1. Colonization of Americas Flashcards
When did the French & Indian war start?
1a. The French and Indian War
When did the French & Indian war end?
1a. The French and Indian War
What conflict was the French & Indian war a part of?
1a. The French and Indian War
The 7 Years War
What was the main cause of the French & Indian war?
1a. The French and Indian War
Ongoing frontier tensions
What region did both countries claim before the French & Indian war?
The area in which the war was fueled.
1a. The French and Indian War
Upper Ohio River Valley
What did the French do in response to the border dispute before the French & Indian war?
1a. The French and Indian War
Build forts
Why did the French build forts before the French & Indian war?
1a. The French and Indian War
to strengthen their claim
What did the British do in response to the French fortification?
1a. The French and Indian War
sent troops to expel the French under General George Washington, but were defeated
What did the British PM call for in response to the defeat in North America?
1a. The French and Indian War
a quick undeclared retalitory strike.
How did the French hear about the counterattack before the war?
1a. The French and Indian War
the plans were made public, thus escalating the skirmish into a full-scale war
Who were the opponents on each side of the war?
1a. The French and Indian War
British Side: Great Britian, its colonists, the Iroqouis Confederacy
French Side: France, its colonists, Native Allies, Spain (from 1761)
Who was commander-in-chief of British North America?
1a. The French and Indian War
General Edward Braddock
Alienated all potantial native allies and colonial leaders failed to cooperate with him. Later died in a failed expedition to capture Fort Duquesne
What important victory did the French score in 1756?
1a. The French and Indian War
the capture of Minorca
When did the British invade and conquer Canada?
1a. The French and Indian War
When was the Family Compact signed?
1a. The French and Indian War
August 15, 1761
Signed by the French King and Spanish King Charles III
What did the compact state?
1a. The French and Indian War
Spin will declare war on Britain unless the war ended before May 1, 1762
When did the British declare war on Spain?
1a. The French and Indian War
January 4, 1762
What treaty ended the war and what did it state?
1a. The French and Indian War
The Treary of Paris (1763) stated that the the British will have all French territory east of the Mississippi River and Spanish Florida
the belief in the benefits of profitiable trading
see also: protectionism, taxing imports
1c. Mercantalism
Why did Europeans explore/colonize the Americas?
1d. Reasons for exploration and colonization
God (spreading Christianity), Gold (money), Glory (wealth and power)
Why did Britiain explore/colonize Europe?
1d. Reasons for exploration and colonization
God (religous freedom), Gold (economic oppurtunites), Liberty (politial liberty)
When was Jamestown(e) established?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
When did the journey to Jamestown begin?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
December 10, 1607
What ships did the men set sail on?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
The Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and The Discovery
When was the site chosen?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
May 13, 1606
Why was the site chosen?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
it was surrounded by water on 3 sides, it was far inland, the water was deep enough to park ships, and it was uninhabited by the natives
Who was on the council of Jamestown?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
Edward Maria Winfield (president), Bartholemew Gosnold, Christopher Newport, John Martin, John Ratcliffe, George Kendall, John Smith
When was the fort completed?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
June 15, 1606
What did the fort consist of?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
A triangle with a bulwark at each corner. Each bulwark will have 4-5 pieces of artilery.
When did Capt. Newport leave?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
June 22, 1606
Why did Wahunsenecawh give the English food?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
The English had no food
Why did the relationship between the English and Powhatan indians sour?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
The English began to demand food
When was the Starving Time?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
Winter of 1609 - 1610
What was the Starving Time?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
A period of time when the English didn’t leave their fort out of fear of death. As a result, they are anything they could get their hands on, including (but not limited to) rats, shoes, and other settlers who died
Who arrived in May 1610 to Jamestown from Bermuda and found the settlement in ruins (and later abndoned the settlement)?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
Sir Thomas Gates
He and all other settlers decided to leave Jamestown, but after hearing word that a new fleet would come, retuened to Jamestown
Who arrived with the new fleet and proclaimed governor for life?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
Lord Deleware
Who was Governor Yeardly?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
A governor in Jamestown who called for the first representive legislative assembly; the first representice form of government in America
In 1612, who introduced a new strain of tobacco seeds from elsewhere?
1e. Jamestown, 1607
John Rolfe
What were the New England Colonies?
1h. New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies
New Hampshire, Massachussets, Rhode Island, Connecticut
What were the Middle Colonies?
1h. New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies
New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Deleware
What were the Southern Colonies?
1h. New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
What was the Virginia House of Burgesses?
1i. Virginia House of Burgesses
The elected represented element of the Virginia general assembly
When was the Virginia House of Burgesses established?
1i. Virginia House of Burgesses
Who and when was the Virginia House of Burgesses succeded by?
1i. Virginia House of Burgesses
The Virginia House of Delegates in 1776
What was the Mayflower Compact?
1j. Mayflower Compact
The first governoring document of Plymouth Colony
What were the Fundemental Orders of Conneticut?
i1k. The Fundemental Orders of Conetticut
fundemental orders signed by people of connecticuit (woah)
When was the Fundemental Orders of Connecticuit signed?
1k. The Fundemental Orders of Conetticuit
around 1639
Why was Thomas Hooker important?
1l. Thomas Hooker
he founded the conecticuit colony :o
Why was William Penn important?
1m. William Penn
he founded the province of pennsylvania :D
What happened to many Native populations in America?
1n. Native Americans
They were sold to slavery :(