States all income and expenses that have occurred. Difference represents the profit OR loss the company has made
What is UK GAAP and what does it stand for?
Generally accepted accounting practices derive from:
The companies act 2006, UK IFRS (accounting standards), statutory requirements in other countries and stock exchange listing requirements.
What is a legal requirement of financial statements?
That a business must produce and publish FS annually and ensure they are true and fair.
What is the IESBA code of ethics?
It applies to anyone training with ICAEW and qualified accountants and employees of member firms.
Professional competence and due care
Professional behaviour
What is sustainability?
As a business, fulfilling the needs of current generations without jeopardising ability of future generations. ESG decisions.
Need to report on it as shareholders need to be able to make decisions on sustainability of a business. How a company IMPACTS on the planet and also how factors influence a companies FS and its ability to sustain value (dependencies)
Laws, regulations and guidance on sustainability
Lack of mandatory standards which has resulted in inconsistent reporting on what is disclosed and presented.
TCFD - Taskforce on climate related financial disclosures
GRI - Global reporting initiative
UK listed companies (plc) are required to follow TCFD recommendations
What are some fundamental qualitative characteristics according to the conceptual framework?
Info is relevant if it makes a difference to a users decision - Predictive or confirmatory value. Relevant is affected by nature and materiality.
Faithful representations:
Faithfully represents the transactions and other events. They will be:
Complete, neutral/unbiased and free from error
What are the enhancing qualitative characteristics?
Comparability - from one period to the next and between firms in the same line of business
Verifiability - it can be proven
Understandability - disclosures
What is fair presentation?
Are all transactions presented true and fair? This can be done by applying all relevant standards. Override is possible but very rare.
What is going concern?
Entity is viewed as continuing in operation for the foreseeable future. Assumed that entity has neither the intention or the necessity of liquidation or ceasing to trade. When they are not a going concern, they are prepared on a break up basis