1. Insurance Basics Flashcards
Loss Adjustment expenses can be divided in which 2 components?
- Defense and cost containment (DCC)
- Adjusting and other (A&O) (Fees, claim adjuster salaries, overhead expenses)
Underwriting expenses is the sum of? (4 components)
- Commissions and brokerage
- Other acquisition Costs (ex. Marketing)
- Taxes, licenses, and fees
- General Expenses
Estimate ultimate losses is the sum of?
- Reported Losses
- IBNR Reserve
- IBNER Reserve
Fundamental Insurance Equation
Premium = Losses + LAE + UW Expenses + Profit
Factors that should be considered when using historical experience to estimate components of the fundamental insurance equation
- Rate changes
- Operational Changes
- Inflationary pressures
- Change in the mix of business written
- Law changes
Ratemaking based on fundamental insurance equation considers (2 elements)
- Ratemaking is prospective
- Balance in the fundamental insurance equation should be attained at the aggregate and individual levels
Nb Claims/Nb Exposures
- Severity
- Paid Severity
- Reported Severity
- Losses/Nb Claims
- Losses on closed claims/Nb of closed claims
- Reported Losses/Nb of Reported claims
Pure premium/Loss Cost
Losses/Nb Exposures = freq x sev
Average Premium
Premium/Nb exposures
- Loss Ratio
- Loss & LAE
- Losses/ Premium = Pure Premium/Average Premium
- (Loss + LAE)/Premium
Loss Adjustment Expense Ratio
LAE (Incl. ALAE + ULAE)/Losses
Note :
LR (1 + LAE Ratio) = Loss & LAE Ratio
Underwriting Expense Ratio
UW Expenses/Premium
Operating Expense Ratio
UW expense ratio + LAE/Earned premium
Combined Ratio
Loss ratio + LAE/EP + UW expenses/WP
= LR (1 + LAE Ratio) + UW expenses/WP
*If expenses incurred during the policy term are divided by EP :
Combined Ratio = Loss Ratio + OER