1. Basic anatomy Flashcards


For the external genitalia, name:
- Blood supply
- Sensory innervation
- Lymphatic drainage
- blood supply: internal pudendal artery
- sensory innervation: pudendal nerve
- lymphatic drainage: inguinal nodes
Describe: Vagina (3)
- muscular canal extending from cervix to vulva, anterior to rectum and posterior to bladder
- lined by rugated, stratified squamous epithelium
- upper vagina separated by cervix into anterior, posterior, and lateral fornices
Describe blood supply of vagina (1)
vaginal branch of internal pudendal artery with anastamoses from uterine, inferior vesical, and middle rectal arteries
Describ: Uterus (2)
- thick walled, muscular organ between bladder and rectum, consisting of two major parts:
- uterine corpus
- cervix
- supported by the pelvic diaphragm, the pelvic organs, and 4 paired sets of ligaments
What’s the blood supply of uterine corpus? (1)
uterine artery (branch of the internal iliac artery, anterior division)
What’s the blood supply of cervix? (1)
cervical branch of uterine artery
Name ligaments of uterus (4)
- round ligaments
- uterosacral ligaments
- cardinal ligaments
- broad ligaments
Describe: Round ligaments (3)
- travel from anterior surface of uterus, through broad ligaments, and inguinal canals then terminate in the labia majora
- function: anteversion
- blood supply: Sampson’s artery (branch of uterine artery running through round ligament)
Describe: Uterosacral ligaments (2)
- arise from sacral fascia and insert into posterior inferior uterus
- function: mechanical support for uterus, prevent prolapse and contain autonomic nerve fibres
Describe: cardinal ligaments (2)
- extend from lateral pelvic walls and insert into lateral cervix and vagina
- function: mechanical support, prevent prolapse
Describe: broad ligaments (2)
- pass from lateral pelvic wall to sides of uterus;
- contain fallopian tube, round ligament, ovarian ligament, nerves, vessels, and lymphatics
Describe: Infundibulopelvic ligament (3)
- (suspensory ligament of the ovary)
- continuous tissue that connects ovary to pelvic wall
- contains the ovarian artery, ovarian vein, ovarian plexus, and lymphatic vessels
Name possible position of the uterus (3)
- anteverted (majority)
- retroverted
- neutral

Identify structures

Describe: Follopian tubes (4)
- 8-14 cm muscular tubes extending laterally from the uterus to the ovary
- interstitial, isthmic, ampullary, and infundibular segments; terminates at fimbriae
- mesosalpinx: peritoneal fold that attaches fallopian tube to broad ligament
- blood supply: uterine and ovarian arteries
Describe: Ovaries (4)
- consist of cortex with ova and medulla with blood supply
- supported by infundibulopelvic ligament (suspensory ligament of ovary)
- mesovarium: peritoneal fold that attaches ovary to broad ligament
- blood supply: ovarian arteries (branches off of aorta), left ovarian vein (drains into left renal vein), right ovarian vein (drains into inferior vena cava)
Describe: Determination of Uterine Position by Clinical Exam (3)
The ureters run anterior/posterior to the uterine arteries
“Water Under the Bridge”
The ureters run posterior to the uterine arteries
What is the origin of the left and right ovarian arteries? (1)
Descending aorta
What are the drainage sites for the left and right ovarian veins? (1)
Left to left renal vein, right to inferior vena cava
What is the most common place to locate the ureter? (1)
Pelvic brim, medial leaf of the broad ligament as it passes under the uterine artery
Which artery runs under the round ligament? (1)
Sampson’s artery
Identify structures