1 – Diagnosis Critical Care Flashcards
How do you do clinical diagnosis?
-different stages of “maturity”
>novice: more formal techniques
>”experts”: more pattern recognition (cannot be transferred via book learning)
Clinical diagnosis and pattern recognition
-interplay between exam and patterns
-tend to prioritize most likely differentials automatically
-have enough in repertoire to know when pattern doesn’t fit
-efficient but can be wrong
*type 1 thinking (FAST)
What is deductive reasoning?
*type 2 thinking (SLOW)
-need to be an expert to know which clues are MOST important
-novice can’t see the forest for the trees
-establish a hypothesis from initial clues
-use physical exam or other info to prove or disprove theory
-often generated by experts
-formalized diagnostic approach
-can be helpful for complicated cases (common in clinical pathology)
What is metacognition?
-thinking about thinking
Type 1 thinking
-vulnerable to error
-highly affected by context
-high emotional involvement
-low scientific rigor
Type 2 thinking
-high reliability
-less prone to error
-low emotional involvement
-high scientific rigor
Why can’t we always be Type 2?
-not reactive enough
-can be draining and requires increase in energy expenditure (“brain fatigue”)
-brain takes 20% of our resting metabolic rate
-*outside influences can change it (ex. if didn’t get a good sleep)
Why is there error in vet med?
-wide range of disease, often similar signs
-interruptions or distractions
-sleep and food deprivation
-time pressure
-diagnostic uncertainty
-financial issues
*not usually what we know but what we THINK
What are some different types of bias?
-blind spot
Framing bias
-if positive experience=don’t think about it as much likely
Availability bias
-easiest to recall
Anchoring bias
-reliance on first piece of info given “tunnel vision”
Outcome bias
-you have seen something, you have seen it to work so you continue to use it (even if studies have shown it doesn’t work)
-Ex. metronidazole and diarrhea
Blind spot bias
-bias that you do NOT know you have a bias
-IKEA bias: if you put something together yourself, it will be better than if someone else did