1. Background & Theories Flashcards
What do developmental psychologists systematically study?
How children’s brains, personalities, and behavior develop alongside their bodies.
What are the two basic goals of developmental research?
Description & Explanation
Why study children? (5)
- Period of rapid development
- Long-term influences
- Insight into complex adult processes
- Real-world applications
- Interesting subject matter
What were the views on childhood in the ancient greek and roman periods?
Despite Aristotle and Plato writing of the importance of education, severe punishment, exploitation and infanticide were also defended.
What were the views on childhood in the Medieval and Renaissance periods?
Catholic church promoted their image as pure and innocent, even offering parents of unwanted children alternatives to infanticide, though abuse and exploitation were still prevalent.
What was John Locke’s theory on development and which modern view does it belong to?
Tabula Rasa: All knowledge comes through experience and learning, children are a product of their environment and upbringing.
What was Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s theory on development and which modern view does it belong to?
Children are born with knowledge and ideas that unfold naturally with age. Development follows a predictable series of stages that are guided by an inborn timetable. Whatever knowledge the child doesn’t posses innately is acquired gradually from interactions with the environment, guided by the child’s own interest and level of development.
What was Johann Gottfried Von Herder’s theory on development and which modern view does it belong to?
Everyone is born into a specific cultural community with a shared language and historical traditions, which shape the minds of its members.
Special emphasis on language as the means by which cultural practices and values are transmitted.
On the topic of language and culture, what was another one of Von Herder’s emphases?
Their dynamic nature. He believed language and culture are not passively absorbed by children but continually reinterpreted and changed by the members of the community.
What was Charles Darwin’s theory on development and which modern view does it belong to?
Some of the present-day behaviors of humans had their origins countless years ago, when they somehow contributed to the survival of an earlier form of a species.
What is a baby biography, and what was its historical importance?
The intensive study of one’s own child’s development.
It was an important early method attempting to develop a scientific approach to the study of childhood.
Who is G. Stanley Hall and what were his major contributions to the field of child psychology?
Credited with founding the field of developmental psychology, Hall trained the first generation of developmental researchers.
He also:
-established several scientific journals for reporting the findings of said research
-founded and became the first president of the APA
-invited Sigmund Freud to lecture in the USA, leading to the introduction of psychoanalytic theory into North American psychology.
Who is James Mark Baldwin and what were his major contributions to the field of child psychology?
The first academic psychologist in Canada, he set up the first psych lab here in 1899.
Strongly inclined toward theories of mental development, he argued that development progresses through a sequence of stages, and stresses the interaction of heredity and environment, influencing Piaget’s theories.
Who is John B. Watson and what were his major contributions to the field of child psychology?
He was the first major psychologist to adopt Locke’s environmentalist view (emphasizing experience and learning).
His new behavioralist approach differed radically regarding what psychologists should study and which methods of investigations they should use.
Why did Watson reject introspection as a research method?
- Little agreement was ever found across participants’ descriptions of their internal experiences
- Psychology should deal only with objective, observable behavior
- His interest in animal led him to reject any method that could not also be used to study other species.
What were Watson’s basic behavioralist views?
Changes in behavior result primarily from conditioning. Learning occurs through a process of association. All human behavior begin as simple reflexes. Then, through an association process, various combinations of simple behaviors become conditioned to many stimuli in the environment.
Why did Watson believe it was crucial to study children?
To study the first steps in the conditioning process that produce complex human behavior.