1) Complex functions, derivatives and integrals Flashcards
What is the definition of an open disc in the complex plane
What is an open set and closed set
- D is an open set if for every a ∈ D there exists ε > 0 such that D(a;ε) ⊂ D
- A set Z is closed if its complement 𝐶 \ Z is open
What is the definition of a path between two points in 𝐶
A path from z0 to z1 in 𝐶 is a continuous function γ:[a,b]→C
such that γ(a)=z0 γ(b)=z1
When is an open set connected
An open set D is connected if given any two point z1, z2 ∈ D, there exists a path from z1 to z2 entirely contained in D
What is a domain
A non-empty set D ⊂ C is said to be a domain if it is open and connected
Give some examples of domains
(i) C itself is a domain
(ii) Any open disc D(a; r ) is a domain
(iii) An annulus {z ∈ C | r1 < |z − z0| < r2} is a domain
(vi) A half-plane such as {z ∈ C | Re(z) > a} is a domain
What does it mean for a function f:D→C to be continuous on a domain D
What are some common special domains in complex analysis
What does it mean for a function f:D→C to be differentiable at z0
What does it mean for a function f:D→C to be holomorphic on a domain D
A function f is holomorphic on D if it is differentiable at every point in D
What is the relationship between differentiability and continuity in complex analysis
If f is differentiable at z0, then f is also continuous at z0
Describe the proof that a differentiable function is also continuous
How is a complex function f:D→C expressed in terms of its real and imaginary parts
What are the Cauchy-Riemann equations, and what are their significance
What is closed path (or closed loop)
Let γ : [a,b] → C be a path. If γ(a) = γ(b) then we say that γ is a closed path or a closed loop