1. Creation and collapse of the Weimar Republic 1918-33 Flashcards
Nature/style of government in Imperial Germany
Autocracy - supreme power was concentrated on one individual - Kaiser Wilhelm II.
Imperial Germany constitutional reforms
Extended the vote to women and lowered the age from 25-20
Made both the ministers and the army responsible to the government not to the kaiser
Kiel mutiny
October 1918: navy refused to sail against the British fleet - set off strikes/mutinies
Protests in favour of a fairer, socialist system of government and an increase in freedom of speech and civil liberties.
Result of Kiel mutiny
9th November 1918 - Germany was declared a republic
Government set up after the abdication?
The Council of People’s Representatives - 10th of November 1918
The Council of People’s Representatives nature/style of government
Ebert became chancellor with a cabinet of SPD and USPD
Ebert-Groener Pact
The army would support the government as long as the government opposed the more left-wing ideas of parties in the Reichstag - result of disruption and unrest
Reforms by the Council of People’s Representatives
eight-hour working day, allowed independent trade unions, widened health and unemployment benefit + fixed elections for January 1919
The Spartacist Revolt
Uprising broke out in Berlin in January 1919: Ebert moved the government to Weimar for safety - dealt with by the Freikorps
Results of the January 1919
SPD did not get the majority and could only govern with a coalition - formed with the Centre Party and the German Democratic Party (DDP)
The structure of the Weimar Constitution
- SPD - Largest party in the Reichstag from
1919 to 1929 - Ebert elected first President of the
Republic in February 1919 - Government was still meeting in Weimar
as returning to Berlin felt too dangerous
Treaty of versailles
signed on 28th June 1919 - made the government unpopular as resentment of the treaty was widespread
Weaknesses of the Constitution - political parties
It took only 60,000 votes to gain a seat - very democratic but did not take into account the more parties there were, the more difficult for the Reichstag to work effectively (29 different political parties during the 1920s).
Weaknesses of the Constitution - proportional representation
Each party got the same percentage of seats in parliament as the percentage of votes it received in an election which meant there were lots of small parties in Parliament making it difficult to pass laws and led to weak and often short-lived governments. Also gave a voice to extremist parties
Weaknesses of the Constitution - coalitions
Between 1919-1923 there were nine short-lived coalitions - each party focused on their own aims/interests rather than working together so governments spent a lot time arguing
Between 1924-1929 - governments changed less often - there were just six different coalitions