Common associated disease or condition names
Intestinal amebiasis, amebic colitis, amebic dysentery, extraintestinal amebiasis
e trophozoite exhibits rapid, unidirectional,
progressive movement, achieved with the help of ______________________
finger-like hyaline pseudopods
The single nucleus typically contains a small central mass of chromatin known as _________
karyosome (karyosomal chromatin)
The karyosome of this amebic parasite is surrounded by chromatin material, a morphologic structure called ___________ ____________.
peripheral chromatin
Progressive, finger-like
Number of nuclei
Small and central
Peripheral chromatin
Fine and evenly distributed
Finely granular
Cytoplasmic inclusions
Ingested red blood cells
The E. histolytica trophozoite contains a ____________ ____________ __________, which is often referred to as having a ground glass in appearance.
finely granular cytoplasm
Young cysts characteristically contain unorganized chromatin material that transforms into squared or round-ended structures called _____________
chromatoid bars
structures that contain condensed RNA material.
chromatoid bars
It is a cytoplasmic area without defined borders that is believed to represent stored food, is also usually visible in young cysts
glycogen mass
Nuclear variations during maturation
- eccentric (rather than the typical central) karyosomes
- thin plaques of peripheral chromatin, or
- a clump of peripheral chromatin at one side of the nucleus that appears crescent shaped.
The mature infective cyst is
RBCs, bacteria, yeast, and other debris are not found in the cyst stage.
Laboratory Diagnosis
- traditional wet preparation
- permanent staining techniques
- sigmoidoscopy procedure
- hepatic abscess material