1 Atmosphere Flashcards
weather vs climate
short term fluctuations in the atmosphere that produce
precipitation, winds, and variable temperatures
long term fluctuations in the atmosphere that produce
patterns of precipitation, winds and temperatures
• about __% of the atmosphere lies within the
troposphere, 16 km above the surface
Atmospheric layers from surface up(9)
- Troposphere (0-18km)
- Tropopause
- Stratosphere(18-50)
- Ozone
- Stratopause
- Mesosphere(50-80)
- Mesopause
- Thermosphere(80-120)
- Exosphere
the ________ is where the weather we
experience occurs
• the exosphere extends to ~190,000 km
above Earth’s surface, about 1/2 the way to
the moon
• ISS orbits at 330-435 km
Atmospheric Composition: 2 groups, describe each
• we can divide the composition of the atmosphere into 2 groups:
• gases: most of the atmosphere is made of gas, and these can be
further divided into permanent and variables gases
• solids and liquids: these are collectively known as aerosols, and are
vital components of weather and climate
aerosols are…
• solids and liquids: these are collectively known as aerosols, and are
vital components of weather and climate
Aerosols play a much different role then gases:
.are affected by gravity and will not remain in the atmosphere once placed there,short term before falling back to earth
-reflect radiation and cool off VS. GHG absorb and heat up
-affect visibility and are mostly sources from cars
permanent gases
variable gases
• permanent gases(found in homosphere) are considered to be constant in the atmosphere
(< 80 km above Earth’s surface)
-well mixed in turbulent air flow
variable gases(found in heterosphere) are minor components in the atmosphere, but vary
greatly in both space and time
• these gases are naturally occurring, but can be strongly influenced by
human activities
• despite their minor amounts in the atmosphere, they have important
effects on local and global scales
-gas stratification in laminar(calm) air flow
% in atmosphere
-must be converted to nitrate for life use
• N2
is an inert gas that is unavailable to most organisms, but N is a critical
nutrient for most life
• to make N bioavailable, the N2 must be converted to more useful forms,
typically as nitrate – through lightning or bacteria via nitrogen fixation
• denitrifying bacteria convert
nitrate back into N2O, a natural
and powerful greenhouse gas
• N2O is destroyed in the
stratosphere through
photodissociation, breaking
down into N2 or NO, thus
maintaining a steady state
atmospheric nitrogen system
• O2 is highly reactive, and originates from photosynthesis, the process by which inorganic carbon is converted into organic carbon • O2 is removed from the atmosphere through respiration, decomposition, and combustion • these processes typically result in the emission of CO2 • oxidation also removes O2 from the atmosphere, but is slower than above iron bearing minerals in rock are converted into ferric (aka rust) or ferrous iron
water vapour
• originates from evaporation at Earth’s surface (ie, the oceans)
• the movement of water between Earth’s surface and the atmosphere is
the core of the hydrologic cycle
• water moves to the atmosphere by evaporation, and back to the
surface by precipitation
• spatially, the amount of water vapour in the air varies
• over deserts and ice caps, the % volume is < 0.5%
• over the tropical oceans and forests, 4%
• water vapour contributes directly to cloud and precipitation formation
• also, it is an effective absorber of energy, and is the most important of
the greenhouse gases
• satellites use this ability to map spatial changes in atmospheric
water vapour
- water vapour in the atmos is greatest at the equators and becomes less and less as you head to the poles
- south pole is the least
carbon dioxide
• while we can sense changes in atmospheric water vapour, we cannot
sense changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide
• CO2
is known as a trace gas, because it’s overall contribution to the
atmospheric composition is so low – 0.0395%
• normally, we call this 395 parts per million (ppm)
CO2 + H2O + sunlight CH2O + O2
• CO2 comes from plant and animal
respiration, decaying organic material,
volcanic eruptions, and natural and
human combustion
• CO2
is removed from the atmosphere
through photosynthesis
• under normal conditions, the release of CO2
into the atmosphere
equals the removal from the atmosphere
• again, stability does not imply constancy
• however, over the past few centuries, CO2 concentration in the
atmosphere has been rising beyond natural ranges
• since the 1950s, the rate of increase is 2.15 ppm per year
• this has been attributed to human effects, primarily fossil fuel
combustion and deforestation
• like water vapour, CO2
is a very effective greenhouse gas, and the rise
in atmospheric CO2
is believed to contribute to “global warming”
• although considered a trace gas (0.01% of atmosphere), it is essential to
the existence of life on Earth
• ozone occurs primarily in 2 places
• near the surface
• in the lower troposphere, ozone is a major pollutant, causing
eye, lung, and vegetation damage
• in the stratosphere
• creates the ozone layer which blocks incoming ultraviolet
Ozone:few km thick at the top of the stratosphere
- concentrate at poles because of severe seasons
- ozone distruction can only happen in the prescense of light
- worse in south pole because it is MUCHMUCH colder
since the 1950s, the rate of increase of carbon dioxide is ____ ppm per year
Earths’ surface is the largest source of heat for the atmosphere
• atmospheric CO2 has
been measured in
_____ since 1958
• as of 25 August 2018,
CO2 concentration was
at _____ ppm
______ causes oxygen molecules to split and become free oxygen atoms that eventually collide with molecules of oxygen creating ozone molecules
high energy ultra violet radation