This module covers: • The definition of Naturopathy & Naturopathic Nutrition • The Naturopathic Principles • The history of Naturopathy and Naturopathic Nutrition • Allopathy vs. Naturopathy • What “Suppression” means • The Laws of Cure • TCM – yin/yang foods
Define Naturopathy
Naturopathy is “a system of healthcare which encourages and promotes the body’s own self-healing mechanisms”
Name 4 therapies used in Naturopathy
1) Nutrition
2) Fasting
3) Homeopathy
4) Herbal medicine
Also, acupuncture, naturopathic manipulations, hydrotherapy and others, following naturopathic principles to promote the body’s own self-healing mechanisms.
Name four Naturopathic Principles and briefly explain each
1.The Healing Power of Nature:
* The body can heal itself given the right conditions and treatment.
* The body has a ‘Vital Force’ (‘Qi’ or ‘Prana’) which can be stimulated or suppressed.
* Vital Force can be stimulated with:
fresh air, sun, clean water, a healthy diet, fasting, detoxification, natural therapy.
2.Treat the Cause, not the Symptom:
The question is not what is the disease, but
* why is it there,
* where did it come from and thus,
* what is the cause?
3.Treat the Whole Person:
* Recognise individuality.
* Take into account the whole patient
(encompassing physical, mental, genetic, environmental, social and other factors).
* The person is treated, not the symptom.
* There is no “one size fits all” approach.
4.Prevention is Preferable to Cure:
* Most diseases are clearly linked
to diet, lifestyle and the environment, it is essential to address these in order to
prevent disease, rather than simply react when it has already manifested.
- Promote health to maintain
optimal Vital Force at all times.
* Educate patients by bringing a better
understanding of health,
* How to attain and maintain it and
* How to avoid creating an environment where disease can result.
* Empower patients to take
responsibility for their own health.
Explain what is meant by
“treating the whole person”.
- Recognise individuality.
- Take into account the whole patient
(encompassing physical, mental, genetic,
environmental, social and other factors). - The person is treated, not the symptom.
- There is no “one size fits all” approach.
Who said “Whatever disease the body has produced, it is able to revert it”?
Dr. A. Vogel, Switzerland
What is Health?
‘Abundant Vitality’
The best possible physical,
mental and emotional state.
Explain the purpose of Nutrition
The purpose of Nutrition is food that promote healing and growth
Who is a Naturopathic Nutritionist
A Naturopathic Nutritionist follows the naturopathic principles knowing that every person is an individual and requires a personalised nutritional approach to health.
What is the difference between Nutrient, Nutrition and Nourishment?
- Nutrient: A substance which provides nourishment essential for growth and maintenance of life.
- Nutrition: The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
- Nourishment: The food or other substances necessary for growth, health and good condition.
Explain the difference between Food, Whole Food and Organic Food
Food: Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.
Whole food: Food that has not been processed or refined and is free from additives or other artificial substances.
Organic food: Food free of fertilisers, pesticides, irradiation, GMOs, growth hormones and livestock feed additives.
What is a Superfood and give 2 examples of a super food?
They are highly nutritious foods containing all, or nearly all, the vitamins, minerals and trace elements a body needs.
However, Superfoods are incorporated into a wholefood diet are fundamental for human health and they do not work in isolation but as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Example are algae, sprouts, bee pollen, wheatgrass.
What is meant by ‘Junk food’? Give one reason why it should be avoided.
‘Junk foods’ contain substances which are not natural, have been altered, or are not suitable to maintain health and growth (GMOs, trans fats, sweeteners, pesticides, artificial colourings, etc.).
Junk foods hinder cell communication and are, therefore, detrimental to health and wellbeing.
List FIVE junk foods commonly consumed as part of a typical Western diet and ONE nutritious alternative for each of these. Incorporate superfoods where possible.
Junk / Alternative
Cakes / Fruits
Biscuits/sweets / Dried fruit & nuts
Sugar / Bee Pollen
Chips / Algae/ baked Crispy Kale
Gluten Wraps / Lettuce wraps
Bacon / Grass-fed meat
A client asks you “why should I choose
organic food?”. What would you say?
Organic Food is free of fertilisers, pesticides, irradiation, GMOs, growth hormones and livestock feed additives which is better for your health.
How old is Ayurvedic medicine &
Chinese medicine?
Ayurvedic medicine: Recorded over 5000 years ago (applications of air, herbs and water).
Chinese medicine: 3000 years ago, TCM.
What was used by Egyptians for night blindness?
What was used by Native Americans for healing?
How was disease treated in all ancient cultures?
They use fasting, diets, purging, herbs, and various forms of hydrotherapy.
What is Hippocrates (468‒377 BC) best known for?
- Hippocrates: The Father of Medicine.
- “Food as the primary source of medicine,
health and healing. First use food, then herbs, finally intervention.” - Nature is the “Physician of Man”.
- Credited for writing the Hippocratic oath.
Famous Quote “Let food be thy Medicine, and Medicine be thy food.”
What is the essence of the Hippocratic Oath?
Do no harm.
The oath:
“I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice”.
“I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I suggest to this effect. In purity and holiness, I will guard my life and my art.”
What does Greek medicine have in common with Chinese medicine and Ayurveda?
All these medical systems seek to
harmonise the health of the individual with the Universal Life Forces of Nature
What disciplines in Greek medicine has been a source and inspiration for Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries?
Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, chiropractic.
What was the German Sebastian Kneipp (1821–1897) best known for?
The Father of Hydrotherapy.
He cured his own TB by bathing in the river Danube.
What is Hydrotherapy?
It is the therapeutic use of water as a healing agent.
Compare and contrast the use of HOT and COLD water in hydrotherapy
- Cold Water: Decreases circulation and numbs the area.
- Hot Water: Relaxes muscles and increases circulation.
Explain the benefits of alternating hot and cold water?
- It stimulates blood flow, increasing oxygen and therefore nutritional supply to cells.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Promotes circulation
- Lowers high blood pressure,
- Relieves headaches, promotes
parasympathetic activity, - Enhances sleep.
Give one application of hydrotherapy internally and one externally?
- Externally: Compresses, wraps, foot baths, steam baths, sauna.
- Internally: Acts as solvent and carrier (nutrients into cells and wastes out).
What did Swiss Dr. Max Bircher-Benner (1867–1939) advocate?
A 50/50 raw food diet with emphasis on fruit.
Heat (apart from sun) degrades food by destroying enzymes.
What is Dr. Max Bircher-Benner (1867–1939) famous for?
- Famous for his Bircher muesli (raw oats, goats’ yoghurt and fruit, soaked overnight).
- “Good gut health is necessary for proper growth of cells and tissues”.
- To maintain nutrient profile in food
Who said that “90% of diseases are due to improper functioning of the bowel” and promoted the importance of the intestinal microflora
Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (1852–1943)
Who used the term ‘nature-cure’ to define his approach to recovery and formulated the ideas of ‘healing crisis’.
Henry Lindlahr (1862–1924)
What was Henry Lindlahr’s (1862–1924) view of the primary cause of disease?
“the accumulation of morbid matter
is the primary cause of disease”.
What, according to Dr. Max Gerson (1881–1959) are the
two planks underpinning health?
Toxicity and deficiency
What is the basis of Gerson Therapy?
Alkalised the body with fresh organic vegetable juices and detoxified with coffee enemas.
What did the Scottish Naturopath James C. Thomson (1887–1960) advocate?
Fibre (unrefined grains,
raw vegetables and fruit)
Who advocated bowel-cleansing as the most important aspect in maintaining health and said, “every tissue is fed by the blood which is supplied by the bowel”?
Dr. Bernard Jensen (1908–2001)
Who used chlorophyll extensively
in enemas and colonics and also claimed a 40% success rate curing leukaemia?
Dr. Bernard Jensen (1908–2001)
What was developed by Dr. Bernard Jensen (1908–2001) and what theory did he promote?
Developed advanced Iridology and
promoted the ‘toxaemia’ theory.
Which machine did Dr. Bernard Jensen (1908–2001) develop?
Colon hydrotherapy machine
Explain the difference between Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bechamp’s theories of disease.
Pasteur: founder of ‘germ’ theory
Germ Theory: Disease occurs from outside of the body i.e. bacteria, viruses, fungi, cause diseases from outside
Bechamp: maintained that disease occurs from within the body (changes of the terrain, opposite to Pasteur).
- “Bacteria and viruses are the ‘after-effects’ rather than the cause of disease”.
- “Most diseases are the result of an acidic, low oxygenated terrain” (environment) where the diseased tissue spawns the growth of microorganisms which develop into different forms.
What process did Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) develop which is the foundation of Western medicine?
He developed the pasteurisation
process where he found that rapid heating destroys microbes.
How does Natural Medicine differ from Allopathic Medicine?
Allopathic medicine focuses on
Pasteur’s theory, consequently
suppressing symptoms with
drugs, ignoring the importance
of the ‘terrain’ which is favoured in Natural Medicine
List 4 differences between Allopathy and Homeopathy
Allopathy: Allos (against); pathy (disease).
* Uses chemicals / drugs to ‘treat’ symptoms (not the disease).
* Views symptoms as the disease and is, therefore, ‘reductionist’.
* Treating a symptom means to suppress a symptom (disease).
* Suppressions drive the disease deeper into the body.
Homeopathy: Homeo (same); pathy (disease)
* Cures like with like.
* Uses specifically prepared substances to facilitate the body’s own healing process.
* Treats the whole person.
* Views symptoms as an expression of disease, not as THE disease.
Who formulated the
‘Law of Similars’ and what is it? (support your answer with an example)
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843)
The Law of Similars (or ‘like cures like’) was created giving birth to homeopathy.
* Bee venom for a bee sting (Apis mellifica).
* Coffee for insomnia (Coffea cruda).
* Onion for watery eyes and a runny nose (Allium cepa).
* Snake venom for a snake bite (Lachesis mutus).
Using the The Law of Similars (‘Like with Like’), explain why would you treat a fever using lukewarm water (like), instead of Cold water?
- As fever is hot (like), use lukewarm water (like), dab person’s skin to mimic the body’s natural way of cooling the body (perspiration).
- Cold water suppresses fever. The healing process takes longer.
It is, therefore, best to apply the law of ‘like cures like’.
Using the ‘The Law of Similars’ how would you treat a sunburn and a burn?
Cool down slowly, Apply warmth, drink something warm. Heat stroke needs tepid applications. Avoid shocking the body with cold applications.
Apply something warm (like). To use cold is a ‘shock’ (and suppression of symptoms).
What is the suppression of symptoms in Allopathic Medicine.
Suppression: “One gets the manifestation of an illness to disappear, without having healed the illness” (S. Hahnemann).
Explain clearly why is its not a good idea to suppress symptoms?
- If symptoms are suppressed, the body finds different ways to express itself. The results are deeper-seated problems which are more detrimental to body functions and longevity.
- Suppression masks the illness and drives it further into the body. For example, consider metastases as a result of cancer treatments.
- Emotional symptoms can also be suppressed and can cause severe physical conditions.
Give 4 ways suppression can occur ?
- Suppression of emotions.
- Suppression of natural body secretions.
- Topical applications.
- Surgical removals.
- Suppression of recurring infections.
- Suppression of fever and pain.
- Suppression of natural immunity.
What are the side effects of topical applications using corticosteroids?
- Compromise the immune system and weaken adrenal function.
- Inhibit waste elimination through the skin.
- Applied to eczema lesions can develop as asthma, allergies and candida.
What are the side effects of topical applications using coal tar / zinc creams (for eczema / psoriasis)?
- Can incite skin eruptions to spread more superficially.
- Does push the disease deeper causing anxiety, candida, allergies and asthma.
Note: In cases of zinc deficiency, treat the cause.
What can result from the surgical removals of tonsils?
It often results in chronic throat infections potentially spreading rapidly to become chest infections, digestive disorders such as ‘SIBO’ or heart problems. The immune system is compromised.
What can result from the surgical removals of warts, cysts?
- Often leads to the formation of benign tumours / growth elsewhere deeper in the body (e.g., fibroids, intestinal / nasal polyps)
- Warts often return later and in greater quantity.
Note: Warts can be easily treated using herbs or homeopathy (thuja).
What can result from using radiotherapy and chemotherapy?
They are highly toxic and suppresses the immune system.
What are the adverse effect of pain and fever drugs?
- Drugs such as paracetamol (Calpol) can cause the disease to spread and delay recovery.
- Cold wraps could induce convulsions.
Note: Warm wraps are better as they follow the homeopathic Laws of Cure: ‘Like with like’.
What are the disadvantage of using painkillers?
- Painkillers only mask diseases.
- Tens of thousands of people die every
year from adverse effects of pain killers.
As a Naturopath, how would you explain the cautious use of Antibiotics?
- Antibiotics can be life-saving in certain conditions. However, they are hugely over-prescribed, which contributes to the development of ‘superbugs’ that are increasingly resistant to current antibiotics.
- Antibiotics disrupt the intestinal flora and may lead to long-term digestive and immune issues.
- There are also links to neurological disturbances.
Note: World Health Organisation (WHO): “We are coming close to a ‘post-antibiotic era’ in which many diseases become almost impossible to treat with antibiotics”.
The body has the intelligence and power to restore itself to health (providing it is allowed to do so).
How long does it take for the:
a) brain
b) blood
c) liver
d) skin
e) bone
f) stomach mucosa
to renew themselves?
a) brain: 1 year
b) blood: 4 months
c) liver: 6 weeks
d) skin: 1 month
e) bone: 3 months
f) stomach mucosa: 5 days
What migh the body be manifesting in regards to the following Acute symptoms:
- Fever
- Diarrhoea
- Skin reactions
Acute symptoms can be manifestations of the body’s self-healing mechanisms:
- Fever is a reaction of the body to fight disease.
- Diarrhoea is an attempt at getting rid of unwanted toxins.
- Skin reactions shows the pushing out of toxins.
What are Hering’s Laws of Cure? Explain with examples.
1) From inside out:
* For example, a boil formation clears toxins from the inside to the exterior away from more vital organs.
2) From more serious organs to less serious ones:
* For example, from the lungs (asthma) to skin (eczema)
3) The mind gets better before the body:
* For example, anxiety starts improving before IBS does.
4) Symptoms disappear in the reverse order to when they arrived.
e.g. Frequent diarrhoea, headaches and poor concentration. Headaches and concentration improved first then diarrhoea.
5) From above to below.
E.g. Rheumatoid arthritis. It had been particularly aggressive and progressed from distal finger joints to wrists. Now showing inflammation in elbows.
With nutrition, the elbow pain ceased and
the wrist pain slowly began to improve, then the pain in the finger joints improved.
Briefly explain Coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis and compare and contrast the allopathic approach to the naturopathic approach?
It is a pathology where plaque forms inside the coronary arteries, obstructing the blood flow to the myocardium.
Allopathic approach:
* Removing plaque through surgical procedures; using drugs to prevent plaque formation; ignoring the cause of the disease.
Naturopathic approach:
* Correcting diet and lifestyle that caused the problem and, therefore, decreasing or even removing the plaque.
Outline the condition of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus?
It is a pathology characterised by
hyperglycaemia, associated with insulin resistance. It is a result of improper diet and lack of exercise.
Insulin resistance:
* Cells become unresponsive to insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. More insulin is produced until the pancreas cannot produce any more.
Main causes of insulin resistance:
* Excessive processed carbohydrates (fructose and grains, especially wheat); trans fats / hydrogenised fats; low levels of dietary fibre; lack of physical activity; dehydration, etc.
Compare and contrast the allopathic approach to the naturopathic approach for Type 2 Diabetes mellitus? Also explain the potential effects of those approaches?
Allopathic approach:
* Drugs like metformin that decrease insulin resistance and / or lower blood sugar levels, minimal dietary changes.
* Side effects: Weight gain, increase of cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, ↑ risk of cardiovascular disease.
Naturopathic approach:
* Applies more comprehensive dietary changes (and supplements) which naturally lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin resistance. Exercise and stress reduction programme.
* Effects: Improved cholesterol and blood pressure readings, weight loss, reduced cancer risk.
By using your knowledge about the Chinese Body Clock what organ might be associated with:
- A headache getting worse between 1pm and 3pm.
- Always waking up at around 3am to 4am.
- Having less energy around 6pm to 8pm.
- Nappy rash worse around 7am
1-3pm - Small intestine
3-4am - More likely to be liver (note lungs start at 3-5am- e.g. for an asthma attack 4am)
6-8pm - Kidneys and Pericardium
7am - Large intestine/ Stomach
Compare and contrast Traditional Chinese Medicine with Modern Western Medicine stating clearly their aims?
* Based on centuries
of clinical observation
* Individualised (patient-centred)
* Emphasises stimulating the
body’s self-healing mechanisms
* Holistic — looks at the
person as a whole
Primary aim: Maintain health
Modern Western Medecine
* Based on experimentation
* Standardised
* Based on medication and
* Reductionist: looks at the
structure and functions of individual parts
Primary aim: Manage disease
Give TWO examples where a symptom is
treated and not the cause.
- Headache: given painkillers without adressing cause e.g. toxicity
- Heavy periods: given the pill without addressing hormonal imbalances
- Eczema: given steroids and or antihistamine without addressing microbiome, intolerances
Explain The Yin and Yang concept in TCM and how it relates to food?
Yin and Yang is the core of Chinese medicine.
* A healthy meal should achieve a balance of Yin and Yang
* Yin and Yang are opposites, but not in absolute terms.
- Generally, foods are either more:
‒ YIN (cool, contracting, cooling in property) or
‒ YANG (warm, expanding, warming in property)
Nothing is entirely Yin or Yang. E.g., raw foods are Yin when compared to warm stews, but Yang compared to ice cream.
Describe the constitution of Yin Foods (relate your answer to the seasons)
- Cold and cooling foods.
- Plant foods in general.
Foods with low calorific value such as fruit, green vegetables, seaweed. - Wet or sweet foods are more Yin.
- Refined foods are more Yin, whilst also having less Qi.
- Raw food is generally more Yin and better tolerated in the summer.
- Foods that grow in the spring and summer are generally cooling (Yin) in quality and, therefore, should be eaten in season.
The nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes, aubergines, bell peppers) and sweet tropical fruit are particularly Yin
Describe the constitution of Yang Foods (relate your answer to the seasons)
Warm and warming foods.
* Foods with a higher calorific value including red meats. Meats, in general, are more Yang than plant foods.
- Chocolate, tea, coffee and alcohol.
- Black pepper, ginger, chilli, onion, garlic.
- Most root vegetables are warming (Yang) in quality and good to be eaten during autumn and winter.
- Fresh food has more Yang energy, which also enhances the Qi, whereas processed or stale food has more Yin energy (and weakens the Qi)
Explain the ‘Relativity’ concept with Yin and Yang foods supporting your answer with examples
- Although fish is generally considered Yin, it is not Yin in relation to more Yin foods like raw vegetables.
-In comparison to raw vegetables, fish is Yang. - Foods in the same family (e.g., fruit) can be more or less Yang / Yin — sweeter is usually more Yin. Bitter fruit can be less Yin.
- Different texts can give you different groupings of Yin / Yang for particular foods / drinks. Wine is considered Yin by some and Yang by others. The initial effects of wine can be warming / heating Yang but excessive use can create problems associated with excessive Yin — depression, numbness, lethargy, phlegm.
Give 2 examples each of Yin and Yang conditions with the cause.
Yin conditions: lethargy, anaemia, feeling cold.
* Caused by excess of sugar,
raw foods or not enough food;
Yang conditions: acne, high blood pressure, migraines.
* Caused by excess of animal products, hot spices or alcohol;
Give one food example in each:
* Hot (Yang)
* Warm (Yang)
* Neutral Cool (Yin)
* Cold (Yin)
for a vegetarian?
- Hot (Yang)- Red Chilli
- Warm (Yang)- Ginger, Green pepper, Onion
- Neutral Cool (Yin) -Carrot, Cauliflower, Yam,
- Cool (Yin)- Broccoli, Cabbage, Celery
- Cold (Yin)-Mung beans, Sprouts, Cucumber
Fish is generally considered cold (Yin) as it spends much time in water. How would you bring balance to a fish dish?
Cook it with ginger (Yang) to warm up the
dish and give it balance.
For someone who has excess heat (Yang) or inflammation in their body, what food preparation methods can you advise to help them to reduce inflammation by increasing Yin?
Juicing, blending, grinding and other processing generally increases the Yin of foods.
Explain the concept of Macrobiotic diet in TCM?
This postulates that health can
be achieved by balancing your
diet with foods that are closest
to the balance point (neither
extreme Yin nor Yang).
What does the macrobiotic diet emphasise?
The macrobiotic diet
emphasises chewing food
completely and avoiding
the use of a microwave.
From a TCM principle, what will be the advice/considerations as to the meal plan for clients with the following constitution:
- Yin
- Yang
- Neutral
- A Yang-type person usually can eat all Yin type food with no ill effect, but may easily get a nose bleed with a small amount of Yang-type food.
- A Yin-type person needs boosting or nourishing types of food (more Yang).
- A neutral person is generally healthy and will have strong reactions only after overconsumption of certain foods.
Give 4 examples of heating foods which stimulate the metabolism?
Garlic, onions, horseradish, ginger
Chicken, eggs, duck, lamb, aged cheeses.
Wheat, sesame seeds, walnuts
Lemon, apples, olives.
Identify the nature of the following food and what impact they will have on metabolism?
Bananas, most tropical fruit, lettuce, cucumber, melons, watermelon, milk and dairy products, fresh cheeses, yoghurt, mint, fish.
These are Cooling foods.
They sedate the metabolism and relieve excess heat
A client exhibits excessively oily skin. Which food you would consider eliminating in their diet, at least for the short term?
‘Wet’ foods: those which are rich,
oily, moistening and emollient.
– Milk and dairy products, bananas, avocados, coconut, fresh cheeses, yoghurt.
If a client comes to you with excess fluid in their body, what type of food you might consider, giving 2 examples?
Dry foods: those which are either
physically dry or aid the body in eliminating excess fluids.
Most beans, soybeans, chickpeas,
pomegranates, asparagus, dried
fruit, aged cheeses.
A client wishes to gain weight. Which foods you would explore reducing in their diet?
Rice cakes, popcorn, corn, sunflower seeds.
Note: Light foods produce lightness, alertness and agility in the body, but in excess, they can lead to light-headedness and weight loss
A client wishes to lose weight but also has a lack of motivation to exercise, which food you would explore reducing in their diet?
Meat, wheat, aubergines, greasy fried foods.
Note: Heavy foods (of high quality) can give strength and durability to the body, but most commonly they produce sluggishness, heaviness and
drowsiness and are difficult to digest
Explain the effects of long-term steroid use on the body?
- Compromise the immune system
- Weight gain
- Weaken adrenal function
- Muscle weakness
- Sleeping difficulty