1 - Game theory Flashcards
What key assumptions makes a preference relation rational?
- completeness = 2 alternative outcomes can be ranked
- transitivity = can rank all outcomes and there is consistency in ranking
What makes a decision maker rational?
- there exists a utility function which represents a rational preference relation over outcomes (preference relation is represented by payoff function
- he chooses action a that maximises their utility
What are the rational choice assumptions?
- knows all possible actions
- knows all possible outcomes
- knows how each action affects which outcome will materialize
- has rational preferences over outcomes
what are uncertain outcomes?
when outcomes are uncertain = payoffs defined over random outcomes, you dont know what outcome will prevail
- if a roll a dice - uncertain what the outcome will be
What is the difference between certain and uncertain outcomes?
- probabilities to outcomes
- independence axiom
- continuity
what is the independence axiom?
I weakly prefer X to Y if I weakly prefer a lottery with p chance of getting pX and 1-p of getting z –> to a lottery with p chance of getting Y and 1-p chance of getting Z for all p between 0 and 1
= you will always prefer a gamble of x over y
what is the continuity axiom?
if you prefer outcome x1 to x2 and you prefer x2 to x3 then there exists a lottery with p chance of x1 and 1-p chance to x3 which you like exactly as much as getting x2 with certainty
when does a utility function
if players preference satisfies completeness, transitivity, continuity, independence
What are the assumptions of a static game
- normal form game
- players independently choose once and for all actions
- conditional on players choices their payoffs are distributed
- outcome = intersection of payoffs
- everybody knows all possible actions of each player
- all possible outcomes
- preferences of every player over outcomes
- payoffs
what is a normal form game?
2 player game
has finite players
set of pure strategies
payoff functions for each player that give a payoff value to each combi of the players choices
- choose independently and simultaenously
- matrix represents strategies and their outcomes
what is a pure strategy?
a deterministic plan of action
what is a dominating strategy?
the best choice regardless of the other persons choice
- s2 is strictly dominated by s1 if for any possible combination of the other players strategies payoff from s1 is greater than s2
- no matter what the other person does s1>s2
will a rational player ever play a strictly dominated strategy?
when do you use iterated elimination of strictly dominated strategies?
it is common knowledge that no player will play a strictly dominated strategy
- so can use IESDS to get rid of dominated plays
- creating smaller restricted game
what is a best response
the strategy that produces the most favourable outcome for a player given what the other player is doing
- the strategy pays a higher payoff than any other strategy conditional on the other persons choice