1 Fuel Policy Flashcards
Pre flight planning. What is the basic Tenant of BA fuel policy?
To land at 2 airfields or 2 RWYs at the same airfield with at least reserves in tanks. The commander must take into account any information upto the point of dispatch. OMA 8.18.1-20
What is the weight change line on OFP used for?
For an increase in ZFW upto 5T
More than 5T increase requires a new cirrus.
OMA 8.18.2
Define Reserve Fuel
Reserve fuel is the minimum fuel required to be remaining in tanks at normal landing.
Calculates as 30 minutes holding fuel at 1500 ft clean at Planned Landing Weight at the Alternate Airfield or destination if no alternate is required.
Define contingency fuel?
1) SCF 99%, 95% or 5 mins holding fuel @ 1500’ at PLW
2) No ERA - 5% x trip fuel or 20 mins flying time at planned trip consumption.
3) ERA avail - 3% x trip fuel or 20 mins flying time at planned trip consumption.
In all cases a minimum of 5 mins holding fuel @ 1500 ft clean at PLW
OMA 8.18.10
How can you dispatch with a last minute increase in fuel without refuelling?
1) CI 0
2) Reduce below statistical taxi fuel
3) reduce contingency fuel to a minimum of 5 minutes
4) Dispatch without a destination alternate
OMA 8.18.16
How can you dispatch without a destination alternate?
a) planned flight time less than 6 hrs
b) 2 independent runways
c) Visibility ETA +/- 1 hr = 5 km
d) Cloud ceiling ETA +/- 1 hr = 2000’ or circling + 500’
e) Increase reserve fuel by 50% (ie diversion fuel is replaced by 15 mins holding at 1500 ft)
OMA 8.18.8
What flight time and temperature at destination would need you to look at the tankering winter restrictions?
1 hr 15 mins - 4 hrs
OAT at destination is -2 C to + 10 C with preciptation or high himidity (Dew Point within 2 C of OAT)
further details in OMA 8.18.19
What are the fuel penalties for changing the Cirrus weights?
1) Use cirrus wt change line or 3% / HR
2) Inc ZFW = T+C+D+R( times) x 4%
3) Inc Div = T+C(times) x 4%
4) inc Fuel = T(time) x 4%
OMA 8.18.20
Define a fuel shortfall in flight?
If a fuel check shows that the aircraft will land at destination with less than Div + Res (less than total reseve)
OMA 8.18.23
If you might land with less than Div+Res what should do?
1) Reduce fuel consumption (CI 0?)
2) Select a closer destination alternate
Or land somewhere else ie divert
OM A 8.18.23
How can you continue towards destination when a fuel check indicates less than Div+Res?

Define landing assured.
A landing can be completed in the event of any forecast WX deterioration AND any plausible single failure of any GND AND airborne facilities
(eg a failure which would downgrade the planned ldg status from Cat 3A to Cat 2)
OM A 8.18.23
What does a minimum fuel call to ATC mean?
Having committed to an aerodrome, any change to the existing clearance to that commited aerodrome may result in landing with less than reserve
OMA 8.18.24
What is a fuel emergency?
MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY FUEL and fuel remaining in mins, when landing at the nearest Aerodrome is calculated to be less than Reserves.
OMA 8.18.24
An altitude of 4000 ft below the optimum incurs a penalty of XX % of fuel.
Same question but 8000 ft below optimum
4000 ft below — Approx 5 %
8000 ft below — More than 10%
Flight more than XXXX ft above optimum FL is unlikley to be efficient except in the case of unusualy large difference in wind component
2000 ft
Flight above optimum FL is relatively LESS or MORE efficient than flight below optimum FL
LESS efficient
OM A 8.18.21
The penalty for carriage of extra fuel is about XX % of extra fuel per hour of flight
3 %
OM A 8.18.18
if there is a likelihood of a diversion at destination, then fuel should normally be carried to allow the XXXXX alternate to be reached with normal reserves
Commercial alternate
OM A 8.18.18
At any time, possible to reach….
Possible to reach at least 2 aerodromes at which landing is assured
if within 6 hours:
Possible to arrive at destination with at least reserve fuel + 15 mins holding fuel IF:
2 seperate rwys are available and usable at the destination
ETA +/- 1hr: Vis will be at least 5 km AND ceiling at least 2000 ft or circling ht + 500 ft, whichever is the greater
If destination within 2 hrs flying time:
2 seperate rwys are considered to be equivalent to 2 aerodromes, provided account is taken of any likely ATC delay
At any time, the flight may continue to destination or hold, regardless of the number of runways, as long as landing is assured and it is possible to reach the destination with at least Reserve fuel remaining at touchdown
Forecasts should be used tp assess the probability of ldg success when more than XX hours from the relevant aerodrome
Within XX hours, YYY may be used
2 hours
2 hours, actual weather reports and trend infomation may be used
In theory, a SCF of 95% impies that…
95% of flights would land with all their diversion and reserve fuel intact
Australian rules for extra fuel carriage:-
If weather at destination is forecast to be worse than its own alterante minima….
… extra fuel must be carried to cover the NOTAM-ed traffic holding period at the Alternate
Destination Alternate or ERA
Lowest minima available - CAT 2, OTS Cat 2 and Cat 3 - planning minima becomes:
Cat 1 RVR
NB: cloud ceiling is not a factor
Destination Alternate or ERA:-
Lowest minima available - Cat 1 and LTS Cat 1 - planning minima becomes:
NB: Ceiling shall be at or above MDH
NB: Ceiling refers to either BKN or OVC cloud
Destination Alternate or ERA:-
Lowest minima available - non precision approach (NPA) - planning minima becomes:
NPA RVR/VIS + 1000 m
Ceiling shall be at or above MDH + 200 ft
NB: Ceiling refers to BKN or OVC only
Destination Alternate or ERA:-
Lowest minima available - circling approach - planning minima becomes:
No change - stays at circling minima
ETOPS planning minima
For a precision approach, add XXX ft to the DA and XXX m to the RVR/VIS
DA + 200 ft
RVR/VIS + 800m
ETOPS planning minima
For a non precision approach, add XXX ft to the DA and XXX m to the RVR/VIS
DA + 400 ft
RVR/VIS + 1500 m
ETOPS planning minima
What do the planning minima additives become for CAT 2/3 Etops alternates?
DA + 200 ft
RVR/VIS + 800m
OM A: 8.21.5
Policy for diversion to LGW
Between when and when should aircraft NOT divert to LGW until advice has been sought from Ops Control
Beginnimg of May till the end of September
The 4 types of LIDO airfield classifications are:
BA destination
Aircraft Emergency
For USA, Canada and Saudi, replanning a new destination alternate IN FLIGHT, the weather must be forecast to be better than…
… the appropriate alternate minima.
NB: If an in-flight diversion is made, the alternate becomes the diversion and normal destination minima apply
OM A 8.2.5.n
T/O Alternates Planning Minima - all States apart from USA, Canada, Saudi
Normal op minima apply - eng failure considerations must be considered.
The ceiling must be taken into account when the only approaches are XXX
NPA and/or circling
Destination Aerodrome Planning Minima
Which RVR applies?
For NPA or circling approaches what else applies?
Normal operating RVR applies
Cloud ceiling at or above the minimum specified on the IAC