1. Britain and the colonies 1760-1763 Flashcards
Which states were grouped as New England?
Massachusetts, New hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut
Which states were grouped as middle states?
Pennsylvania, New york, New Jersey, Delaware
Which states were grouped as southern states?
Georgia, South Carolina, North carolina, Virginia, Maryland
What was the approximate population of the 13 colonies in 1760? What fraction of the population was English?
2.3 million total, approximately half were of English heritage.
What was the colony with the largest population in 1763?
500,000 in Virginia
What was the colony with the smallest population?
30,000 in Georgia
Approximately how many people immigrated to the 13 colonies between 1700 and 1763?
About 400,000
- List the four main Factors behind the mass population growth in the colonies in the 18th century?
- High Birth Rate
- Low death rate
- Immigration
- Land excess allowed for growth and expansion
- Name the 5 largest towns in the colonies in 1760?
- Boston 2. Philadelphia 3. New York 4. Newport 5. Charleston
- To what extent did colonies govern themselves in 1760?
In some aspects
- The governor was chosen by the king who chose upper house.
- Lower house elected by very wide franchise.
- Colonies usually left to own devices.
- How democratic were colonial governments in 1763?
- Between 50 and 90% of white men could vote in every state
- Elected house representatives made local decisions
- In some New England states, local matters were decided by democratic town meetings.
- What is salutary neglect?
- Britain mostly left the colonies alone (friendly relationship with little interaction).
- 3000 miles apart made it hard to govern.
- Why did the colonies economy grow between 1650 and 1770?
- Increased interstate trade.
- Credit from britain to support manufacturing of certain goods.
- Population increase meant more farms and more businesses.
- More overseas demand for things produced in the colonies.
What was the hat act? And when was it passed?
Hat act of 1732 prohibited colonial production of hats which competed with British production. Limited economic growth in New England.
7a. What were the main sources of trade in New England?
Fisheries, Distilleries, Shipbuilding
7b. What were the main sources of trade for the middle colonies?
Wheat and flour
7c. What were the main areas of trade for the Southern colonies?
Tobacco, Rice, Indigo, Grain (plantation crops)
- To what extent were the colonies financially linked to Britain?
- Mostly traded with Britain and the empire not other colonies.
- Colonial cargo had to travel in British ships via Britain.
- Imports also came via Britain.
- What role did colonists play in the war of Austrian succession?
- Colonists fought the French in North America
- What was the significance of the 1754 Albany Conference?
- Colonies worked together and outlined ideas for intercolonial confederation
- Prompted by problems with Native American skirmishes
- Why did the 7 years war turn in Britain’s favour?
- William Pitt taking over war effort
- Wolfe and Frederick as new leaders
- What were the significant terms of the Peace treaty of Paris (after 7 years war)?
- Britain gets Canada from the French and French Caribbean
- Spain gets Louisiana
- What were effects of the 7 years war?
- Britain is the world’s largest imperial power
- Colonists are trained as soldiers
- New frontier lands for colonists
- Colonies less dependent on Britain
- What was the British social situation by 1763?
- Hierarchical
- Growing but divided middle class
- What was the British political system by 1763?
- Parliamentary monarch
- Reduced power of monarch but still held active political role
- What was the British economic situation by 1763?
- Largest Trading Nation
- Giant debt from 7 years war
- Industrial revolution starting
- High costs of America
- Name 3 reasons why Britain was not democratic in the 1760s?
- Rich land owners often decided who had political power
- Very small franchise
- MPs spread disproportionately
- How did political parties function in Britain in 1763?
- Whigs and tories but most politicians were Whigs
- Very unstable
- What were the signs of a weakening relationship by 1763?
- Colonies developing quickly
- Immigration weakened British ties to population
- Growing colonial identity
- Economic ties forming between colonies
- Fear of French removed, less dependant on Britain
- What were the signs of a strong relationship by 1763?
- Common institutions between colonies were all British e.g. language, law, monarchy
- Britain treated colonies in an easy going way
- Americans were loyal during war
- Loyalties were to colonies , then Britain, not to ‘America’
How many colonists fought for Britain during the 7 years war?
approx 75,000
How did members of the upper house in the colonies get their position?
Appointed by the govenor
How did members of the lower house in the colonies get their position?
Elected by franchise
What were the exceptions where colonial governors were not chosen by the Monarch
- Proprietary colonies where the proprietor chose governor (Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware)
- Corporate colonies where they were elected (New Jersey, Connecticut)
How many miles apart were Britain and the 13 colonies?
Approx 3000 miles