1 - HPA Axis Flashcards
What are the 3 zones of the adrenal cortex?
Zona glomerulosa
Zona fasciculata
Zona reticularis
What hormones does the
zona glomerulosa make?
e.g. aldosterone
What hormones does the zona fasciculata make?
Glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisol)
What hormones does the zona reticularis make?
Sex steroids
What hormones does the adrenal make?
Cortisol has systemic effects. What are the effects on the liver, muscle and adipose tissue?
Liver = gluconeogenesis
Muscle = release AA + block glucose uptake
Adipose = release of FFA (substrate for metabolism)
Name 3 environmental factors that alter CRH release?
Diurnal rhythm
Food (insulin?)
Diurnal variation of CRH release means which time has the highest cortisol level, and which has the lowest?
Highest = 6am
Lowest = midnight
CRH release occurs in what pattern?
How frequently does pulsatile release occur for CRH?
Every 1-3h
7-8 per day
Fewer at night, more in day.
What effect does cortisol have on the immune system?
Suppresses lymphocyte function
Slows wound healing
What effect do interleukins have on CRH?
Stimulate its release
What is the pro-hormone to ACTH?
What receptor does CRH bind to?
What G-protein coupled receptor is the CHR-R1?
How does activation of CHR-R1 results in POMC transcription?
CRH binds Stimulates adenylate cyclase Increases cAMP Activates PKA Activates CREB Binds to promoter region Result in POMC transcription
What effect do glucocorticoids have on POMC production?
They inhibit it
What hormone is responsible for cleaviing POMC?
Pro-hormone convertase 1
Breakdown of POMC by PC1 results in what products?
1) Pro-ACTH
2) Beta-LPH
Pro-ACTH is then converted into what 3 products?
And by what enzyme?
N-POC (N-pro-opiocortin)
JP (joining peptide)
By PC1
ACTH binds to what receptor in the adrenal cortex to stimulate glucocorticoid release?
Melanocortin 2-receptor (MC2-R)
What hormones can stimulate MC2-R?
Where are pro-convertase 1 and 2 found in the human body?
PC1 is found in hypothalamus
PC2 is found everywhere else.
What breakdown product of POMC results in pigmentation in the skin?
(melanocyte-stimulating hormone)
** think, clinical relevance of Cushing’s disease
What receptor does alpha-MSH bind to?
Melanocortin receptors
What is the link between a POMC mutation and obesity within children?
Arcuate nucleus within hypothalamus contains both PC1 and PC2.
Also produces POMC.
alpha-MSH inhibits food intake
Therefore, obese kids have POMC mutation because can’t stop eating.
In the production of cortisol, what does the StAR protein do?
Moves cholesterol into mitochondria
What protein carries cortisol around the body?
Corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG)
CBG is responsible for binding to what % of cortisol and aldosterone?
90% cortisol
60% aldosterone
What pathologies cause CBG levels to fluctuate?
Which melanocortin receptors are found in the skin?
Which melanocortin receptors are found in the hypothalamus?
What is the difference between Cushing’s syndrome and Cushing’s disease?
Cushing’s disease refers to the ACTH-producing pituitary adenoma.
Cushing’s syndrome refers to a state of hypercortisolism
What are the 4 causes of Cushing’s syndrome?
Cushing’s disease (ACTH-producing pituitary tumour)
Non-pituitary (ectopic) tumour (produced ACTH-related peptides)
Adrenal tumour (producing cortisol)
Ectopic tumour producing CRH (VERY RARE)
What drugs can cause Cushing’s syndrome?
For immune suppression (asthma, UC), palliative care (cancer)