1. Intro + Fundamentals Flashcards
What is an image?
- An image can be defined as a two dimensional function f(x,y).
- x and y are spatial coordinates.
- The amplitude of f at any given point = graylevel
- Digital Image = when x and y are finite and discrete.
What are the two types of receptors in the eye and what are they sensitive to?
- cones - color (bright-light vision)
- rods - low light
What is contrast?
- The difference in intensities between the highest and lowest values.
- High dynamic range = high contrast
When an image is digitized it is sampled in…(2)
- Space (x,y) - image sampling
- Amplitude f(x,y) - graylevel quantization
What is resolution in an image?
The amount of detail an image holds.
What is spatial resolution?
Measure of the smallest distinct detail of an image
What is resolution in an image?
The amount of detail an image holds.
What is gray level / intensity resolution?
The smallest identifiable change in the gray/intensity levels
The number of bits used to quantize intensity can be known as ___?
Intensity resolution
- What does the quantization level of an image determine?
- How do humans perceive high levels of quantization?
- The number of gray levels in a digital image
- It helps observe finer details
What are the 3 types of relationships between pixels?
1) N4(p) - Edge neighbours
2) ND(p) - Diagonal neighbours
3) N8(p) - 8 neighbours
What are the 3 types of adjacency between pixels?
1) 4-adjacency –> q is in set N4(p)
2) 8-adjacency –> q is in set N8(p)
3) m-adjacency –> q is in N4(p)
OR q is in ND(p) and N4(p) and N4(q) have no values in common.
What is connectivity? (connected)
For a subset of pixels S, p and q are connected in S, if there exists a path between them consisting entirely of pixels in S.
What is adjacent and disjoint in two subsets of pixels R1 and R2?
- R1 and R2 are adjacent if their union forms a connected set.
- If not adjacent R1 and R2 are disjoint
How can a subset of pixels (R) be a region?
If the R is a connected set, it will be a region.
Define the boundary/ border/ contour of a region R.
The set of pixels in R that have one or more neighbours that are not in R.
What are 3 ways pixel distance can be measured?
1) Euclidian distance (disk)
2) City-block distance (D4)
3) Chessboard distance (D8)
Define euclidian distance
The pixels having a distance less than or equal to
some value r from (x, y) are the points contained
in a disk of radius r centered at (x, y).
Define city-clock distance
Pixels having D4 distance from (x,y) that is less than or equal to some value from d from a diamond centered at (x,y)
Define chessboard distance
Pixels with D8 distance from (x, y) less than or
equal to some value d form a square centered at
(x, y)