1. Data Structure (and method) and Basic operation Flashcards
8 basic datatypes
int, float, bool, str
list, tuple, set, dict
ordered sequence of objects
ordered immutable sequence of objects
unordered unique objects
set cannot be retrieved by index
either cast it to a list or tuple unpacking
{“k1”: a , “k2” : b}
unordered key:value pairs
key can be number
index: power of 2
Remainder: 7 mod 4
not equal
and == means equal
integer division / floor division
// 11.9 // 3 = 3
line continuation
‘this is a \
line continuation’
block comment
may only work in Jupyer
line comment #abc
user input
myvar = input()
always returns string
create variable dynamically
for i in range(9):
exec(f”g{i} = Grid({i})”)
In place function
Act direct and does not return anything
List.sort() -> original list is sorted
cast to different data types
int(string) list(string) str(int) str(list) -> this is stupid set(list)