1: An Introduction to Atmospheric Science Flashcards
3 branches of Meteo (things in the air) oogy (study of)
1: Dynamic meteorology
2: Physical meteorology
3: Synoptic meteorology
1: Dynamic Meteorology (not studied in this unit)
Concerned with atmospheric motion
2: Physical Meteorology
Concerned with transfer energy & moisture
- Thermodynamics
3: Synoptic Meteorology
Concerned with viewing weather at a common point
- weather maps
- day-to-day weather
5 Key meteorology variables
1: Temperature
2: Pressure
3: Humidity
4: Winds
5: Precipitation
1: Temperature
1) Define
2) How it is measured
3) SI Unit
1) Measure of the average energy of molecular motion in a body/substance
2) Measured with a thermometer
3) Kelvin Scale
Kelvin scale
1) Define
2) Absolute zero
1) Unit of temperature (K)
2) 0 K = -273.15 degrees C
2: Pressure
1) Define
2) SI Units
3) Measured with
1) Weight of the atmosphere above the measuring point (decreases with height, as volume increase)
2) hPa = Hectopascals
mb = Millibar
3) Barometer (in Pa)
How many pascals in:
1) hPa
2) mb
3) kPa
1) 100
2) 100
3) 1000
3: Humidity
1) Define
2) SI Units
3) Measured with
1) Moisture content of the atmosphere (depends on temp)
2) % or g kg-1
3) Hygrometer
4: Winds
1) Define
2) SI Units
3) Measured with
1) Movement of air due to pressure and density gradients
2) m s-1
3) Anemometers
5: Precipitation
1) Define
2) Forms
3) Measured with (rain)
1) Solid and liquid forms of atmospheric moisture falling from the sky
2) Rainfall, hail, sleet, graupel snow
3) Standard rain gauge (Each form is measure differently)
Types of Satellites (2)
1) Geostationary
2) Polar
Geostationary Satellites
- Stationed in fixed positions approx 35km above equator and rotate at the same speed as the spin of the earth
- Used for research purposes
Polar Satellites
- Travel North-South over Earth’s poles
- Orbit at altitudes of 800 - 1500km
- High detailed images
1) Define
2) Doe it require accurate info of current state?
1) State of the atmosphere at a point in time, over a certain region
2) Yes, of atmosphere, land and ocean
1) Deine
2) Does it require accurate info on current state?
1) Synthesis of weather patterns of a longer time period (10-30 yrs)
2) No, focuses on changes in the mean (summer season of 80-00’s to 2030-50)
What is WEATHER associated with?
Air (pressure & temperature)
Wind (speed & direction)
Cloud (type, amount & height)
Atmospheric humidity & precipitation
What is CLIMATE associated with?
Mean - temperatures
- pressures - wind speed