1. Ability Flashcards
a) possession of the means or skill to do something.
b) talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular area.
- He never mastered the ability to run.
- I have the ability to levitate things.
- Even his ability to find alcohol for a party was adventurous.
a) an official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills, etc.
b) an ability, characteristic, or experience that makes you suitable for a particular job or activity
- You’ll never get a good job if you don’t have any qualifications.
- One of the qualifications you need to work here is a sense of humour!
- The win earned them qualification for the World Cup finals.
a) the ability or power to do something
- With the new machines we finally have the capability (=power) todo the job properly.
- They have the capability to double their exports.
a) a particular ability that you develop through training and experience and that is useful in a job
b) a special ability to do something
- Many young people have never learned the basic skill of good writing.
- Improving your computer skills can help you find higher-paid work.
a) a high level of knowledge or skill
- I have no expertise in sewing.
- I have a big expertise in finance and computer science.
theabilityto do things that need a lot ofphysical ormentaleffort
a goodcharacteristic
thenumberofpeoplein agroup
thetotalamountthat can beheld, containedorproduced
someone’sabilityto do aparticularthing
someone who has) anaturalabilityto be good at something,especiallywithout beingtaught
peoplewho aresexuallyattractive
theskillofthinking,performing, or using things in newways,esp. tosolveproblems
the ability to do something well
an important skill that is needed to do a job
thepowerof aperson,business,court, orgovernmenttodealwith something or takelegaldecisions
knowledgeabout asubject,situation, etc. or about how somethingworks
apositiverelationshipbetween twopeopleorgroupsin which theyfeelsympathyfor each other
something that you havereasontobelieve
showingintelligence, orabletolearnandunderstandthingseasily
lackofabilityto do something
towishor need someone to bepresent
to need something
thefactthat you areunableto do something because you do not have theabilityor you are tooweak
thestateof not beingableto do something such as ajob, usually because of anillness