1. Consonant Sounds Flashcards

Sounds like “k”

Sounds like “r”

(a more accurate sound is produced by pressing the tongue up against the soft palate and making a voiced sound)

Sounds like “sh”

Sounds like ”s”

Sounds like “t”

Sounds like “t”

This letter has no sound.

Sounds like “v”

Sounds like “b”

Sounds like “g”

Sounds like “d”

Sounds like “h”

Sounds like “v”

(This “consonant” also can function as a vowel, and sometimes even functions as both consonant and vowel at the SAME TIME!)

Sounds like “z”

Has no English equivalent but is made by forcing air through the space between the back of the tongue and the soft palate.

Sounds like “t”

Sounds like “y”

(This consonant also appears often as a vowel and usually adds an “ee” sound when it does. You will always know when it functions as a consonant because only then will it have a vowel of its own.)

Sounds like “k”

Has no English equivalent but is made by forcing air through the space between the back of the tongue and the soft palate.

Has no English equivalent but is made by forcing air through the space between the back of the tongue and the soft palate.

This form only appears at the end of a word.

Sounds like “L”

Sounds like “m”

Sounds like “m”

This form only appears at the end of a word.

Sounds like “n”

This form only appears at the end of a word.