1. Hvii: Consolidation Of Power Flashcards
How did HVII become king?
-Victory over Richard III’s forces at the battle of Bosworth on 22nd August 1485
Why did Henry have a weak claim to the throne?
-He was descended through his mothers line (lady Margaret Beaufort).
-This line had come from John of Gaunt’s third wife: their son John Beaufort was illegitimate as born before marriage
-Ultimately nobody else had a Lancastrian claim
What was the impact of the wars of roses?
-Henry was proclaimed king of England on the battlefield by lord Stanley
-London public supported due to suspicion of Richard after the disappearance of the princes in the tower
What was Henry’s character like?
-He had not been brought up to rule making him shrewd and calculating
-Fled to France and lived as a fugitive in the Duchy of Brittany; proved useful political training in courts
What were Henry’s main aims?
-main purpose to ensure he kept the throne by consolidating his power with political action and military success
How did Henry’s character help him consolidate his reign?
-dated reign from 21st august 1485, the da before the battle of Bosworth, ensuring anyone on the Yorkist side to be declared a traitor
-publicly rewarded key supporters, gave 11 knighthoods
-arranged for supporters to detain the earl of Warwick who may have had a greater claim than him as Edward vi’s nephew
-Made key appointments to council and household e.g. William Stanley as chamberlain of household
How did the 1st parliament help Henry consolidate his reign?
-Coronation took place 30th October while Parliament took place 7th November, basing rule off Hereditary right and not because Parliament sanctioned it
-Parliamentary acts of attainder against Yorkist’s at Bosworth, made them forfeit property to crown (increase royal revenue)
-Granted Henry customs revenues of tonnage and poundage for life
How did propaganda help Henry consolidate his reign?
-Married Elizabeth of York January 1486, daughter of Edward IV
-Ensured assumption to throne was not brought about by his wife by waiting until then
-Able to exploit royal propaganda and unite the houses of Lancaster and York
-Gave birth to heir, Arthur, September 1486
How was Henry’s position extremely insecure?
-many Yorkist’s regarded him as a usurper
-several potential Yorkist claimants: earls of Warwick and Lincoln, Edward IV’s nephews
-Yorkist pretenders: Viscount Lovell and Lambert Simnell
-Margaret of Burgundy: Yorkist sympathizer with access to funds and an army
Viscount Lovell and the Staffords (1486)?
- Easter 1486, led by two key supporters of Richard iii
- Lovell tried to raise a rebellion in his heartland north riding of Yorkshire, while Stafford tried to raise forces against Henry in the midlands which had previous Yorkist support
- Lovell escaped Henry’s forces but Stafford was executed
- significant as there was little enthusiasm for a Yorkist rising even in traditional heartlands
What was needed for future rebellions?
- A figurehead who could claim to be a Yorkist prince
- Financial support to generate a military threat
Who did lambert simnell pretend to be?
- The earl of Warwick was had been imprisioned by Henry then was crowned king Edward in Ireland May 1487
Who put together the lambert simnell rebellion?
La Pole, the earl of Lincoln
- he was a potential Yorkist claimant
How did Henry respond to the simmell threat?
- Henry exhibited the real earl of Warwick so Lincoln fled from court with Lovell to Margaret of burgundy, begging for support and military
- reinstated untrustworthy earl of Northumberland to neutralise Richard’s old power base
- led to the battle of Stoke field
What happened at the battle of stoke 1487?
- Henry gathered a group of advisors in the south and midlands with an army effectively led by the earl of Oxford
- held firm until earl of Oxford killed in battle who had insufficient support
Why was Henry’s victory at the battle of stoke field significant?
- Really brought an end to the wars of the roses and made his position more secure
- overcome through shrewdness and hardwork, organisational skills and military leadership of key supporters, and the country’s willingness as support his cause
- mild treatments of those rebelling, won over previous Yorkists
- policy of bonds of good behaviour to ensure well behaved landowners