1 - Automatic flight controls Flashcards
What two systems are integrated by the automatic flight control system (AFCS)?
Flight director and the auto pilot systems.
What are the main AFCS microprocessors and where they located?
Flight control computers (FCC) 1 and 2. they’re located in the IAPS.
What is the IAPS?
Integrated avionics processing system. This system contains many computers and components and provides The means for them to communicate.
Are both FDs always active?
During those modes, one flight director is supplying guidance information to both PFDs. The other FD is in standby but they do continue to continuously cross talk. During take off approach and go around mode both fD’s are active and providing on-Side information.
Explain the two fields of the FMA?
A vertical cyan line separates the two fields, with the left side the active field and the right side the armed field. The top line of the FMA displays the active and armed FD lateral mode the active and armed FD vertical mode. The active Side is green text and the armed side is white text.
What happens if information in the FMA field is invalid?
If any information is invalid, it is indicated by a red line with a text would be
What do the FCC status indicator lights on the flight control panel (FCP) indicate?
When a mode button is selected the request is sent to the FCC’s and if the FCC is determined that all conditions are met for that function, the green lights will illuminate. The light to the left of the respective button indicates FCC 1 has acknowledged the request the light to the right that FCC 2 has acknowledged the request
What does the flight director synchronization switch do with the auto pilot is engaged?
What the localizer captures, what FCP modes will automatically clear if engaged?
It clears the heading, half bank, and the turbulence mode.
What are the 10 vertical FD modes?
- preselect altitude (ALTS)
- Pitch (PTCH)
- take off (TO)
- go around (GA)
- vertical approach mode (GS)
- vertical speed (VS)
- speed (IAS)
- descent (DES)
- climb (CLB)
- Altitude hold (ALT)
When the flight director is in the vertical takeoff mode, what will the FD pitch to if there’s an engine failure?
It will change pitch from 15° to 10°
How do you manually change from IAS to mach on the FMA?
By pressing the center of the speed selection knob
Each click of the pitch trim wheel on the FCP is equal to how many feet?
100 feet
The TOGA switch is pressed on a go around, how can the auto pilot warning be canceled?
By pushing the AP disconnect switch on the control wheel or a second press of the TOGA switch.