1. Antenatal Care Flashcards
Outline the timing of the trimesters?
First trimester < 14wks
Second trimester = 14-28wks
Third trimester > 28wks
When is the best time to start antenatal care?
Before Pregnancy
What measure taken pre-pregnancy can improve antenatal care?
Folic Acid Supplementation 3months prior (Spina bifida)
Stop Smoking + Recreational Drugs
Optimise weight (weight at conception = key factor)
Healthy Eating
Ovulation Predictors (no evidence base, stressful)
Rubella Screening (esp emigrants, small % no immune).
What are the aims of antenatal care?
- Prevent death
- Minimise morbidity
- Support women and family (father and extended included)
- Optimise intergenerational health (e.g. obesity begets obesity)
What are the components of the antenatal assessment?
- History
- Examination
- Investigations
The first antenatal visit may take place in…
- GP or hospital
- Early pregnancy assessment?
- Midwife/home births?
- Combined antenatal care
Outline the antenatal visit schedule?
- 8-14 weeks
- 20-24 weeks
- Every 2 weeks after 26 weeks
- Every week after 36 weeks
Early scans associated with healthy safe deliveries.
Scans for abnormalities.
What are the elements of the antenatal Hx?
- Present pregnancy e.g. dates
- Past obstetric and gynecological
- Medical and surgical
- Family History
- Drug History
- Social History
What assessments should be carried out as part of the antenatal examination?
- Blood pressure e.g. need to use right cuff
- Measure maternal height, weight
- Urinalysis
- Cardiorespiratory assessment
- Abdominal assessment (Paticularly in 2nd and 3rd trimeester, Check engagement, lie, liqiour etc)
- Pelvic assessment
Why is the (correct) measurement of blood pressure particularly important?
Hypertension increases risk of GDM.
Wrong cuff = risk of over diagnosis of Hypertension and overuse of interventions.
Why is (correct) measurement of weight important?
Used to weight for tracking of pregnancy. Weighing ceased.
Reintroduction of weighing for GDM risk, drug dosing.
Cannot relay on self-reporting.
Patient ends up in wrong BMI category 22% of time. Under diagnosis of morbid obesity 5%.
What investigations should be carried out as part of antenatal assessment?
- Full blood count (Hb, MCV to check for anaemia)
- Blood group e.g. ABO, Rh (Tranfusion during birth, Rh prophylaxis with anti-D)
- Rubella, chickenpox titres (Adult immigrants, no vaccineation Hx)
- HIV, Hepatitis B
- Screen for thalassemia etc
- Ultrasound
Why is screening for chicken pox particularly important?
Exposure to chickenpox during pregnancy gives higher risk of pneumonia than normal.
What genetic tests may be carried out as part of antenatal assessment?
- Triple testing
- Chorionic villus sample (CVS)
- Amniocentesis (sample of the amniotic fluid)
- Scan for anomaly
Whom may provide care in the antenatal period?
- Social worker
- Dietician
- Physiotherapist
- Parentcraft
- Psychiatrist
- Physician etc