1. Bridge Team Management 100% Flashcards


———–s of the navigational watch should at all times be prepared to respond
efficiently and effectively to changes in circumstances. IMO STCW B-VIII Part 3.1
(Guidance on keeping a safe navigational watch)



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ne of the requirements for manning and running a ship is to have the highest ———-
personnel and the latest equipment. This must still be the wish of every shipmaster and officer but,
faced with today’s harsh economic realities, is often not possible. Frequently, bridge teams will
consist of groups of mixed ability personnel working with outdated equipment. Nevertheless to
achieve the successful completion of the voyage it is the concern of alt ships’ officers to make the
best possible use of available resources, both human and material. Each member of the team has a
part to play in this.



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Casualties and their Causes.


1 Weaknesses in bridge organization and the result of such weaknesses.

2 Failure to keep a good lookout

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The title “T——- —————t” is the interaction required within the team for such a
system to work. It does not refer to an act of management by one person but to a continuous
acceptance and understanding by each of the team members that they all have to fulfill the roles to
which they have been assigned.


Team Management

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Maritime incidents or disasters are seldom the result of a single event, they are almost
invariably’ the result of a series of non-serious incidents: the culmination of an error chain.


Error Chain

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An efficient bridge organisation will include procedures that: -
1 Eliminate the risk that an error on the part of one person may result in a disastrous
2 Emphasise the necessity to maintain a good visual lookout and to carry out collision
avoidance routines.
3 Encourage the use of all means of establishing the ship’s position so that in the case of one
method becoming unreliable others are immediately available.
4 Make use of passage planning and navigational systems which allow continuous
monitoring and detection of deviation from track when in coastal waters.
5 Ensure that all instrument errors are known and correctly applied.
6 Accept a pilot as a valuable addition to a bridge team.


Bridge Organisation

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Two Major Stages


Preparation and Execution

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Appraisal and Planning



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Organization and Monitoring



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1 Chart Catalogue.
2 Navigational Charts.
3 Ocean Passages for the World.
4 Routeing Charts or Pilot Charts.
5 Sailing Directions and Pilot Books.
6 Light Lists.
7 Tide Tables.
8 Tidal Stream Atlases.
9 Notices to Mariners.
10 Routeing Information.
11 Radio Signal Information (inc. VTS and Pilot service).
12 Climatic Information.
13 Load Line Chart.
14 Distance Tables.
15 Electronic Navigational Systems Information.
16 Radio and Local Navigational Warnings.
17 Draught of Vessel.
18 Navigational Terms.
19 Owner’s and other unpublished sources.
20 Personal Experience.
21 Mariner’s Handbook.
22 Guide to Port Entry.
23 Nautical Almanac.

Sources of information

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“Despite the duties and obligations of a pilot, his presence on
board does not —— the officer in charge of the watch from
his ——- and —— for the safety of the ship.”



duties and obligations

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In ——– waters, where the tidal height may have a
large influence, such no-go areas will vary according to the time
of passage. Initially all areas and dangers showing charted
depths of less than the draught plus the safety margin should be
considered no-go, though such no go areas may be subsequently
amended when the actual time of passage is known. Such areas
will need to be carefully marked showing the times and state of
tide at which they me safe.



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Planning may be considered in two stages:


1 Ocean and open waters.

2 Coastal and estuarial waters

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distance off a danger that a ship should maintain. It will depend on:-


1 The draught of the ship relative to the depth of water.
2 The weather conditions prevailing; a strong onshore wind or
the likely onset of fog or rain will need an increase in distance
3 The direction and rate of the tidal stream or current.
4. The volume of traffic.
5 The age and reliability of the survey from which the
information shown on the chart. has been derived.
6 The availability of safe water
The following guidelines will help in determining just how far
to pass off dangers.
Where the coast is steep to and offshore soundings increase
quickly the minimum passing distance should he 1 ½ - 2 miles. Where
the coast shelves and offshore soundings increase gradually, the track
should ensure that adequate under-keel clearances are maintained. As
a guideline:
• Vessel’s draught less than 3 metres — pass outside 5 metre
• Vessel’s draught 3-6 metres pass outside 10 metre contour.
• Vessel’s draught 6-10 metres pass outside 20 metre contour.
• Vessels with a draught of more than 10 metres must ensure
that there is sufficient under keel clearance, exercising due
caution within the 200 metre line.

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——— are often shown on charts. In this case the transit
printed on the chart is a track little to be followed to ensure that the
ship passes clear of danger. By observing that the leads are in line the
OOW is assured that his ship is on the planned track.


Leading Lines

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The plan having been made, discussed and approved, execution of the plan now has to be
determined. By this is meant the methods used to carry out the plan, including the best use of
available resources. Final details will need to be confirmed when the actual timing of the passage
can be established. The tactics to be used to accomplish the plan can then be agreed and should


1 Ensuring that the passage plan and supporting information is
available and to hand. It is likely that the navigating officer
responsible for preparation of the passage plan will have
made these items ready; nevertheless, their readiness should
still be confirmed.
2 Checking that chat t table equipment is in order and to hand,
e.g. pens, pencils, parallel rules, compasses, dividers, note
pads, scrap pads, etc.
3 Checking that ancillary watchkeeping equipment is in order
and to hand, e.g. binoculars, azimuth rings, Aldis lamp, etc.
4 Confirming that monitoring and recording equipment. e.g.
course recorder, engine movement recorder is operational and
recording paper replaced if necessary.
5 Confirming that the master gyro is frilly operational and
correct and repeaters aligned. The magnetic compass should
be checked.
6 Checking that all instrument illumination lamps are
operational and their light levels adjusted as required. The
availability and whereabouts of spares should be checked.
7 Checking navigation and signal lights.
8 Switching on any electronic navigational equipment that has
been shut down and the operating mode and position
9 Switching on and confirming the readouts of echo sounders
and logs and confirming associated recording equipment.
10 After ensuring that the scanners are clear, switching on and
toning radars and setting appropriate ranges and modes.
11 Switching on and testing control equipment i.e. telegraphs,
combinators, thrusters and steering gear as appropriate.
12 Switching on and testing communications equipment both
internal (telephones and portable radios) and external (VHF
and MF radios, NAVTEX, INMARSAT and GMDSS systems
as appropriate.)
13 Testing the whistle.
14 Ensuring that clear view screens and wipers are operational
and that all windows are clean.
15 Confirming that all clocks and recording equipment are
16 Ensuring that the workplace is in correct order, lighting is as it
should be, doors and windows open and close easily,
temperature controls are set as appropriate and movable
objects are in their correct place.
17 Switching on and correctly entering the ship’s data into the
18 After ensuring that there is no relevant new information on the
Telex, Fax or Navtex advising the master that the bridge is
ready for sea.


Bridge Preparation


“Every vessel shall at all times maintain a ———— out by
sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate
in the prevailing conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the
situation and of the risk of collision.”


proper lookout


It is the responsibility of the OOW to ensure that the seaman assigned watchkeeping


1 Has been properly instructed in lookout duties as to what is expected of him.
2 Knows how to report observations.
3 Is adequately clothed and protected from the weather.
4 Is relieved as frequently as necessary.
5 Is positioned where he can best act as lookout.


The ———- controls movement of the vessel in accordance with the Rule of the Road
and recommended traffic schemes, regulates the course and speed, supervises the safe navigation
of the vessel and coordinates and supervises the overall watch organisation




The ——————- continues to navigate the ship reporting relevant information to
the master, ensuring that such information is acknowledged. He fixes the vessel and advises the
master of the position and other information. He monitors the execution of helm and engine
orders, coordinates all internal and external communications, records all required entries in log
books and performs other duties as required by the master.


Watch officer


WC 2


Under certain circumstances, the master may consider it necessary to have the support (if
two navigating officers, one as OOW the other as back up. The master’s responsibilities will be as
above, but the responsibilities of the two officers will require careful definition. It is obvious that
a scenario requiring two watch officers supporting the master will indicate that the ship is in a
high risk situation. Probable factors will be:
1 Narrow margins of safety requiring very careful track maintenance.
2 Reduced underkeel clearance.
3 Heavy traffic.
4 Poor visibility or any combination of similar factors


Chapter 7





information exchange


When the pilot enters the bridge it is good practice for the
master to make time for a brief discussion with the pilot. The master
may need to delegate the con to the OOW or other officer, as
appropriate, in order to discuss the intended passage with the pilot.
Such discussion will include items such as the pilots planned route, his
anticipated speeds and ETAs both en route and at the destination,


Ideally, the master and his team should make themselves aware of the pilot’s intentions
and be in a position to support him and if necessary query his actions at any stage of the passage.
This can only be brought about by:


1 The bridge team being aware of the difficulties and constraints of the pilotage area.
2 The pilot being aware of the characteristics and peculiarities of the ship.
3 The pilot being made familiar with the equipment at his disposal and aware of the degree
of support he can expect from the ship’s personnel




Despite the presence of the pilot, the master is still responsible
for the safety of the ship. The pilot is the local expert and will
obviously conduct the ship to the best of his ability, advising the
master as necessary and usually actually conducting the passage. This
applies whether the pilotage is voluntary, i.e. the master has requested
assistance, or compulsory when the ship is required to take a local
pilot within defined areas.




In any case the master is in a poor position to question the
pilot regarding the progress of the ship or its situation at any moment,
unless he, the master, knows what should be happening at that time.
The ship’s progress needs to be monitored when the pilot has the con
exactly as it has to be under any other conditions. Such monitoring
needs to be carried out by the OOW and any deviations from the
planned track or speed observed and the master made aware exactly as
if he had the con. From such information the master will be in a
position where he can question pilotage decisions with diplomacy and


Watchkeeping arrangements and principles to be observed as

defined in STCW’95 Code Section A-VIII/2


Part 1 — Certification
1 The officer in charge of the navigational or deck watch shall be duly qualified in
accordance with the provisions of chapter II, or chapter VII appropriate to the duties
related to navigational or deck watchkeeping.
2 The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall be duly qualified in accordance with
the provisions of chapter III, or chapter VII appropriate to the duties related to engineering
Part 2 — Voyage Planning
General requirements
3 The intended voyage shall be planned in advance, taking into consideration all pertinent
information, and any course laid down shall be checked before the voyage commences.
4 The chief engineer officer shall, in consultation with the master, determine in advance the
needs of the intended voyage, taking into consideration the requirements for fuel, water,
lubricants, chemicals, expendable and other spare parts, tools, supplies and any other
Planning prior to each voyage
5 Prior to each voyage the master of every ship shall ensure that the intended route from the
port of departure to the first port of call is planned using adequate and appropriate charts
and other nautical publications necessary for the intended voyage, containing accurate,
complete and up-to-date information regarding those navigational limitations and hazards
which are of a permanent or predictable nature and which are relevant to the safe
navigation of the ship.
Verification and display of planned route
6 When the route planning is verified taking into consideration all pertinent information, the
planned route shall be clearly displayed on appropriate charts and shall be continuously
available to the officer in charge of the watch, who shall verify each course to be followed
prior to using it during the voyage.
Deviation from planned route
7 If a decision is made, during a voyage, to change the next port of call of the planned route,
or if it is necessary for the ship to deviate substantially from the planned route for other
reasons, then an amended route shall be planned prior to deviating substantially from the
route originally planned.

Part 3 - Watchkeeping at Sea
Principles applying to watchkeeping generally
8 Parties shall direct the attention of companies, masters, chief engineer officers and
watchkeeping personnel to the following principles, which shall be observed to ensure that
safe watches are maintained at all times.
9 The master of every ship is bound to ensure that watchkeeping arrangements are adequate
for maintaining a safe navigational watch. Under the master’s general direction, the
officers of the navigational watch are responsible for navigating the ship safely during
their periods of duty, when they will he particularly concerned with avoiding collision or
10 The chief engineer officer of every ship is bound, in consultation with the master, to
ensure that watchkeeping arrangements are adequate to maintain a safe engineering watch.
Protection of the environment
11 The master, officers and ratings shall be aware of the serious effects of operational or
accidental pollution of the marine environment and shall take all possible precautions to
prevent such pollution, particularly within the framework of relevant international and
port regulations.
Part 3-1 — Principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch
12 The officer in charge of the navigational watch is the master’s representative and is
primarily responsible at all times for the safe navigation of the ship and for complying
with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972.
13 A proper lookout shall be maintained at all times in compliance with rule 5 of the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 and shall serve the
purpose of:
.1 maintaining a continuous state of vigilance by sight and hearing as well as by all
other available means, with regard to any significant change in the operating
.2 fully appraising the situation and the risk of collision, stranding and other dangers
to navigation; and
.3 detecting ships or aircraft in distress, shipwrecked persons, wrecks, debris and
other hazards to safe navigation.
14 The lookout must be able to give full attention to the keeping of a proper lookout and no
other duties shall he undertaken or assigned which could interfere with that task.
15 The duties of the lookout and helmsperson are separate and the helmsperson shall not be
considered to be the lookout while steering, except in small ships where an unobstructed
all round view is provided at the steering position and there is no impairment of night
vision or other impediment to the keeping of a proper lookout. The officer in charge of the
navigational watch may be the sole lookout in daylight provided that on each such
.1 the situation has been carefully assessed and it has been established without doubt
that it is safe to do so;
.2 full account has been taken of all relevant factors, including, but not limited to;
- state of the weather,
- visibility,
- traffic density,
- proximity of dangers to navigation, and
- the attention necessary when navigating in or near traffic separation schemes;
.3 assistance is immediately available to be summoned to the bridge when any
change in the situation so requires.
16 In determining that the composition of the navigational watch is adequate to ensure that a
proper lookout can continuously be maintained, the master shall take into account all
relevant factors, including those described in this section of the Code, as well as the
following factors:
.1 visibility, state of weather and sea;
.2 traffic density, and other activities occurring in the area in which the vessel is
.3 the attention necessary when navigating in or near traffic separation schemes or
other routeing measures;
.4 the additional workload caused by the nature of the ships functions, immediate
operating requirements and anticipated manoeuvres;
.5 the fitness for duty of any crew members on call who are assigned as members of
the watch;
.6 knowledge of and confidence in the professional competence of the ships officers
and crew;
.7 the experience of each officer of the navigational watch, and the familiarity of that
officer with the ships equipment. procedures. and manoeuvring capability;
.8 activities taking place on hoard the ship at any particular time, including
radiocommunication activities, and the availability of assistance to be summoned
immediately to the bridge when necessary.
.9 the operational status of bridge instrumentation and controls, including alarm s
.10 rudder and propeller control and ship manoeuvring characteristics;
.11 the size of the ship and the field of vision available from the conning position;
.12 the configuration of the bridge, to the extent such configuration might inhibit a
member of watch from detecting by sight or hearing any external development;
.13 any other relevant standard, procedure or guidance relating to watchkeeping
arrangements and fitness for duty which has been adopted by the Organization.
Watch arrangements
17 When deciding the composition of the watch on the bridge, which may include
appropriately qualified ratings, the following factors, inter alia, shall be taken into
.1 at no time shall the bridge be left unattended;
.2 weather conditions, visibility and whether there is daylight or darkness;
.3 proximity of navigational hazards which may make it necessary by the officer in
charge of the watch to carry out additional navigational duties;
.4 use and operational condition of navigational aids such as radar or electronic
position- indicating devices and any other equipment affecting the safe navigation
of the ship;
.5 whether the ship is fitted with automatic steering;
.6 whether there are radio duties to be performed;
.7 unmanned machinery space (UMS) controls, alarms and indicators provided on the
bridge, procedures for their use and limitations; and
.8 any unusual demands on the navigational watch that may arise as a result of
special operational circumstances.
Taking over the watch
18 The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall not hand over the watch to the
relieving officer if there is reason to believe that the latter is not capable of carrying out
the watchkeeping duties effectively, in which case the master shall be notified.
19 The relieving officer shall ensure that the members of the relieving watch are fully capable
of performing their duties, particularly as regards their adjustment to night vision.
Relieving officers shall not take over the watch until their vision is fully’ adjusted to the
light conditions.
20 Prior to taking over the watch, relieving officers shall satisfy themselves as to the ships
estimated or true position and confirm its intended task, course and speed, and UMS
controls as appropriate and shall note any dangers to navigation expected to be
encountered during their watch.
21 Relieving officers shall personally satisfy themselves regarding the:
.1 standing orders and other special instructions of the master relating to the
navigation of the ship;
.2 position. course, speed and draught of the ship;
.3 prevailing and predicted tides, currents, weather, visibility and the effect of these
factors upon course and speed;
.4 procedures for the use of main engines to manoeuvre when the main engines are
on bridge control; and
.5 navigational situation, including but not limited to:
.5.1 the operational condition of all navigational and safety equipment being
used or likely to be used during the watch,
.5.2 the errors of gyro- and magnetic compasses.
.5.3 the presence and movement of ships in sight or known to be in the vicinity,
.5.4 the conditions and hazards likely to be encountered during the watch, and
.5.5 the possible effects of heel, trim, water density and squat on under-keel
22 If at any time the officer in charge of the navigational watch is to be relieved when a
manoeuvre or other action to avoid any hazard is taking place, the relief of that officer
shall be deferred until such action has been completed.
Performing the navigational watch
23 The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall:
.1 keep the watch on the bridge;
.2 in no circumstances leave the bridge until properly relieved;
.3 continue to be responsible for the safe navigation of the ship, despite the presence
of the master on the bridge, until informed specifically that the master has assumed
that responsibility and this is mutually understood; and
.4 notify the master when in any doubt as to what action to take in the interest of
24 During the watch the course steered, position and speed shall he checked at sufficiently
frequent intervals, using any’ navigational aids necessary, to ensure that the ship follows
the planned course.
25 The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall have full knowledge of the location
and operation of all safety and navigational equipment on board the ship and shall be
aware and take account of the operating limitations of such equipment.
26 The officer in charge of the navigation a] watch shall not be assigned or undertake any
duties which would interfere with the safe navigation of the ship.
27 Officers of the navigational watch shall make the most effective use of all navigational
equipment at their disposal.
28 When using radar, the officer in charge of the navigational watch shall hear in mind the
necessity to comply at all times with the provisions on the use of radar contained in the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, in force.
29 In cases of need, the officer in charge of the navigational watch shall not hesitate to use
the helm, engines and sound signalling apparatus. However, timely notice of intended
variations of engine speed shall be given where possible or effective use made of UMS
engine controls provided on the bridge in accordance with the applicable procedures.
30 Officers of the navigational watch shall know the handling characteristics of their ship,
including its stopping distances, and should appreciate that other ships may have different
handling characteristics.
31 A proper record shall be kept during the watch of the movements and activities relating to
the navigation of the ship.
32 It is of special importance that at all times the officer in charge of the navigational watch
ensures that a proper lookout is maintained. In a ship with a separate chartroom the officer
in charge of the navigational watch may visit the chartroom, when essential, for a short
period for the necessary performance of navigational duties, but shall first ensure that it is
safe to do so and that proper lookout is maintained.
33 Operational tests of shipboard navigational equipment shall he carried out at sea as
frequently as practicable and as circumstances permit, in particular before hazardous
conditions affecting navigation are expected. Whenever appropriate, these tests shall be
recorded. Such tests shall also be carried out prior to port arrival and departure.
34 The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall make regular checks to ensure that:
.1 the person steering the ship or the automatic pilot is steering the correct course;
.2 the standard compass error is determined at least once a watch and, when possible,
after any major alteration of course; the standard and gyro compasses are
frequently compared and repeaters are synchronized with their master compass;
.3 the automatic pilot is tested manually at least once a watch;
.4 the navigation and signal lights and other navigational equipment are functioning
.5 the radio equipment is functioning properly in accordance with paragraph 86 of
this section; and
.6 the UMS controls, alarms and indicators are functioning properly.
35 The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall bear in mind (he necessity to comply
at all times with the requirements in force of the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974. The officer of the navigational watch shall take into account:
.1 the need to station a person to steer the ship and to put the steering into manual
control in good time to allow any potentially hazardous situation to be dealt with
in a safe manner: and
.2 that with a ship under automatic steering it is highly dangerous to allow a situation
to develop to the point when the officer in charge of the navigational watch is
without assistance and has to break the continuity of the lookout in order to take