1. Corporate Governance Flashcards
What is CG?
Process of supervision and control to ensure that company mgmt acts in interest of stakeholders
Objectives of CG
- transparency
- participation
- legal adherance
- effectiveness
Need for CG
8 points
- Inc investor trust
- Inc in global market share
- inv in enterprise valuation
- inc in financing from institutions
- inc in accountability
- reduction in risk of scandals
- combat competition
- improves corporate performance
Requirements to strengthen CG
8 points
- Bankruptcy Law
- Accountability of Board
- Audit
- Director independence
- Inc in efficiency
- Report on CG
- Awareness.
- Rights of minority shareholders
Why is CG benefecial
6 points
- inc in fin performance
- cost reduction
- improves brand image
- attracts employees
- inc sales
- improves productivity and quality
Features of CG
6 points
- Const of commitee
- Monitor strategic decisions
- board system and procedures
- SH democracy
- Value orientation
- Structure of board
OECD guidelines
- Effective legal and regulatory framework
- Equal treatment of shareholders
- Transparency and disclosures
- Relations with stakeholders
Core elements of CSR policy
- Care for all stakeholders
- Ethical functioning
- Respect for workers rights and welfare
- Respect for Woman rights
- Respect for environment
- Activities for social and inclusive development
Difficulties faced by PSU
4 points
- Board of directors-bureaucrats-decision making diff
- Directors- not professionals- no expertise- efficiency
- Dif- to attract experts- limitations- impact
- Diff- implement gov practices-pol int- sick units
Key features of Kumar Manglam Birla Commitee
- Audit committee
- Freq of meetings and quorom
- Independent and Nominee directors
- Disclosure of material events
- Disclosure of price sensitive info
- Declaration of quarterly results
- Providing info in DIR reg utilisation of funds
- Appt of compliance officer
- Strengthening disclosure norms for IPO
- Copy of abridged balance sheet to shareholders
Cadbury Report (1992)
7 points
- Scandals-FRC,LSE, - Committee on Fin Asp ,CG
- Chaired my Adrian Cadbury-reported-Dec 1992
- Operation of main board
- Est, Comp and Operation of key board committees
- imp and cont of non exec directors
- reporting and control mechanisms
- code of best practises- comply or explain - UK comp
Greenbury Report (1995)
5 points
1, size of rem package-inconsistent and incomplete disclosure- annual reports
- discussion- how much- how useful- diclosures
- focus on public ltd companies
- strengthening acc and perf of directors
- achieved by- rem comm , perf rewards
Hampel Report ( 1998)
6 points
- review - cadbury and greenbury
- extent-consider-stakeholders-
- dir- accountable to SH, resp for relation with SH
- meet- legal duties-long term sh value- stk relations
- emphasized role of inst investors
- inst investor-think- vote resolutions- no box ticking
Benefits of sustainability reporting
TRC - 4 points
- transparency and accountability
- reputation and brand value
- competitive advantage
- legitimating of corp activities
Issues regarding MoU system in CPSE
- Impact of external environment
- Scientific setting of base target
- Lack of MoU as business review tool
- Lacks the ability to foster CG
- PSU lack in CSR initiative
- Exisiting balanced scorecard not suitable
- Lack of ability to introduce new products
Risk and uncertainty in WLCC
11 points
- Dynamic, ongoing process-stochastic assesment
- Constructed facility- feasability to disposal
- Complex decisions- multi objectives and alternatives
- Long term impacts-numerous disc and dec makers
- Project cost, design, op dec parameters est early
- No robust framework-risk,decisions- eval process
- Building related inv- uncertainty-costs and savings
- Uncertainty- input- actual outcomes-diff- established
- Tech for est cost of wrong project
- Deterministic tech - sensitivity and break even
- Probabilistic tech- quantify risk exp- prob
German CG
9 points
- Insider, dual board system
- Mgmt board and supervisory board
- mgmt board- managing enterprise
- chairman co-ord mgmt board- resp for mgmt of ent
- sup board- appmt,supervise, advise mgmt board
- sup board- decisions of fundamental imp to ent
- members of sup board elected by SH directly
- 1/3 or 1/2 of employee in sup board
- emp rep- not good- hold back decisions-
- interest of comp>employees eg: closing factory
Japan CG
8 points
- bubble- burst- SH lost wealth, banks problems
- govt- confidence- banks,stocks,FDI,growth- CG
- banks-influence-both german and japan
- Chakram- obligation, family and consensus
- JCGC- Revised CG Code- 2001
- TSE- Princples of CG for LS- 2004
- banks replaced- struct boards-resp auditors-act SH
- Six areas of improvement- SH as owners,utilising capital effeciently, Independent supervision, Pre emption rights, Poison pills , take over defence, SH voting and meeting
Corporate Citizenship
4 points
- Business strategy -shapes values-mission-choices- executives,managers,employees-engage-society
- Minimize harm-Maximize benefit- Be accountable– Support strong fin results.
- focus- membership of corp in pol,soc,cul community
- focus on delivering key message- CSR and CC