1) General Survey Flashcards
When does the general survey begin?
- When the nurse first meets the patient
- Observing behavior, appearance, and mobility
What is the general survey?
- The first step in physical examination
- Provides information about illness characteristics, hygiene, body image, emotional state, weight changes, developmental status
What should the nurse do if abnormalities are noted in the general survey?
- Closely assess the affected body system later during physical examination
What should be assessed when interacting with the patient?
- General appearance
- Behavior
How do age and gender affect the examination?
- They affect the type of examination performed
- They affect the manner assessments are made
- Certain conditions are more likely based on gender/characteristics
What signs of distress should be noted?
- Signs indicating pain (grimacing, splinting area)
- Signs of breathing difficulty (shortness of breath, retractions)
- Signs of anxiety (fidgeting, pacing)
What should be observed about the patient’s body type?
- If they appear trim/muscular, obese, or excessively thin
- Body type reflects health level, age, and lifestyle
How should normal standing and sitting posture be observed?
- Standing: upright, parallel hips/shoulders
- Sitting: some shoulder rounding
- Note if slumped, erect, or bent posture
What should be noted about an older person’s posture?
- May have stooped, forward-bent posture
- Hips/knees flexed, arms bent raising arm level
How should gait be observed?
- If ambulatory, observe walking into room/bedside
- Note if movements coordinated or uncoordinated
- Arms normally swing freely, head/face lead body
What body movements should be observed?
- If movements purposeful
- Any tremors in extremities
- Any body parts immobile
How should hygiene and grooming be assessed?
- Note cleanliness of hair, skin, nails
- If clothes are clean
- Amount/type of cosmetics used
What factors affect the type of clothes a person wears?
- Culture
- Lifestyle
- Socioeconomic level
- Personal preference
How should clothing appropriateness be assessed?
- Note if clothing is appropriate for temperature/weather conditions
- Depressed or cognitively impaired may not choose proper clothing
- Older persons tend to wear extra layers due to cold sensitivity
What can cause an unpleasant body odor?
- Physical exercise
- Poor hygiene
- Certain disease states