1. HYHO: UGIB Flashcards
Presentation of a patient with UGI bleed
- Hematemesis = vomit blood
- Coffee ground emesis
- Melena (dark stools)
- Hematochezia (red/maroon blood in stool)
- Anemia
- Hypovolemic shock
How does a patient with hypovolemic shock present?
Cold, clammy, vasoconstriction due to low BV detected by baroreceptor reflex => increase HR, sympathetic stimulation and vasoconstriction of non-essential organs
What symptoms can a person with hypovolemic shock face?
1. Orthostatic hypotension
2. Tachycardia
What is the landmark that divides a UGIB from a LGIB?
Ligament of Trietz (the suspensory l. of the duodenum)
What are specific causes of UGIB?
- Peptic ulcer
- Esophageal ulcer
- Mallory-Weiss tear
- Variceal hemorrhage or portal HTN gastropathy
- Cancer
What specific symptoms indicate: peptic ulcer, esophageal ulcer and Mallory Weiss tear?
- Peptic ulcer: abdominal pain
- Esophageal ulcer: odonyophagia, dysphagia, GE reflux
- Mallory-Weiss tear: emesis, retching or coughing BEFORE hematemesis
What aspects of history are important to check in a patient with UGIB?
- History of GI or nose bleeds
- Esophogeal or gastric variceal bleeding in pts with cirrhosis or chronic alcoholics.
What meds can form peptic ulcers => UGIB?
- Aspirin
- NSAIDS (ibuprofin, naproxen sodium)
What meds can promote bleeding?
- Antiplatelet drugs (clopidrogel)
- Anticoagulants (warfarin)
What patients can alter the presentation in one with a UGIB?
- Bismuth (pepto-bismol)
- Iron
PE for UGIB (4)
- Vital signs
- Confusion (=> lack of O2 to brain)
- Peripheral vasoconstriction (=> cool extremities and cyanosis)
- Signs of liver disease (jaundice, ascites, and caput medusa)
Labs for UGIB (4)
- CBC w/ diff
- Cogulation studies (PT with INR)
- Liver enzymes (AST/ALT)
- Albumin, BUN and creatinine
- Guiac stool testing
If HB is below _________/__________ low-risk patients/high-risk patients => transfuse
- Low-risk patient => below 7 g/dl
- High-risk patient => below 9g/dl
Steps involved in resuscitation of a patient with severe UGIB.
- *** Focus on circulating volume
- Airway and circulation
- Obtain urgent consulation and treat
What should be the INITIAL resuscitation focus in a patient with a UGIB?
- Correct circulating volume (hemodynamic stability)
If a patient with a UGIB is hemodynamically unstable, what do we do?
- Give 2 large bore IV access (16-18 gauge) in different limbs
- Central line ONLY IF: cannot access peripheral venous circulation or infusion would damage peripheral veins
- Replace blood
- If no blood => cystalloid fluids. If blood => NS
How should airway and circulation be controlled in UGIB? (3)
- Supplimental O2 and monitor on pulse ox
- Intubate to perform endoscopy
- Balloon tamponade for bleeding
If INR > 1.6, give _____
- Fresh frozen plasma
- Prothrombin complex concentrate
If actively bleeding, keep platelets ______
> 50,000
What should be done in a patient with UGIB to make sure if a transfusion is needed, we do not have to waste time and check blood types against donated blood?
Cross and match 2-4 units of blood-PRBC.
What procedure can be done to ID source of bleeding?
- EDG (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) = looks at the eso, stomach, and first part of duodenum.
How can we visualize and treat esophageal varices?
Endoscopy with band ligation
When endoscopy with band ligation is combined with _________ => lower risk of rebleeding and mortality
Endoscopy + Sclerotherapy (IV injection that irritates the vein => causes it to close)
Interventational radiology procedures for UGIB?
- Trans-arterial embolization
- TIPS procedure (tranjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt) => reduce portal systemic pressure by shunting blood AWAY from varices
When is surgery indicated for UGIB and what types are done?
- Perform surgery when cannot perform TIPS or endoscopy, or not available.
- Surgeries
- 1. Surgical resection and vessel ligation
- 2. Splenorenal shunt
Meds for PUD
PPI (Omeprazole or esomeprazole 40mg IV BID)
Meds for esophogastric variceal bleeding and/or cirrhosis.
- Prophylactic ABX: 1g Ceftriaxone or 400mg BID of fluoroquinolone.
- 50mcg IV bolus and then trip at 50mcg/hr of Octetride (Somatostatin) to shunt blood away from varices.
- DO NOT USE _________ for transfusion, except in RARE and DIRE situations.
- Treatment of choice for anemia, when if trauma: _____
- Whole blood
- PRBC + crystalloid fluid
OSE for GI system
- TART and TP for T1-L2 (T5 - 9 = > UGI)
- Parasympathetics for UGI (vagus nerve = OA and AA joints)
- Chapman points for stomach acidity: Left 5th ICS
- Chapman points for stomach peristalsis: Left 6th ICS
5 Factor Model for UGIB: Respiratory and Circulation (4)
- Volume resuscitation w crystalloids and see if transfusion is needed.
- Once stable => rib raising
- Improve excursion of diaphragm by fucking with phrenic nerve (C3-5)
- Indirect MFR to thoracolumbar diaphragm
5 Factor Model for UGIB: Metabolic - NRG (4)
- Endoscopy/surgery to fix bleeding
- Take PPI and DQ NSAIDS
- Nutritional needs
5 Factor Model for UGIB: Biomechanical and behavioral
- Biomechanical: Fix SD: OA/AA and thoracic spine (T5-9)
- Behavioral: stop excess alcohol and smoking.
5 Factor Model for UGIB: Neurologic
- Viscerosomatic findings
- Chapmans points
- Celiac ganglion
When should OMT be done for a UGIB?
- After pt is stabilized and ID treatment of bleeding
What 4 things should you remember for a UGIB?
- Recognize, resuscitate and intubate early
- Consult GI, radiology and surgery to dx and tx
- Give ABX to patient
Pt presents with hematemesis and melena. What is the first thing we do to determine course of action.
Determine if the pt is hemodynamically stable or unstable
- Stable: upper endoscopy within 24 hours
- Unstable: resuscitate, prep for emergency upper endoscopy and consult surgery and or interventional radiology if upper endoscopy cannot be performed.