1. Def P.H & Global burden of disease Flashcards
First Definition of Public Health? (Person & Def)
Prof. CEA Winslow USA (Bacteriologist) 1920
P.h is all about: Science &Art of :
- preventing disease
- prolonging (verlängern) life
- promoting physical health
WHO Definition
Public health refers to:
- all organized measures (public or private) -
- to prevent disease, promote health
- prolong life - among the population as a whole
How can we achieve the WHO definition?
- aim to provide conditions in which people can be healthy
- focus on entriere populations
- not only individual pat/diseases
Public Health Supports Conditions in which people can be healthy Basics P:H Grafik beschreiben
3 Basic Principles of Public Health?
- Population perspective
(Focus group people, population rather than one individual)
- Ethics
(Proportionality, no-harm principle, protection of most vulnerable groups)
- Evidence Based
Timelines & Milestones
- Ancient Greece 500-323 BC
- Roman EMpire 23BC-476 AD
- Middle Ages 467-1450 AD
- Birth of Modern Medicine 1650-1800
- Great Sanitary Awakening (18-1900)
- Modern P.H 20-12st century
Anciente Greece (500-323BV)
Did what for P&H?
- Aesculapius : symbol of medical prfession
- Person hygiene & fitness
- Maturalistc concept
Did what and when?
460-377 BC - Ancient Greece time
Father of western medicine = Hippocratic oath
He realized:
- Proclaimed causal relationships between health /& enviroment
- Disease &climare, water, lifestyle, nutrion
- 4 vital bodily fluids
Roman Empire 23BC - 476AD)
What have they done for PH?
Gret engineers
- Aqueducts
- transportation of water from source to villages
- Complex system of sewers (Kanalisation)
- Sanitation & hygiene & Admin
- Public baths
- Water supply
- Markets
- reporting systems in place
Middle Age
Was when?
What happend in this time?
476-1450 AD
Shift away from Greek & Roman values one step back!!
- Decline of hygiene & sanitation
- no rubbish collection
- butchers in the street
- no drains (Entwässerung)
- no toilts in poor areas
- No knowledge added
When was that?
Why is it important for PH?
14th Century
Black Death = killed 25-50% of the total population
- Beginnings of public healths tools
- Isolation pat, cleaning of areas with lime (Kalk)
- Quarantine or isolation
Birth of Modern Medicine
- Time
- What happend
Edward Jenner & Smallpox (Pocken)
- 1749 England
- Father of Immunology
- Smallpox killed a lot of childrean
- Variotion = he took material from sick person to infect healthy
- 1796 : first vaccination
Great Sanitary Awakening
What happend
Health related consequences of industrial revolution
- Slums, overcrowding, bad housing, lack of drainge & sewerage
Focus on sanitation & changing physical enviroment=
- Water supply, monitoring community health status
Despite lack of scientific knowledge= Major developments in communicable disease control (TB, Cholers,Smallbox)
Hour of birth of Epidemiology, P;H
- Ignanz Semmelweiss (Childbed) & Joh Snow (cholera)
Social Medicine
- Edward Chadwick
Ignaz Semmelweis
1818-1865 Vienna
Child bed fever was a big problem , mortality women after childbirth 25%
Required physicians & med studens to wash hands & brush fingernails
Hygiene in hospitals
Contribution (beitrag) to the germ theory
John Snow
1832 London Cholera
- Cholera epidemic led to the birth of public health in England around 1840
- Growth of scientific knowledge
- fundamental concepts of epidemiology
Snow studied the epidemiology of cholera in London and discovered role of polluted (verschmutzt) drinking water