1. Binocular vision introduction Flashcards
What is BSV?
When we use both of our eyes together to give us 1 image in our brain.
What happens if a person does not have binocular SINGLE vision?
If a person does not have BSV then they will see double with both eye open together
When they cover one eye the diplopia goes away. This is true diplopia
What does true diplopia mean?
It related to diplopia in both eyes (binocular diplopia) caused by a muscle or nerve problems
What if someone has diplopia only in 1 eye?
When they cover one eye they still see double. This is monocular diplopia which means it’s not a muscle problem rather a problem with that eye
What can monocular diplopia be caused by?
Astigmatism, KC, dry eye, cataract, other fundus problems
What is normal retinal correspondence NRC?
When the retina of both eyes responds in a normal way when looking at something.
When you look at an object with both of your eyes, the fovea of R+L match, the nasal and temporal of the R+L match and temporal and nasal. match.
What does F-F, N-T, T-N matching mean?
It means that the light rays from the object your looking at match those points for the R+L so you have normal retinal correspondence and you will see 1 object not double vision
Draw a picture that will explain NRC
google it
Every point in the retina matches to a certain point in space
What is physiological diplopia?
Normal double vision. Everyone has double vision that’s normal
Look at the clock in the distance and put your thumb in front of it, your thumb will look double then focus on your thumb and the clock will look double.
Why do we not complain of physiological diplopia?
Because we have we ignore it/suppress it.
Why is physiological diplopia helpful for us?
Our brain uses it to judge depth (Depth perception)