The history of establishing GATT
Bretton Woods Conference 1944, Roosvelt’s Trade Policy, creating ITO, which never materialized. Instead we got GATT- General Agreement on Tariffs and trade
2 Main features of GATT
**1. Tariff updates **(countries would meet regularly in ‘Negotiating Rounds’ to discuss and update their tariff agreements (8 rounds complited)
**2. Dispute resolution **
5 goals of GATT
- Raising standards of living
- Ensuring full employment
- Increasing real income and effective demand
- Developing the full use of global resources
- Expanding the production and exchange of goods
Means to achieve GATT’s goals
- Entering into reciprocal and mutually advantegous arrangments
- Substantial reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers
- Elimination of discriminatory treatment in international commmerce
GATT’s basic idea
liberalizing trade through common rules, reciprocity and non-discrimination
average tariffs dropped from about 40% after WW II to less than 5% today
What led to the end of GATT? (5 things)
1. No strong structure
2. Inconsistent agreements: Some agreements weren’t signed by all members, creating uneven rules <GATT></GATT>
3. Exemptions for certain products: Agriculture and textiles avoided GATT
4. Growing services sector: The rise of services trade needed broader rules beyond GATT’sw scope
5. Weak dispute settlement: Disputes could be blocked by one country, preventing decisions from being enforced <by></by>
Creation of WTO event and date, central location, number of members
1986-1994; in the Uruguay Round the World Trade Organization was finally created
Central location: Geneva, Switzerland
Members: 166 countries
Why does WTO exist? (what does WTO that GATT didn’t)
Strengthens multilateral binding on states
Restrains retaliatory policies (polityka odwetowa) and protectionist measures
Multilateral Agreemnets (binding on all members) and Plurilateral Agreements (binding on some members)
1. Multilateral Agreements:
- Goods
- Services
- Intellectual property
2. Plurilateral Agreements:
- Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft
-Agreement on Government Procurement
Functions of WTO
- Administers trade agreements
- Negotiating forum
- Dispute settlement
- Trade policy Review Mechanism
- International cooperation
Ministerial Conference: one representative from each member, meets every 2 years
General Council: a diplomatic representative for each member. Carries out functions of MC when not seated. Meets also as
Dispute Settlement Body
Trade Policy Review Body
Coordinates activity of 3 councils responsible for application of GATT, GATS and TRIPS
Secretariat: no decision-making authority, agents don’t represent their countries, administrative and technical support
Director General: nominated by Ministerial Conference. Respresents whole organization in external relations; directs activity of Secretariat
Committees/Working Groups: carry out study activities on specific topics