1. Define and discuss the qualities of an effective teacher Flashcards
Exam essay question 1
What is the topic for paragraphs 1 and 2?
Personal (affective) qualities
What number is the AITSL standard for paragraph 1?
What does AITSL standard 2 state?
Know the content and how to teach it
What are the points for paragraph 1? A teacher should…
- Be confident and knowledgeable
- Never stop learning and show it to the students
What number are the AITSL standards for paragraph 2?
4 and 4.1
What does AITSL standard 4 state?
Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
What does AITSL standard 4.1 state?
Support student participation
What are the points for paragraph 2? Teachers need to…
- Create a safe environment in which children feel they can give their opinion and answers
- Be approachable - create a tone in the classroom where people are not afraid to give answers
- Be optimistic and encouraging
- Be patient
What is the overall topic for paragraph 3?
Classroom management
What number are the AITSL standards for paragraph 3?
3 and 3.5
What does AITSL standard 3 state?
Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
What does AITSL standard 3.5 state?
Use effective classroom communication
What are Kounin’s principles?
- Withitness- ‘giving the students the impression that the teacher is aware of all that is happening in the class’
- Overlappingness- ‘the teacher’s ability to do two or more things at the same time.’
What else should be discussed in paragraph 3?
- Applying the rules fairly and consistently
- Kounin’s principles
What is the overall topic of paragraph 4?
Effective teaching strategies