1. Arabidopsis seed, development, germination Flashcards
Amen 1968, The New York Botanical Garden
-** Seed dormancy ** is considered as an aspect of growth cessation.
- It is characterized by *partial metabolic arrest *with its inception and termination under endogenous hormonal control
- preserving a potential for growth without loss of biologic integrity
- preserve the capacity for growth while circumventing death
Baskin 2004, Seed Science Research
: A classification system for seed dormancy
- Primary dormancy: A freshly matured dormant seed has primary dormancy. Primary dormancy develops during seed maturation on the mother plant
- Seed development -> induction of primary dormancy -> mature seed -> conditional/relative dormancy -> non-dormancy -> conditional/relative dormancy -> secondary dormancy -> conditional/relative dormancy.
- Conditional/relative dormancy: seed not capable of germinating in as wide a range of physical environmental conditions as is a non-dormant seed
- **Secondary dormancy: **the re-entrance of the non-dormant seed into dormancy
- ABA (produced by the embryo) induces dormancy during seed development, and GA promotes germination of non-dormant seeds.
-Ethylene breaks dormancy and / or stimulates germination in the seeds of many species -
physiological dormancy
- deep (GA does not promote germination, seeds require 3-4months of cold stratification to germinate)
- intermediate (GA promotes germination, requires 2-3 months for cold stratification)
- non-deep (GA promotes germination, cold and warm stratification breaks dormancy)
- **- morphological dormancy **
- embryo is small (underdeveloped)
- need time to grow to full size and then germinate (radical protrusion)
**- morphophysiological dormancy **
- needs time + dormancy-breaking pretreatment
**- physical dormancy **
- caused by one or more water-impermeable layers of palisade cells in the seed or fruit coat
- needs the formation of an opening (‘water gap’) in a specialized anatomical structure on the seed coat, through which water moves to the embryo
**- combinational dormancy **
- physical dormancy + physiological dormancy
- the seed (or fruit) coat is water impermeable and the embryo is physiologically dormant
**- evolution: **
- morphological/morphophysiological dormancies are basal for angiosperms
- physical, physiological, and combinational dormancies are derived.
- physical and combinational dormancies are the most phylogenetically restricted classes of seed dormancy and are the only ones not found in gymnosperms
- physiological dormancy is the most evolutionarily advanced and phylogenetically widespread class or dormancy
- The (low) embryo size to seed size ratio (ES) has increased between ancestral and derived angiosperms (and gymnosperms).
- the underdeveloped embryo (morphological/morphophysiological dormancy) is primitive among angiosperms (and gymnosperms), and that the other classes of dormancy and of non-dormancy are derived conditions. The most primitive class of dormancy is morphological dormancy.
- Seeds of Arabidopsis winter annuals: type1 non-deep physiological dormancy: come out of primary dormancy during the high termperatures of summer and seeds that do not germinate in autumn are induced into secondary dormancy by low temperatures during winter
- seeds of summer annuals, common ragweed, have type 2 non-deep physiological dormancy: come out of dormancy during winter (cold stratification), and seeds that do not germinate (while buried in soil) in spring are induced into secondary dormancy by the increasing temperature of late/spring/early summer.
Bentsink 2008, American Society of Plant Biologists
: Seed Dormancy and Germination
Seed is the dispersal unit of the plant, which is able to survive the period between seed maturation and the establishment of the next generation as a seedling after it has germinated
- For this survival, the seed, mainly in a dry state, is well equipped to sustain extended periods of unfavourable conditions.
- To optimize germination over time, the seed enters a dormant state.
- dormancy prevents pre-harvest germination as well
-Seed development: has 2 phases - embryo development and seed maturation.- embryogenesis (morphogenesis) - starts with the formation of a single-cell zygote and ends in the heart stage when all embryo structures have been formed.
- followed by a growth phase during which the embryo fills the seed sac
- at the end of embryo growth phase, cell division in the embryo arrests.
- hereafter, the seed, containing a full sized embryo, undergoes maturation during which food reserves accumulate and dormancy and desiccation tolerance develops.
- Dormancy in Arabidopsis: physiologically non-deep, the embryos released from surrounding structures grow normally, and that dormancy is lost through moist chilling (stratification) or after-ripening).
- germination: events that commence with the uptake of water by the quiescent dry seed and terminate with the elongation of the embryonic axis
** 1st signs of germination: ** the resumption of essential processes, including transcription, translation and DNA repair followed by cell-elongation and eventually at the time of radical protrusion, resumption of cell division. - germination (physically) - a two-stage process, where testa rupture is followed by endosperm rupture. Following rupture of the micropylar endosperm by the emerging radicle, germination is complete.
-** Maternal effect:** Since tissues from both maternal (testa) and zygotic origin (embryo and endosperm) contribute to seed germination, genetic analyses of seed dormancy have to take into account these different tissue origins. Maternal effects, in contrast to zygotic factors are maternally inherited and might be due to the genetic make up of the testa surrounding the embryo, but can also be due to genetic differences related to factors that are transported into the seed from the mother plant. Maternal inheritance can be deduced from the germination of seeds obtained after reciprocal crosses, where the parental genotypes are used both as female and as male parent. The endosperm is the product of fertilization. However, the genomic contribution of the female parent is twice that of the male parent in this triploid tissue. - **Seed dormancy in Arabidopsis can be overcome **by germination promoting factors such as after-ripening, light, cold treatment (stratification).
- ABI3, FUS3, and LEC2 genes encode related plant-sepcific transcription factors containing the conserved B3 DNA binding domain whereas LEC1 gene encodes a HAP3 subunit of the CCAAT binding transcription factor. All four abi3, lec1, lec2, and fus3 mutants are severely affected in seed maturation and share some common phenotypes, such as decreased dormancy at maturation and reduced expression of seed storage proteins. Specific phenotypes - the absence of chlorophyll degradation in the dry seed (abi3 mutant), a reduced sensitivity to ABA (abi3 mutant and, to a lesser extent, lec1 mutant ), the accumulation of anthocyanins (fu3, lec1 mutants, and to a lesser extent, lec2 mutant), and intolerance to desiccation (abi3, fus3, and lec1 mutants), or defects in cotyledon identity (lec1, fus3, and lec2 mutants).
- The LEC1 gene is required for normal development during early and late phases of embryogenesis and is sufficient to induce embryonic development in vegetative cells. LOF of LE1 gene leads to germination of excised embryos (between 8 -10 days after pollination).
- LEC2 directly controls a transcriptional program involved in the maturation phase of seed development. Induction of LEC2 activity in seedlings causes rapid accumulation of RNAs normally present primarily during the maturation phase, including seed storage and lipid-body proteins. Promoters of genes encoding these maturation RNAs all possess RY motifs (cis-elements bound by B3 domain transcirption factors).
- LEC1 gene regulate the expression of both ABI3 and FUS3 genes. FUS3 and LEC2 genes act in partially reudundant manner to control gene expression of seed specific proteins, and LEC2 gene was shown to locally regulate FUS3 gene expression in regions of the cotyledons.
- **Fatty acids **are stored in oil bodies as triacylglycerol (TAG), which are hydrolysed by lipases. The released fatty acids are passed to glyoxysomes (a peroxisome in which the glyoxylate cycle occurs) via an ABC transporter encoded by the CTS (comatose) protein. In here beta oxidation takes place converting fatty acids, activated to acyl-CoA esters to acetyl Co-A, which is subsequently converted to four-carbon sugars. These sugars are then transported to the mitochondria from where they are converted to malate and transported to the cytosol for gluconeogenesis or used for respiration. Many mutants of genes of enzymes in beta-oxidation have defects in hypocotyl elongation in darkness and seedling establishement that can be rescued by sugars.
- Sugars arrest early seedling establsihment. some ABA insensitive mutants are sugar insensitive. ABI4 gene encodes an AP2 domain containing TF that binds a CE-1 like element present in many ABA and sugar regulated promoters linked sugar regulation to ABA signalling.
Berger 2006, Current Opinion in Plant Biology
: Endosperm: an integrator of seed growth and development
Mutations in the HAIKU (IKU) **genes decrease endosperm size and eventually embryo and seed size.
- The HAIKU genes IKU2 and MINISEED3 (MINI3) encode a leucine-rich-repeat kinase and a WRKY TF, respectively.
- These genes are expressed in endosperm immediately after fertilization.
- **The decreased endoperm size of iku mutants is accompanies by a decrease cell elongation in the seed integuments, indicating communication between two genetcially distinct seed components. **
- Similarly, reducing the degree of cell elongation in the seed integuments reduces endosperm growth.
- Conversely, increasing the number of seed integument cells causes a symmetrical increase in endosperm growth.
- In Arabidopsis, the **final size of the seed **is determined before the embryo initiates the major phase of cell proliferation after the heart embryo stage
- These results indicate the capacity of seed integuments to regulate endosperm growth by a maternal sporophytic effect
- The central cell as progenitor of the endosperm contributes much cytoplasm to the endosperm.
- The endosperm could inherit maternally derived mRNA and proteins that are located at specific sub-domains in the central cell
- another origin of maternal influence: activation of maternal alleles and silencing of paternal alleles, resulting in maternal genomic imprinting
- i.e., DNA methylation is maintained by the methyltransferase MET1 during vegetative development and male gametogenesis. At the end of female gametogenesis, however, FIS2 gene silencing is relieved in the central cell by the DNA glycosylase DEMETER (DME). Hence, a transcriptionally acitve maternal FIS2 allele is provided to the endosperm whereas the paternal FIS2 allele remains silenced by MET1.
Bewley 1997, The Plant Cell
: Seed Germination and Dormancy
- It may not be advantageous for a seed to germinate freely, even in seemingly favorable conditions.
-For example, germiantion of annuals in the spring allows time for vegetative growth and the subsequent production of offpsring, whereas germination in similar conditions in the fall could lead to the demise of the vegetative plant during the winter. - Seed dormancy is generally an undesirable characteristic in agricultural crops, where rapid germination and growth are required. However, some degree of dormancy is advantageous, at least during seed development. -** This is particularly true for cereal crops because it prevents germination of grains while still on the ear of the parent plant (pre harvest sprouting), a phenomenon that results in major losses to the agricultural industry.**
- Extensive domestication and breeding of crop species have ostensibly removed most dormancy mechanisms present in the seeds of their wild ancestors, although under adverse environmental conditions, dormancy may reappear. By contrast, weed seeds frequently mature with inherent dormancy mechanisms that allow some seeds to persist in the soil for many years before completing germination.
- germination = events that commence with the uptake of water by the quiescent dry seed and terminate with the elongation of the embryonic axis. The visible sign that germination is complete is usually the penetration of the structures surrounding the embryo by the radicle -> visible germination. Then -> mobilization of the major storage reserves during the seedling growth
- dormancy = the failure of an intact viable seed to complete germination under favourable conditions
- radicle extnesion through the structures surrounding the embryo is the event that terminates germination and marks the commencement of seedling gorwth
Daszkowska-Golec 2011, A Journal of Integrative Biology
: Arabidopsis Seed Germination Under Abiotic Stress as a Concert of Action of Phytohormones
- Seed development is divided into embryo and endosperm development and seed maturation.
- Seed maturation is completed when storage compounds have accumulated, water content has decreased, desiccation tolerance has been developed, phytohormones level has been established and, in the case of dormant seeds, primary dormancy have been esablished.
- The Arabidopsis seed is composed of the embryo surrounded by a single layer of endosperm cells and a testa
- After the seed shape and size are determined, germinating seeds start to uptake water in order to set the metabolic events essential for germination in motion
-** This water uptake by seeds is triphasic**
- During phase I, dry seeds absorb water rapidly.
- Initially, imbibition results in the hydration of the cell walls and reserve polymers within the cells.
- During phase II, which is called the plateau because of the stable water content, testa rupture begins.
- Duing phase III of water uptake, the endosperm rupture and a protrusion of radicle is observed. - Differences in seed dormancy between Landsberg erecta (Ler) and Cape verdi (Cvi) led to the generation of a recombinant inbred line population and the identification of DOG1 (DELAY OF GERMINATION) gene, which controls seed dormancy. The transcription of DOG1 gene, which belongs to a small gene family, is eed specific and drops during seed imbibition.
- JA ans SA are negtiave regulators of seed germination
- Auxins are regulators of the seed germination process in a crosstalk with GAs, ABA, and ET.
- The brassinosteroids signal leads to a reduced sensitivity to ABA and stimulates germination
- Salt stress can be explained by two levels: ionic toxicity and osmotic stress
- At the cellular level, salt tolerance mechanisms function to reduce sodium accumulation in the cytoplasm. This is achieved by the active transport of sodium out of the cell through plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporters, that is, SOS1 (Salt Oversensitivite1) or addressing it into the vacuole by tonoplast antiporter NHX1.
- In order to cope with dehydration and osmotic stresses, plant have evolved complicated machinery to synthesize and accumulate metabolites (osmoprotectants) which help to withstand osmotic pressure and maintain turgor and the driving gradient for water uptake.
- Osmoprotectants include low molecular weight compounds such as amino acids, polyols, sugars, and methylamines.
- These compatible metabolites stabilize the enzyme structure, cellular membranes, and other cellular components during any exposure to sress.
- In response to stress, de novo synthesis of dehyrins, osmotins, and LEA (Late Embryogenesis Abundant) proteins occurs.
- Osmotins and dehydrins stabilize the integrity of the cellular membranes and protein structure, whereas LEA are able to sequestrate ion and water in order to protect cellular components against stress. - ABA and its role in response to abiotic stress during seed germination
- ABI3 - (B3), ABI4 - (APETALA2), ABI4 - (bZIP); insensitive to ABA, defects in response to glucose, NaCl during germination and seedling growth
- ABI3 and ABI4 genes are expressed from globular stage embryogenesis and their products can regulate ABI5 gene expression, which is activated at the heart stage
Debeaujon 2000, Plant Physiology
1. : Influence of the Testa on Seed Dormancy, Germination, and Longevity in Arabidopsis
- At maturity, seeds consist of a whitish embryo surrounded by a hyaline layer of remaining central endosperm and a single layer of peripheral endosperm cells (aleurone layer) containing storage reserves and associated with brown seed coat or testa
- The seed coat derives from ovular tissue and is therefore a maternal origin.
- The aleurone layer of mature seeds is physiologically active, in contrast to the testa layers, whose cells died during late seed maturation after having encountered considerable developmental changes
- Mature Arabidopsis seeds exhibit primary dormancy when freshly released from the mother plant, which means that seeds are unable to germinate under the appropriate envrionmental conditions without the help of dormancy-breaking agenets such as stratification, after-ripening, or gibberellins.
- Germination begins with the uptake of water by dry seed and ends with the elongation of the embryonic axis.
- The visible consequence of germination is the protrusion of the radicle tip through the seed envelops
- In wheat, the strongest dormancy is associated with a red coat color, whereas the lines with white seed coats are non-dormant or weakly dormant and therefore are susceptible to pre-harvest sprouting damage
- Arabidopsis seed coat is composed of a mucilaginous epidermal layer, a palisade layer with thickened tangential walls, and a pigmented inner layer
- The brown pigmenets of wild-type (WT) Arabidopsis seeds are mainly condensed tannins of the procyanidin type and derivatives of the flavonol quercetin, which are end-products of the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway
- ## One group, affected in flavonoid pigmentation, is represented by the transparent testa (tt) and transparent testa glabra (ttg) mutants
Dekkers 2013, Plant Physiology
: Transcriptional Dynamics of Two Seed Compartments with Opposing Roles in Arabidopsis Seed Germiantion
- Seeds are important in the plant life cycle, since they reppresent the link between two successive generations.
- They are stress-resistant structures that help to bridge unfavorable periods and allow dispersal
- Seed formation starts with a double fertiliation event, and it takes about 20 d to form a mature dry seed.
- At maturity, three major seed compartments can be distinguished: the testa (seed coat), a dead tissue that forms a protective outer layer; the endosperm, a single cell layer of tissue positioned directly underneath the testa; and the embryo (enclosed by the testa and endosperm), which emerges to become the fugure plant.
- A dry seed is a unique structure in the sense that it allows severe dehydration (desiccation tolerance) adn enters a phase of quescence, bring processed occurring in “living” organisms to a halt wihtout affecting viability
- Upon imbibition of water, the dry mature seed swells and metabolic activity resumes, marking the start of seed germiantion and the end of the quiescent state
- Arabidopsis germination consists of two sequential events
- 1st, the testa splits (testa rupture) due to underlying expansion of the endosperm and embryo
- increase in embryo growth potential leading to the elongation of the proximal embyronic axis (hypocotyl and radicle) that overcomes the restratin tof the covering tissue - 2nd, the radicle (embryonic root) protrudes through the endosperm, completing germination
- the weakeneign of these covering layers (includign the micropylar endosperm, positioned over the radicle tip) to ease the protrusion of radicle.
Fang 2012, The Plant Journal
: Maternal control of seed sizez by EOD3/CYP78A6 gene in *Arabidopsis thaliana *
- Seedlings of large-seeded plants are better able to tolerate many of the stresses encountered during seedling establishment, whereas small-seeded plants are considered to have superior colonization abilities because they produce large numbers of seeds
- In angiosperms, seed development invovles a double-fertilization process in which one sperm nucleus fuses with the egg to produce the diploid embryo, whereas the other sperm nucleus fuses with two polar nuclei to form the triploid endosperm
- The seed coat differentiates after fertiliastion from maternally derived integuments
- The embryo is surrounded by the endosperm, which, in turn, is enclosed within the maternal seed coat
- IKU, IKU2, and MINI3 genes function int he same pathway to promote endosperm growth in Arabidopsis
- Arabidopsis TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA (TTG2) promotes the seed growth by increasing ecll expansion in the integuments
Finch-Savage 2006, New Phytologist
: Seed dormancy and the tcontrol of germination
- Germination commences with the uptake of water by imbibition by the dry seed, followed by embryo expansion.
- The uptake of water is triphasic with a rapid initial uptake (phase I, i.e., imbibition) followed by a plateau phase (phase II).
- A further increase in water uptake (phase III) occurs as the embyro axis elongates and breaks through the covering layers to ocmplete germination
- In typica angiosperm seeds, the embryo is surrounded by two covering layer: the endosperm and testa (seed coat)
- Cell elongation is necessary and is generally accepted to be sufficient for the completion of raidcle protrusion
- dormancy: a characteristic of the seed that determines the conditiosn required fro germination
- Once primary dormancy is lost in response to prevailing environmental conditions, secondary dormancy will soon start to be induced if the conditions required to terminate dormancy and induce germination are absent (light and/or nitrate). Secondary dormancy can be lsot and re-introduced repeatedly as seasons change until the required germination conditions become available.
- A classification system for seed dormancy
- Physiological dormancy (PD) is the most abundant form and is found in seeds of gymnosperms and all major angiosperm clade. I
- It is the msot prevalent dormancy form temperate seeed banks
- PD deep: Embryos excised from these seeds either do not grow or will produce abnormal seedligns; GA treatment does not break their dormancy; and several months of cold or warm stratification are required before germiantion can take place
- PD non-deep: Embyros excised from these seeds produce normal seedlings; GA treatment can break this dormancy; dormancy can be broken by scarification, after-ripening in dry storage, and cold or warm stratification - Morphological dormancy (MD) is evident in seeds with embryos that are underdeveloped (in terms of size), but differentiated (into cotyledons and hypocotyl-radical). These embryos are not physiologically dormant, but simply need time to grow and germinate; i.e., celery (Apium)
- Morphophysiological dormancy (MPD) is evident in seeds with underdeveloped embryos, but in addition they have a physiological component to their dormancy. These seeds therefore require a dormancy-breaking treatment, for example a defined combination of warm and/or cold stratification which in some cases can be replaced by GA application.
- Physical dormancy (PY) is caused by water-impermeable layers of palisade cells in the seed or fruit coat that control water movement. Mechanical or chemical scarification can break PY dormancy
- Combinational dormancy (PY + PD) is evident in seeds with water-impermeable coatas (as in PY) combined with physioloigcal embryo dormancy
- In angiosperm phylogeny, ‘embryo to seed’ (E:S) values increases.
- in mature seeds of primitive angiosperms a small embryo is embedded in abudnat endosperm tissue. Such seed types prevail among basal angiosperms
- The general evolutionary trend within the higher angiosperms is via the LA seed type (embro linear axile and developed, endosperm abudnance medium to high) towards the FA seed types (embryo foliate axile developed, often storage cotyeldonss, endosperm abudnace low or endosperm obliterated) with storage cotyledons.
- MD is thoguht to be the ancestral dormancy type among seed plants and is the most primitie dormancy class.
- The dispersal of seeds with an underdeveloped embryo that need time to grow mgiht have evovled as an ancient strtegy to disperse germination over time.
- MD and MPD are typical not only for primitive angiosperms but also for primitie gymnosperms sucha s Ginkgoaceae.
- Evolution of larger embro size in MD seeds reulsted in non-dormant (ND) seeds.
- Concurrently, the gain of physioloigcal dormancy mechanisms(s) led from seeds with MD to seeds with MPD, which upon gain in embryo size led to PD seeds
- PD is the most phyologenetically widespread dormancy class.
- The most phyologenetically restircted and derived dormancy classes are PY and PY + PD
- The occurence of an impermeable seed or fruit coat combined with a ND embryo (PY) or a PD (PY + PD) is probably an adaptation to specialized life strategies or habitats.
- PY and PY + PD are the only dormancy classes not found in gymosperms
- ABA induces dormancy during maturation, and GA plays a key role in dormancy release and in the promotion germiantion
- ABA:GA ratio, not the absolute hormone contents, that controls germiantion
- While dormancy maintenenace also depneds on high ABA:GA ratios, dormancy release invovles a net shift to increased GA biosynthesis and ABA degradation resulting in low ABA:GA ratios
-winter annual: germination in the autumn
- summer annual: germiatnion in the spring
Garcia 2003, Plant Physiology
: Arabidopsis *haiku *mutants reveal new controls of seed size by endosperm
- in flowering platns, the two female gametes, the egg cell and the central cell, are fertilized by one of the two male gametes delivered by the poleen tube.
- The zygotic pdorudct of the fusion of one male gamete with the egg cell develops into the embryo of the daughter plant
- The fertilized central cell develops as the endosperm that nurtures emnryo development.
- In most species, endosperm development is initiated by a proliferative syncytial phase accompanied by cell growth that generates a large multinucleate cell.
- This syncytium is partioned into individual cells by a specific type of cytokinesis called cellularization
- Because the embyro is surrounded by the endosperm, which, in turn, is enclosed within the ovule integument, these three structures must coordinate their development to produce a mature seed of the appropriate size
Garcia 2005, The Plant Cell
: Maternal control of integument cell elongation and zygotic control of endosperm growht are coordinated to determine seed size in Arabidopsis
-2 distinct phases of seed development
1st: the active proliferation and grwoth of the endosperm -> a large increase of size
2nd: growth of the embryo occurs during the second phase at the expense of the endosperm
- the final seed size is mainly attained during the initial phase
- During early endosperm development, nuclear division is not followed by cytokinesis and produces a synctium
- the mulinucleate endosperm cell enlarges as pseudosyncrhonous nuclear division take place until the 8th mitotic cycle when cellulariation begins.
- Increase in size of the syncytial endosperm is prevented by haiku (iku) mutations, leading to precocious endosperm cellularization, reduced embryo proliferation, and decreased seed size
- Although iku gene mutations affect primarily endosperm growth, the overall seed size is decreased, including the size of the integment from the reduction of cell elongation in integuments
Iwasaki 2022, Annual Review of Plant Biology
: Parental and Environmental Control of Seed Dormancy in *Arabidopsis thaliana *
- Plant terrestrialization, the evolutionary process that produced a phototrophic lineage on land from algal ancestors, started around 540 million years ago (Mya) and changed the Earth’s landscape while exerting a profound influence on animal evolution and human history
- Seeds, produced by gymnosperms and angiosperms, initiated their evolution ~350 Mya (Late Devonian).
- During the Cretaceous (~140 Mya), angiosperm spread reapidly around the Earth and underwent an astonishing diversification
- **Unlinke in nonseed plants, the female gametophyte of seed-bearing plants is physically associated with the mother plant by means of a specialized tissue, the ovule, where it is protected and nourished. **
- the male gametophyte (pollen) protects the male gametes while enabling the fertilization of distant female gametes
- **Unlike nonseed plants, the pollen tube delivers the male gametes directly to the female gametes, thus avoiding the need for external water for fertilization **
- Seed arise from the fertilized ovule, which harbors and protects the developing embryo
- Upon completion of embryogeneis, emnryos undergo a maturation program in which they enter a highly resistant, metabolically inert, desiccated state.
- **Seed longevity is illustrated by a 2,000-year-old Judean date palm seed, unburied from the palace of Herod the Great in Israel, that sprouted and produced Methuselah, a male palm tree that produces functional pollen **
- Thus, seed-bearing land plants achieved less-hazardous reproduction, expanded the physical range where fertilization could take palce, and enclosed their embyros in highly resilient capsules, enabling colonization of new habitats.
- Seeds can be dormant, a trait whereby the embyro-to-seedlign transition is withheld even under favorable conditions
- dormancy provides seeds with an opportunity to be dispersed away from their mother plant, influencing a given species’ distribution while enabling plants to experiment with a wider variety of environments, thus promoting diversification.
- In addition, dormancy is important for seasonal plant behavior and thus influences the environment in whcih other plant traits are expressed- Once isolated from their mother plants, seed start losing dormancy in their dry state, a poorly understood process referred to as dry after-ripening, or else lose their dormancy after exposure to certain environmental conditions, such as imbibition under cold temperatures (cold stratification).
- In Arabidopsis, the unfertilized ovule consists of a seven-celled female gametophyte, of the *Polygonum *type present in approximately 70 % of angiosperms, that is completely surrounded by inner and outer integuments except for the micropylar openeing.
- The pollen tube enters the micropylar opening and delivers two sperm cells in close proximity to the female gametes: the haploid egg and homodiploid central cells.
- Gamete fusion, which produces the diploid zygote and triploid endosperm, initiates seed development by triggering specific developmental programs of the three genetically distinct tissues composing the seed: integuments, endosperm, and embryo.
- The maternal integuments differentiate and and die to produce the seed coat of the mature seed. The endosperm proliferates alongside the embryo and serves as a nourishing tissue for the embyro.
- Endosperm is gradually consumed by the embryo after embryogenesis as the embryo enters the maturation hase, where it accumulates nutrients, expands in size, and eventually desiccates.
- In the mature seed, food is stored mainly in the embryo, whereas the endosperm persists as a single layer of cells surrounding the embryo.
- Seed dormancy is establisehd during maturation, and repression of germination of dormant seeds upon imbibition critically require the endosperm.
- The maternal seed coat plays an importnat role
- The inner integument layer 1 accumulates proanthocyanidins (tannins), a type of flavonoid, and transparent testa (tt) mutants, deficient in proanthocyanidin synthesis, have low dormancy.
- Tannins are antioxidants, and their absence in the seed coat likely promotes the releaes of dormancy by accelerating oxidation in seeds or by increasing seed permeability to oxygen.
- Accordingly tt mutant seeds also have low seed viability
- Furthermore, the inner integument layer 1 produces a cuticle and tannic cell walls tightly associated with the endosperm that limit seed oxidation and promote dormancy
- High ABA levels first appear in seeds at the onset of seed maturation and are largely maternal in origin.
- Maternal ABA is gradually replaced by ABA synthesized by zygotic tissues as maturation progresses, and this zygote-derived ABA is more important for maintenance of primary dormancy before and after imbibition
- ABA levels fall upon dry seed imbibition irrespective of seed dormancy levels; however, repression of seed germination in imbibed dormant seeds is due to sustained high ABA accumulation over time.
- ABA accumulatio upon imibition activates ABA signaling to block seed germination and maintain the embryonic state
- This process includes stimulation of the expression of ABI3 and ABI5, which encode a B3 transcription factor and a basic leucine-zipper (bZIP) transcription factor, respectively, promoting the seed maturation protective program.
- Notably, it also leads to expression of LEA genes, which encode osmotolerance proteins, and the blockade of food store consumption in the embryo by blocking triacylglycerol catabolism.
- ABA signaling invovles the PYR/PYL/RCAR family of ABA receptors, group A type 2C protein phosphatases (PP2Cs), and Snf1-related protein kinases, group 2 (SnRK2s).
- ABA signals by binding to PYR/PYL/RCAR, enabling the sequestration of PP2Cs by direct interation with them.
- In turn, this sequestration enables SnRK2 activation through autophosphorylation, as SnRK2s are inhibited by PP2C-dependent dephosphorylation in the absence of ABA.
- Activated SnRK2s phosphorylate downstream targets, such as ABI3, that repress seed germination
- ABA synthesized by both the endosperm and the embyro contribute to repress seed germination.
- However, in the Arabidopsis mature seed, the endosperm is essential to enable seed dormancy because its removal triggers the growth of the embyro even in the most dormant accessions.
- Upon dormant seed imbibition, the endosperm releases ABA toward the embryo.
Joosen 2010, The Plant Journal
: GERMINATOR: a software package for high-throughput scoring and curve fitting of Arabidopsis seed germination
Completion of germination is defined as the protrusionof the radicle through the endosperm and seed coat.
- The uptake of water of dry seed durign imbibition is triphasic and consists of a rapid initial uptake (phase I) followed by a plateau phase (phase II) and a further increase in water uptake (phase III).
- During phase II the embyro axis elongates and breaks through the testa.
- In Arabidopsis the testa is dead tissue whereas the endosperm layer is living tissue
Koornneef 2002, Current Opinion in Plant Biology
: Seed dormancy and germination
Quntitative trait loci (QTL) analysis for seed dormancy requires permanent or immortal mapping populations, such as recombinant imbred lines (RILs), because these allow the testing of a large number of genetically identical seeds (i.e., seed sfrom the same RIL) in different environmental conditions.
- QTL analyssis of seed dormancy has been reported for Arabidopsis, barley, rice, and wheat.
- It appears that QTL identified for wheat co-locate with barely QTL but not with rice QTL.
- Wild species often show stronger dormancy than cultivated genotypes, making crosses between wild and cultivated genotypes useful for QTL analysis.
- QTL analysis can be followed by the study of individual genes (or chormosome regions) containing specific dormancy QTL and by fine mapping.
Kucera 2005, Seed Science Research
: Plant hormone interactions during seed dormancy release and germination
Germination commences with the uptake of water by imbibitionof the dry seed, followed by embryo expansion.
- This usually culminates in rupture of the covering layers and emergence of the radicle, generally considered as the complettion of the germination process
- Radicle protrusion at the completion of seed germination depends on embryo growth driven by water uptake
- Uptake of water by a seed is triphasic, with a rapid intial uptake (phase I, i.e., imbibition) followed by a plataeu phase (phase II).
- A further increase in water uptake (phase III) occurs only when germination is completed, as the embryo axis elongates and breaks through its covering structures.
- RGL2 mRNA decline occured after radicle emergence (after gemriantion had been completed).
Li 1997, Trends in Plant Science
: Genetic and molecular control of seed dormancy
Seeds shed from the mother plant in a dormant state are in primary dormancy
-induced dormancy in mature, partially or fully after-ripened (nondormant) seeds is termed secondary dormancy
- The transition of many seeds from a dormant to nondormant state (after-ripeneing) is accomplished by exposing the seed for a period of time to specific environmental conditions
- Wheat is an allo-hexaploid (2n = 6x = 42). As in barely, a predictable and adequate level of seed dormancy in wheat varieties is beneficial because it prevents preharvest sprouting.
- Dormancy in white-kernelled wheat is a quantitative trait
- Two recombinant-inbred-line populations of white-kernelled wheat were used for QTL analyses to identify the genomic regions associated with resistance to preharvest sprouting
- Eight loci (four from each population) were signficantly associated with resisatnce to preharvest sprouting.
- These loci accounted for 44 % (NY6432-18 x Clark’s Cream - both non-dormant varities) of the genetic variance for preharvest sprouting.