1. Fundamentals of Clinical Dermatology Flashcards
List 6 Functions of the Skin.
Which of the following statements regarding wound healing is false?
List 6 factors relevant to ask when taking a history for skin cancer.
Which of the following terms could be used to describe these lesions?
= Plaque/Scale/Erythema
Which of the following statements about the skin examination are true?
Which of the following statements are TRUE?
Describe the hair follicle response to androgens in:
- Pre-pubertal children?
- Puberty?
- Middle age?
- Females?
- Pre-pubertal children: do not have terminal hair in the axillae or genital area, and the boys do not have facial hair.
- Puberty: Hair grows in the axillae and anogenital areas, and men may develop more profuse hair all over the body.
- Middle Age: from middle age, androgens turn frontal scalp hair from terminal hair to vellus hair.
- Females: After menopause develop facial hair.
List the 4 phases of hair growth/regeneration?
What is the paronychium?
What is the lanula?
4 Phases of wound healing?
Define the following terms:
- Macule?
- Bulla?
- Patch?
- Pustule?
- Papule?
- Abscess?
- Nodule?
- Weal?
- Plaque?
- Comedone?
- Vesicle?
Define the following terms:
Define the following terms:
What is the Kobner phenomenon?
A linear eruption arising at the site of trauma.