1. Histology of the Endocrine Organs Flashcards
Which hormone is secreted by somatotropic cells?
Growth hormone.
What is contained within the thyroid follicles?
(Storage form of T3 and T4.)
What are secreted by chromaffin cells, and where are they located?
What embryological layer do they come from?
Epinephrine and norepinephrine.
They are located in the adrenal medulla.
Neural crest cells.
What is the name for the thin stalk connecting the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus?
The infundibulum.
Which hormones are secreted by gonadotropic cells?
Follicle stimulating hormone.
Luteinizing hormone.
What embryonic layers give rise to the pituitary?
Two different layers of ectoderm – just ectoderm.
What are the two ways thyroid hormone accomplishes its own negative feedback?
The effect of thyroid hormone (e.g. increased body temperature) decreases the amount of thyroid releasing hormone secreted by the hypothalamus.
Also thyroid hormone can directly inhibit the binding of thyroid releasing hormone on the anterior pituitary.
What would you have to do to tell apart epinephrine cells from norepinephrine cells?
Perform electron microscopy.
The norepinephrine cells are much more electron dense (darker) than epinephrine cells.

What two structures come together to form the pituitary gland?
Rathke’s pouch – from the ectodermal placode.
The infundibulum from the diencephalon.
Identify this organ.
What two types of cells are shown here?
This is the parathyroid gland.
The cheif cells are smaller and more basophilic. The oxyphil cells are larger and “poofier.”

What occurs in patients with excess production of growth hormone both before and after their growth plates close?
Before the growth plates close, excess production of growth hormone can cause the individual to grow as tall as 8 feet.
After the growth plates close, excess growth hormone leads to the enlargement of the extremities and organs (acromegaly)
Which ventricle of the brain is surrounded by the hypothalamus?
The third ventricle.
What blood flow system allows for influence of the pancreatic acinar cells by the islets of Langerhans?
The insuloacinar portal system.
What are the layers of the adrenal cortex from external to internal?
Zona glomerulosa.
Zona fasciculata.
Zona reticularis.
What are the three blocked out parts of the anterior pituitary called?

What are the three types of stimuli that can control hormonal release?
Humoral stimuli.
Neuronal stimuli.
Hormonal stimuli.
What hormones are secreted by corticotropic cells?
Adrenocorticotropic hormone.
Melanocyte stimulating hormone.
What kind of hormones are produced in the zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and zona reticularis?
Zona glomerulosa = mineralcorticoids [aldosterone].
Zona fasciculata = glucocorticoids [cortisol].
Zona reticularis = androgens.
(“Salt, sugar, sex. The deeper you go the sweeter it gets.”)
Histologically, what does the pineal gland consists of?
Calcified granular material.
What four ways does parathyroid hormone increase blood calcium levels?
Stimulates osteoclasts to resorb bone.
Increases calcium retention by the kidneys.
Stimulates the kidney to activate vitamin D (inactive vitamin D -> calcitriol).
Increases calcium absorption by the intestine.
What is the primary issue in Cushing’s syndrome?
What are the main symptoms? (9 things)
Hypersecretion of glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisol) because of either an adrenocorticotropic hormone secreting pituitary tumor or a tumor in the adrenal cortex.
Swollen face, fat redistribution (buffalo hump and moon face), high glucose levels, weight gain, sweating, thinning skin, muscle weakness, lethargy, depression of the immune and inflammatory responses.
What sort of stimulus causes the release of epinephrine?
Neuronal stimulus – sympathetic nerve fibers to the adrenal medulla.
What is found just posterior to the crossing of the optic nerves?
The hypothalamus.
Which of the cells of the anterior pituitary are basophilic?
What four targets does the hypothalamus affect directly?
The anterior pituitary gland.
The kidney and uterus.
The adrenal medulla.
(Note that oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone are released within the posterior pituitary from the neurons of the hypothalamus)
What is the name for the adenohypophysis’ portion of the infundibulum?
Pars tuberalis.
Which of the cells of the pars distalis are acidophilic?
What are the four cell types of the endocrine pancreas?
What does each one produce?
Alpha cells (glucagon).
Beta cells (insulin).
Delta cells (D cells) (somatostatin).
F cells (pancreatic polypeptide).
What is secreted by parafollicular C cells?
Where are they located?
What are they derived from embryologically?
Parafollicular C cells secrete calcitonin.
They are located next to the follicular cells of the thyroid gland.
They’re derived from neural crest cells.
Identify the organ.
What feature gives this organ away?
Notice the thyroid follicles.
What structure gives rise the posterior pituitary?
Neural tube – specifically diencephalon.
What two hormones are secreted in the posterior pituitary?
How is T3 and T4 stored and released by the thyroid gland?
Thyroglobulin is produced and iodinated at the apical surface, forming T3 and T4 which remains bound to thyroglobulin in the follicular lumen.
When stimulated by TSH, thyroglobulin is internalized by endocytosis and degraded, freeing T3 and T4 – which is then released into the circulation
In what bony structure does the pituitary gland rest?
In the hypophyseal fossa (a.k.a. sella turcica) of the sphenoid bone.
What are herring bodies?
Axonal nerve terminals in the pars nervosa that are holding hormones (ADH/oxytocin) and waiting for the signal to release them.
Name the following labeled portions of his histological image.
(The labels have been blocked out.)

Part distalis.
Pars nervosa.
Pars tuberalis.
Part intermedia.
Cyst intermedia.
What are the indirect targets of hypothalmic hormones?
Thyroid gland.
Adrenal cortex.
Mammary glands.
Gonads (testes or ovaries).
Bone and other organs.
How can we tell the different zones of the adrenal cortex apart?
The zona glomerulosa appears kind of spherical.
The zona fasciculata appears to run external to internal in columns.
The zona reticularis appears to be much more omnidirectional (reticular).
The medulla is more basophilic.
Where do we find the parathyroid glands?
On the posterior aspect of the thyroid, often with one pair on each side toward the inferior aspect of the posterior thyroid.
What is the basic issue in Addison’s disease?
Hyposecretion of glucocorticoids and mineralcorticoids.
What is synthesized by the pineal gland?
Melatonin and serotonin.
Are the axons in the infundibulum myelinated or unmyelinated?
They are unmyelinated.
What are the three classes of hormones?
Peptide/protein hormones.
Biogenic amines.
Steroid hormones.