1: Ethics Flashcards
I(A) Knowledge of Law: Compliance for individuals
- keep informed
- review compliance procedures
- maintain current copies of laws
- know applicable laws
- seek legal advice
- document any violation
I(A) Knowledge of Law: Compliance for firms
- establish/implement a code of ethics
- provide employees with materials on applicable laws and regulations
- provide written procedures for reporting alleged violations
I(A) Knowledge of Law
- understand and comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations etc.
- comply with stricter law
- disassociate from any violation and report to relevant authorities
I(B) Independence and Objectivity
- use reasonable care and judgment to achieve and maintain objectivity
- never offer, solicit or accept any gift/compensation etc that could compromise their own or another’s I&O
I(B) Independence and Objectivity: Procedures of compliance
- protect integrity of analysts’ opinions
- create restricted list
- restrict cost arrangements (unless commercial transport is not available)
- limit gifts and gratuities (i.e. token items are ok)
- restrict investments
- establish review procedures
- develop formal policy
- appoint a senior officer
Restricted List
a list of companies for which only factual information, as opposed to analysts’ judgments, is provided to the public; this list would consist of companies about which analysts have negative opinions that their firms do not want circulated
I(C) Misrepresentation
must not knowingly make any misrepresentations relating to analysis, recommendations, actions or other professional activities
I(C) Misrepresentation: Compliance procedures
- making accurate presentations
- providing qualification summary
- verifying outside information
- maintaining webpages
- establishing plagiarism policy (keep copies of all reports/materials used, give credit of work to source, attribute any summarized material to its source)
I(D) Misconduct
must not engage in any conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, or deceit
Sidey: personal bankruptcy, as long as it does not involve fraud or deceit, does not necessarily reflect on a person’s integrity or trustworthiness.
I(D) Misconduct: Compliance
- establish and/or implement code of ethics
- provide employees with a list of potential breaches and associated disciplinary consequences
- check references of prospective employees
II(A) Material Nonpublic Information
must not act or cause others to act on material nonpublic information
Sidey: information is not considered material if the effect of the information on the price of a security is unclear.
Sidey2: not all information on social media platforms is considered public as some require membership to access information. members/candidates must verify that material information obtained from membership based platforms can also be accessed from a publicly available source.
Mosaic theory
involves using many sources to collect and examine information; this process involves the use of both public and nonmaterial , nonpublic information.
II(A) Material Nonpublic Information: Compliance
- distribute information publicly
- adopt compliance procedures
- adopt disclosure procedures
- issue press releases
- establish firewalls
- formalize interdepartmental communications
- physically separate departments
- prevent overlap of staff
- establish a reporting system
- limit or prohibit personal trading
- maintain records
- establish prop trading procedures
- communicate with employees
II(B) Market Manipulation
must not engage in practices that distort prices or artificially inflate trading volume with the intent to mislead market participants;
Sidey: buying/selling thinly traded securities to exploit inefficiencies is not a breach of this Standard.
Information-based manipulation
- includes distributing false information to stimulate trading by other market participants (e.g. pumping and dumping - involves enticing others to buy a security so that its price increases and then later dumping the security)
Transaction-based manipulation
- includes distorting market prices to imply trading activity in securities or gaining a controlling position in a security for the purpose of manipulating the security or an associated derivative security
III(A) Loyalty, Prudence and Care
have a duty of loyalty to their clients; exercise prudent judgment; act for the benefit of their clients (above employer’s or their own interests)
members/candidates who have direct/indirect access to a client’s funds are said to have custody of client assets
Soft commissions
using client brokerage to purchase research services; paying the brokerage firm through commission revenue rather than actual cash payments
III(A) Loyalty, Prudence and Care: Compliance
- regular account information
- client approval
- firm policies
III(B) Fair Dealing
equal treatment for ALL clients when it comes to investment recommendations and investment actions
Sidey: must not support or promote “whisper numbers” - firm’s unofficial/unpublished earnings estimate
III(B) Fair Dealing: Compliance
- limit the number of people who know that information is soon to be released
- reduce the time between the decision to make a recommendation and its dissemination
- publish guidelines for pre-release of recommendations
- strive for simultaneous distribution of recommendations
- keep a list of clients and their holdings
- develop and document trade allocation procedures
- publish trade allocation procedures
- establish systematic account review by supervisors
- disclose to clients the different levels of service offered, if they exist, whether for the same or different fees
III(C) Suitability
this specifically applies to those in an investment advisory capacity;
key components include:
- develop an investment policy (i.e. age, occupation, risk tolerance levels, investment constraints, investment goals)
- understand client’s risk profile
- update investment policy (at least once a year)
- need for diversification
- addressing unsolicited trading requests
- managing to an index or mandate
III(C) Suitability: Compliance
- Develop an Investment policy statement
- Make regular updates (if unable to complete a review due to circumstances beyond their control, advisors should record their attempt at doing so)
- Develop suitability test policies