1 Corinthians Flashcards
1 Corinthians: An Introduction and Commentary (Schreiner)
1 Corinthians 1
A. Greeting (1:1–3)
B. Thanksgiving (1:4–9) - ADDRESSING PROBLEMS IN THE CHURCH (1:10–6:20)
A. Exhortation for church unity (1:10–4:21)
i. Strife over ministers (1:10–17)
ii. Strife and wisdom (1:18–2:16)
a. The cross and wisdom (1:18–25)
b. Wisdom and calling (1:26–31)
1 Corinthians 2
c. Preaching and wisdom (2:1–5)
d. True wisdom revealed (2:6–16)
1 Corinthians 3
iii. Strife and wrong estimates of ministers (3:1–9)
iv. God’s judgment of ministers (3:10–17)
v. The foolishness of secular wisdom (3:18–23)
1 Corinthians 4
vi. The role of ministers (4:1–5)
vii. Rebuke for worldliness (4:6–13)
viii. Admonition to repent (4:14–21)
1 Corinthians 5
B. Problems of church purity (5:1–6:20)
i. Exhortation to discipline (5:1–13)
a. Situation and response (5:1–5)
b. Old Testament foundation (5:6–8)
c. Explaining the admonition (5:9–13)
1 Corinthians 6
- Ungodly lawsuits (6:1–11);
- The body the Lord’s temple (6:12-20)
1 Corinthians 7
A. Marriage matters (7:1–24)
i. Instructions for the married (7:1–7)
ii. Instructions for the unmarried and widows (7:8–9)
iii. Instructions regarding divorce (7:10–11)
iv. Instructions regarding divorce when married to an unbeliever (7:12–16)
v. Principle: remain in your calling (7:17–24)
B. Instructions about virgins (7:25–40)
i. A measured response (7:25–28)
ii. Eschatological realities and implications (7:29–31)
iii. The advantages of singleness (7:32–35)
iv. Final words on virgins (7:36–38)
v. A concluding thought (7:39–40)
1 Corinthians 8
C. Idol food: edification and danger (8:1–11:1)
i. Edifying brothers and sisters (8:1–13)
a. Love and knowledge (8:1–3)
b. Significance of the oneness of God and lordship of Christ (8:4–6)
c. Do not scandalize the weak (8:7–13)
1 Corinthians 9
ii. Paul’s example (9:1–27)
a. Paul’s legitimacy as an apostle (9:1–2)
b. Arguments supporting apostolic payment (9:3–14)
c. Paul’s refusal to accept payment (9:15–18)
d. The rationale for Paul’s cultural adaptation (9:19–23)
e. Self-discipline to receive the final reward (9:24–27)
1 Corinthians 10
iii. Danger to ‘knowers’ (10:1–22)
a. Israel’s example and the danger of apostasy (10:1–13)
b. Flee idolatry (10:14–22)
iv. Instructions for eating private meals (10:23–11:1)
1 Corinthians 11
D. Order and worship (11:2–34)
i. Women’s adornment (11:2–16)
a. Proper adornment (11:2–6)
b. Theological foundations (11:7–12)
c. An argument from nature (11:13–16)
ii. The Lord’s Supper (11:17–34)
a. Scandalous behaviour (11:17–22)
b. Tradition of the Lord’s Supper (11:23–26)
c. Call to self-examination (11:27–32)
d. Final words (11:33–34)
1 Corinthians 12
E. Spiritual gifts (12:1–14:40)
i. Unity and diversity (12:1–31a)
a. Lordship of Christ (12:1–3)
b. Diversity of gifts (12:4–13)
c. Unity and diversity of the body of Christ (12:14–31a)
1 Corinthians 13
ii. Love: the pre-eminent way (12:31b–13:13)
a. Gifts useless without love (12:31b–13:3)
b. Description of love (13:4–7)
c. Permanence of love (13:8–13)
1 Corinthians 14
iii. Purpose of gifts: edification (14:1–40)
a. Prophecy superior to tongues (14:1–5)
b. Unedifying: untranslated languages (14:6–19)
c. Function of tongues and prophecy (14:20–25)
d. Order in worship (14:26–36)
e. Final admonitions (14:37–40)
1 Corinthians 15
F. The resurrection (15:1–58)
i. The gospel and the witnesses to Christ’s resurrection (15:1–11)
ii. Resurrection of Christ and believers indivisible (15:12–19)
iii. Christ as the firstfruits of the final resurrection (15:20–28)
iv. Experiential arguments for resurrection (15:29–34)
v. Foolishness of denying the resurrection body (15:35–58)
a. Analogies to the resurrection (15:35–41)
b. Discontinuity between the present and the future body (15:42–49)
c. Promise of future transformation (15:50–57)
d. Final exhortation (15:58)
1 Corinthians 16
G. Collection for the believers in Jerusalem (16:1–4)
- CONCLUSION (16:5–24)
A. Travel plans (16:5–9)
B. Timothy and Apollos (16:10–12)
C. Exhortations (16:13–18)
D. Greetings (16:19–21)
E. A warning, grace and love (16:22–24)