1. cardiac A & P 3/6 Flashcards
anatomy of heart:
1. how large is it?
- the size of your fist
2. the sternum and costal cartilages of 3rd, 4th, 5th ribs
- what is the Point of Maximal Impulse?
2. what may be palpated there?
- where the apex projects anteriorly and inferiorly
toward the left 5th intercostal space. - S1 may be palpated here.
the heart is rotated so that what ventricle makes up most of the anterior surface?
right ventricle
- what is the pericardium?
2. what are the 2 layers of the pericardium?
- A fibrous, double-walled sac that surrounds the heart and roots of the great vessels
- Composed of a visceral portion (contacts outer portion of heart) and an outer parietal portion (adheres to the fibrous pericardium)
- what is the paricardial sac?
- what is in it? How much? what does it do?
- what can happen to this “space”?
1.Pericardial sac -A thin potential space that separates the visceral and parietal pericardium
2• Contains 10-25 ml serous fluid that lubricates the heart allowing for free movement
3• In disease states, space can fill with blood and/or fluid, compress the heart, and decrease cardiac output. i.e. cardiac tamponade
- what does the right atrium do?
2. what vessel is located there?
- Right Atrium-Reservoir for the RV, receiving deoxy’d blood from SVC and IVC.
- Coronary sinus- largest venous channel
- what is job of right ventricle?
2. what vessel nourishes it?
- Right Ventricle: Ejects blood into pulmonary arteries for O2 and CO2 exchange.
- what is the job of the left atrium?
2. what is the atrial contraction called & How much of output is it responsible for?
- Left Atrium-Reservoir for oxygenated blood
2. Responsible for 20-30% LVEDV via the “atrial kick”
- what is the left ventricle?
2. what is the thickness of the LV in comparison to the RV?
- Left Ventricle Receives oxygenated blood from LA and distributes to the body
2• 2-3x the thickness of the RV
- what is the myocardium?
- what type of muscle is in the myocardium?
- what are the three layers of the myocardium?
- Myocardium
Refers to the muscular cells of the heart that are arranged in 3 layers. - The myocardium has characteristics of both skeletal and smooth muscle.
- epicardium (outer) myocardium (middle) endocardium (inner)
- what part of the endocardium is most at risk for damage during MI?
- why?
- subendocardium
2. gets oxygen supply during diastole (diastole is most affected by rate changes, shorter diastole=less oxigenation).
- AV valves =name them, what sound does their closure make?
- where is the left valve located?
- where is the right valve located?
1• mitral and tricuspid; S1
2• Mitral- Left 5th interspace just medial to midclavicular line
3• Tricuspid -lateral to lower left edge of the sternum
Semilunar valves
- what are the Semilunar valves ? what sound does closure make?
- where is the left ventricles valve?
- where is the right ventiricles valve?
- aortic and pulmonic; S2
- Aortic- Right 2nd interspace close to sternum
- Pulmonic Left 2nd interspace close to sternum
- what is s1?
- what is s2?
- S1 = closure of antrioventricular valves (mitral and tricuspid)
- S2 = closure of semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonic)
atrial waveforms:
- what is an “a” wave?
- what is a “c” wave?
- what is a “v” wave?
1• a = contraction of the Right atrium
2• c = pressure of the ventricular isovolumetric contraction on the tricuspid valve
3• v = passive filling of the R atrium
- what are the only branches that come off the ascending aorta?
- Coronary blood flow through the coronary circulation is controlled by?
- The only way to increase oxygen delivery to the myocardium is to…?
1• Coronary Arteries
2• the factors that determine oxygen supply and demand
3• increase blood flow
Left Main, what is another name for it?
Left Coronary Artery
Left Anterior Descending (LAD):
1. what ekg leads show the areas it supplies?
2. what areas does it supply (4 areas)?
- V3-V5
- (4 areas supplied by LAD):
• Right bundle branch
• Left bundle branch
• Anterior and posterior papillary muscles (mitral)
• Anterolateral left ventricle
1. what leads show the area the circ supplies?
2. what area does it supply?
- I and VL
2. Lateral left ventricle
Right Coronary Artery:
1. what ecg leads show the area it supplies?
2. what does the RCA supply?
3. what does occlusion of the RCA cause (besides pain)?
- Supplies the posterior heart (RV and RA) and part of the left ventricle.
• Supplies the AV and SA Nodes before terminating on the inferior surface of the heart as the Posterior Descending Artery.
• Will also see conduction changes with occlusion of the RCA.
1. what vessel supplies the PDA (most of the time)?
2. what is it called when the PDA is supplied by the RCA?
3. what is it called If the PDA is supplied by the circumflex?
4. what is it called If the PDA is supplied by the both the RCA and circ?
- In 70- 85% of people, the RCA gives rise to the posterior descending (PDA) which supplies the superior-posterior interventricular septum and inferior wall.
- -If the PDA is supplied by the RCA = “Right coronary dominant”
•If the PDA is supplied by the circumflex = “Left coronary dominant”
•If the PDA is supplied by the both the RCA and circ = “co-dominant”
VESSELS: Coronary sinus 1. what is it? 2. where is it located? 3. are coronary VEINS shunt flow?
- The largest venous channel
- Located between the AV orifice and the valve of the inferior vena cava.
- Coronary veins are not shunt flow
- What are thebesian veins?
- what is special about them?
- what is “shunt blood”?
- thebesian veins- venous drainage from the heart, combined with
bronchial and pleural venous flows, contributes to the normal 1-3% of shunt, empty into coronary sinus. - only the thebesian veins are considered shunt flow because they have blood combined with pleural and bronchial flow.
- shunt blood is blood that HAS ALREADY HAD OXYGEN EXTRACTED from it.
- what is unique about coronary blood flow?
- what does the force of LV contraction do to blood flow?
- how is CPP (coronary perfusion pressure) calculated?
- when is the LV perfused? how much of it during this phase?
- when is the RV perfused?
- what part of the heart is most at risk for ischemia with decreased CPP?
- Coronary perfusion is unique because that it is intermittent, not continuous like other parts of the body.
- The force of LV contraction almost completely occludes the coronary arteries.
- CPP is determined by the difference between aortic diastolic pressure and ventricular pressure: DP-LVEDP= (50-120 usually)
- the LV is perfused almost entirely (75%) during diastole
- the RV is perfused during both systole and diastole.
- The endocardium is most at risk for ischemia when there are decreases in CPP
- blood flow to the heart is ___% of C.O.; what is (brain, liver, kidneys, muscles, skin & intestines)?
- what is a normal CBF (coronary blood flow) in cc/min?
- Blood flow to the heart is 5% of CO
(Brain 12% Liver 24% Kidney 20% Muscle 23% Skin 6% Intestines 8%) - CBF 225-250 cc/min
- Coronary blood flow normally parallels what?
- formula for CPP=
- how much is extracted during diastole?
- what factor regulates cpp at what range?
- myocardial metabolic demand.
- DP-LVEDP (diastolic pressure minus left ventric end diastolic pressure)• CPP=(50 or 60 mmHg-120mmHg)
- *75% occurs during diastole
- Autoregulation in the myocardium is regulated between 50/60-120mmHG.
- what is coronary MV02?
- how many mL/min/___ grams?
- what is the biggest determinant of myocardial blood flow?
- myocardial volume of oxygen (demand)
- Coronary MV02 8-10 ml/min/100 grams
- Myocardial oxygen demand is usually the most important determinant of myocardial blood flow.
- how much of the oxygen delivered to the myocardium is extracted?
- if the heart needs more oxygen (increased metabolic demand), how does it get it?
- The myocardium extracts 65% of the oxygen in arterial blood that is delivered to it.
- If the heart needs more oxygen, it must be met by increasing coronary blood flow.
- What is the effect of volatile anesthetic agents on coronary blood flow?
- what is it rumored that VAs do to coronary blood flow?
- Direct vasodilators
- Reduce myocardial metabolic demands (mVO2)
- Reduce blood pressure (decrease both preload and afterload)
2. that volatile agents cause coronary steal HOWEVER, there is no proven evidence.
Cardiac Conduction System (Chronotropy):
- what conducts the cardiac rhythm?
- what is different morphologically between these cells and the other cardiac cells?
- within the myocardium lies a specialized conduction system comprised of special striated muscle cells that automatically initiate and coordinate the cardiac rhythm.
- These cells have fewer myofibrils than other cardiac muscle cells
SA node→
what is is? where is it?
Specialized pacemaker cells in the sulcus terminalis at the junction of the RA and the SVC.
what connects the SA node to the AV node?
internodal branches
AV node→(delay here to allow for filling)
- what prevents the ventricles from being stimulated when the atrium is stimulated?
- what keeps the impulse from going elsewhere?
- where is the AV node located?
- The Fibro-fatty atrioventricular groove insulates the ventricles from the atrial impulse.
- The AV node is the only normal gateway of conduction to the ventricles.
- Located in the septal wall of the RA.
what are the next conducting structures after AV node til conduction is done?
bundle of his→R and L bundle branches→Purkinje system
Structural and Regulatory Proteins:
- Myocardial cells are made of___?
- how does a cardiac muscle contract?
- what form of energy is needed for this process?
- sarcomeres, just like skeletal muscle cells.
- -calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum→
- binds to troponin/tropomyocin→
- sites on the myocin heads are uncovered→
- allows actin and myocin to bind - ATP is needed for this process
- what determines force of contraction of cardiac cells?
- what must cells do maintain in order to maintain optimal C.O.?
- what does that mean for the heart (in a nut shell)?
- what kind of patient would you see this in?
- what is this optimal length?
- Troponin C’s affinity for calcium determines the force of contraction of the cells
- Myocardial cells must maintain a length-force relationship in order to establish optimal CO.
- the more stretched out the myocardial tissue, the further apart the actin and myosin heads are (cant latch)
- CHF with boggy heart
- Optimal sarcomere length=2-2.4 um (micrometers)
- what is found in the heart in order to facilitate the propagation of action potentials?
- How does cardiac depolarization spread?
- what are Action potentials?
- Areas of low resistance are present between myocardial cells
- rapidly through the myocardium in syncitium.
- they are contractile responses to electrical impulses.
Ventricular Cells
- what is the normal resting membrane potential of a ventrical cell?
- what is the normal flow between sodium and potassium?
- what maintains this concentration?
- what is the permeability of K+ during resting phase?
- so what happens?
- The normal ventricular cell RMP is -80 to -90 mV.
- 3 Na+ out for every 2+ K+ in
- Atp pump maintains this concentration
gradient (ATPase) - During rmp, the cell is more permeable
to K+ (d/t leak channels)
-so more K+ moves outside of the cell and keeps the inside “more negative”
Phases of the Action Potential (part 1)
- what is the first phase ?
- what happens to sodium
- At what mV do Na+ gates open?
- Phase 0- depolarization
- Rapid Na+ influx
- Na+ gates open at -70/-65mV
Phases of the Action Potential (part 2)
- what is the second phase?
- what happens to change in voltage
- what happens to ion gates (sodium and calcium)
- Phase 1- initial repolarization
- Overshoot-change from +2-+30
- Na+ gates close, Ca++ entry begins