1. Flashcards
Define animals suspected of being infected with anthrax.
- Were in contact with animal died of, diseased in/ suspicious to anthrax within 20d before confirmation.
- Consumed feedstuffs/ H2O of the same O as feedstuffs/ H2O of animal died of, diseased in/ suspicious to anthrax.
- Grazed on a pasture infected with anthrax without vaccination.
Definition of animals diseased with anthrax.
- Typical CS.
- Characteristic lesions in the organs (pm, meat inspection).
- Lab findings.
Official measures in case of animals diseased with anthrax.
- Separation:
• Diseased + suspected of being diseased.
• Suspected of being infected.
• Other susceptible animals. - Diseased + suspected of being diseased:
• Immediate treatment.
• Change of feedstuffs, drinking H2O, ø grazing.
Official measures in case of animals suspected of being infected with anthrax.
- Vaccination, 14 days observation:
• Cattle, horse: taking the temp.
• Sheep, goats, Sus: daily observation.
• In case of fever/ CS: treatment.
Official measures in case of confirmation of ASF on a holding.
- All Sus on the holding are killed + carcasses proc.
- All contaminated material ( meat, semem, ova)/ waste must be destroyed, proc/ treated.
- Cleaning + disinfection of all premises, vehicles + equipment under official supervision.
- Meat of Sus slaughtered during the period between the probable introduction of disease to the holding + the taking of official measures shall wherever possible be traced + proc under official supervision.
- Protection zone of radius at least 3 km.
- Surveillance zone of radius at least 10 km.
- Census of all holdings, ban on movement + transport of Sus.
- Movement restriction: products, people + vehicles.
- ø markets, fairs etc.
- Strict cleaning, disinfection + disinsectization.
Official measures in case of confirmation of ASF on a holding where the occurrence of disease has been linked to vectors.
- Restocking shall ø be done for at least 6 yrs unless:
• Specific operations to eliminate the vector from the premises + places where the Sus are to be kept/ can come into contact with the vector have been successfully carried out under official supervision.
• It has been possible to show that the persistence of the vector ø longer represents a significant risk of ASF being transmitted.
Definition of Aujeszky’s disease free Sus herd.
- ø infections for 2 yrs.
- Epidemiological cond.
- ø vaccination.
- Testing of all breeding sows + boars + representative sample of fattening Sus.
- Insemination/ natural breeding with -ve semen/boars.
Definition of officially brucellosis free Bo herd.
- ø CS (for min 6 mnths).
- ø vaccination.
- All animals >12 mnths.
- 2 serological tests (3-12-mnth interval)/ 3 milk tests (3 mnthly interval) + 6 wks later serology.
- Animals introduced: from officially free herds/ tested (within 30 days).
- Regular testing every yr.
- General measures.
Definition of +ve single intradermal tuberculin test.
If CS are observed/ there is an increase of 4 mm/> in the thickness of the skin fold at the inj side.
Definition of inconclusive single intradermal tuberculin test.
ø CS + if the increase in the skin fold thickness is >2 mm + <4 mm.
Definition of -ve single intradermal tuberculin test.
If only limited swelling is observed, with an increase of ø >2mm in the thickness of the fold of skin without CS such as diffuse/ extensive oedema, exudation, necrosis, pain/ inflammation of the lymphatic ducts in that region/ of the ln.
Definition of +ve comparative intradermal tuberculin test.
+ve Bo reaction which is >4 mm greater than that of the avian reaction/ presence of CS.
Definition of inconclusive comparative intradermal tuberculin test.
+ve/ inconclusive Bo reaction, which is from 1-4 mm greater than the avian reaction + absence of CS.
Definition of -ve comparative intradermal tuberculin test.
- A -ve Bo reaction.
* / a +ve/ inconclusive Bo reaction that is =/< +ve/ inconclusive avian reaction + the absence of CS in both cases.
Definition of tuberculosis free herd.
• ø CS.
• All animals >6 wks: 2 official intradermal tuberculin tests.
> 1st: 6 mnths after removal of infected animals.
> 2nd: 6 mnths later/ 60 days after collection from free herds.
• Animals introduced from officially free herds/ tested (within 30 days).
• Meat inspection, lesions: compulsory investigation.
• Yrly tuberculin testing.
• General measures.
Definition of SRM in Bo animals.
- The skull (excluding mandible), including brain + eyes, + spinal cord of animals >12 mnths of age.
- The vertebral column, excluding tail vertebra, transverse proc of Th + lumbar vertebrae, wings of sacrum but including dorsal root ganglia + spinal cord of animals aged >30 mnths.
- Tonsils + the last 4m of the SI, the caecum + the mesentery of animals of all ages
Definition of SRM in Ov + caprine animals.
- Skull including brain + eyes, tonsils, spinal cord of animals aged >12 months/ which have a permanent incisor erupted through the gum.
- The spleen + ileum of animals of all ages.
Definition of “cohort” in case of confirmation of BSE.
- A grp of Bo animals which were EITHER
• Born in the same herd, + within 12 mnths preceding/ following the birth of the affected cattle,
• / reared together with the affected animal at any time during the 1st yr of their life, + which may have consumed the same feed as the affected animal consumed during the 1st year of its life.
Official measures in case of confirmation of CSF on a holding.
• All the Sus on the holding are killed + carcasses rendered.
• Any material ( meat, sperm, ova)/ waste likely to be contaminated is destroyed, rendered/ proc.
• Cleaning + disinfection under official supervision.
• Meat of Sus slaughtered during the period between the probable introduction of disease to the holding + the taking of official
measures shall wherever possible be traced + proc under official supervision.
• Epidemiological enquiry.
Official measures in case of confirmation of CSF in feral Sus.
• Determination of infected area.
• Official surveillance on the Sus holdings in the area.
• Official census.
• Isolation of domestic from feral Sus.
• ø Sus leave/ enter holding without authorization.
• Written plan of measures taken to eradicate disease in infected area.
• Collection of information on the:
> Geographical distribution of the disease.
> Information campaign to increase hunters’ awareness of the measures to be taken.
> Approximate number of feral Sus populations in + around the infected area.
> Method of removal of feral Sus found dead/ shot.
Use of vaccination in case of confirmation of CSF.
- Use of preventative CSF vaccine is prohibited.
- The Member State concerned may submit an emergency vaccination plan to the Commission for both farm + feral Sus.
- Marker vaccine means a vaccine that can elicit a protective immunity distinguishable from the immune response elicited by the natural infection with the wild type virus by means of lab tests.
Definition of animals diseased with EIA.
- Typical CS.
- Non-typical CS but demonstration of the virus +/ or 2 +ve serology (interval: 21 days).
- Patho, histopath.
Definition of animals suspected of being contaminated with EIA.
- Kept within 90 d with diseased/ suspected of being diseased animals.
- ø CS, but 2 inconclusive/ 1 +ve serology (interval: 21 days).
Rules of taking samples in case of FMD suspicion.
- 1g of tissue from an unruptured/ recently ruptured vesicle.
- Ep samples should be placed in a transport medium, which maintains a pH of 7.2-7.4.
- Samples should be kept at 4°C.
- Oesophageal-pharyngeal fluid collected by means of a probang cup.
Use of vaccination in case of confirmation of FMD
• Trade in vaccinated animals is prohibited.
• Vaccinated animals from tested herds may be moved within the Member State.
• A system of traceability ensures that they are excluded from Community trade.
• Emergency vaccination.
> Classification of herds.
> Animals: clearly identified, registered + must ø be moved.
> Specific measures in the vaccination zone to the movements of
animals, fresh meat + other animal products, milk + milk products,
> Clinical + serological survey.
> 2 types:
¶ Protective: regionalization of the vaccination zone + 2nd surveillance zone: at least 10 km wide.
¶ Suppressive: part of an immediate stamping-out strategy, applied to ensure min spread of the virus during disposal of the infected animals, carried out only within protection zone + on clearly identified holdings.
Evaluation of ophthalmic test in case of Glanders.
• 24 hrs rest. • 0.2 ml mallein dripped onto the conjunctiva. • Evaluation: 8-12/ 16-24 hrs. > +ve: swelling, purulent discharge. > Inconclusive: mucus discharge. > -ve.
Definition of potentially rabid animal.
- An animal that shows the symptoms of the disease, /
- An animal that is symptomless, but has been bitten by a potentially rabid animal, +
- A wild mammal, which behaves strangely/ attacks humans.
Definition of potentially rabies-infected animal.
An animal that has/ may have contacted a rabid/ potentially rabid animal within the last 90 d.
Definition of rabies risky animal.
- Means any mammal that has attacked/ bitten humans, /
* Any dog that has ø received anti-rabies vaccination in accordance with the regulations.
Official measures with potentially rabid animals.
- Potentially rabid domestic animals/ susceptible animals kept in captivity: killed/ upon the animal keeper’s request, put under official monitoring for 90d, if the cond of such monitoring can be ensured without any problem.
- Animals showing clinical symptoms: inspected daily, animals ø showing clinical symptoms: inspected weekly.
- Potentially rabid stray / wild animals: killed, + then official Vet: informed without delay.
Official measures with potentially rabies-infected animals.
• Animals shall be put under official monitoring for 90 d.
• Car animals shall be monitored under separation at the place of their keeping, inspected once every 3 wks/, if their safe separation is ø possible at an official place.
• Non-carnivorous animals shall be inspected once every 3 wks.
> During the monitoring period the animals shall be kept + preferably tied + separated to avoid their contact with humans/ other animals.
Official measures with potentially rabies risky animals.
• Animals shall be put under official monitoring for 14d +, unless they already have it, the dogs shall be marked with an electronic transponder (a microchip implanted under the skin) at the owner’s cost. At the end of the monitoring period it is necessary to order the anti-rabies vaccination of the dogs ø having a valid anti-rabies vaccination.
Rules of preventive vaccination of dogs against rabies.
- Animal keeper shall arrange, at his/her own cost, for the vaccination of all dogs >3 mnths of age to be performed by the private Vet responsible for the animal health supervision of such dogs as follows:
• within 30 d after reaching 3 mnths of age,
• within 6 mnths after the 1st vaccination,
• every yr afterwards.
Definition of officially EBL free herd.
- There is ø evidence, either clinical or as a result of a lab test, of any case of EBL in the herd and ø such case has been confirmed in the previous 2 yrs; +.
- All animals >24 mnths of age have reacted -vely during the preceding 12 mnths to 2 tests carried out at an interval of at least 4 mnths; / is situated in an officially EBL-free Member State/ region.
Official measures in case of confirmation of ND on a holding.
- All poultry killed on the spot.
- The carcasses + eggs are destroyed.
- Any substance/ waste liable to be contaminated is destroyed/ treated.
- The meat of poultry slaughtered during the presumed incubation period is traced + destroyed.
- Hatching eggs laid during the presumed incubation period is traced + destroyed; poultry which hatched from such eggs is placed under official surveillance.
- Thorough cleaning + disinfection.
- Reintroduction: at least 21 d after the end of the disinfection operations.
Official measures in case of confirmation of ND in pigeons.
• Application of the control + eradication measures provided for the poultry; / at least
• A ban on movement of the pigeons/ birds kept
in captivity: for at least 60 d.
• Destruction/ treatment of any matter/ waste likely to be contaminated;
• An epizootiological inquiry.
• Use of swill is prohibited for the feeding of poultry.
• Contingency plan.
Definition of IBR-virus free Bo herd.
• All animals >6 mnths of age are tested x2 (interval 2-12 mnths).
• In dairy herd: milk samples: x3 (interval 2 mnths).
• IBR- free semen for insemination.
• Embryo- transfer: free parents.
• introduced animals:
> 1st blood/ milk test is -ve
> originating from free herd.
> test during the 30 d isolation: 2x (21d).
Maintenance of IBR-virus free status in Bo herd.
- All animals >6 mnths of age : tested in every 12 mnths.
- Animals for slaughter: test before transport for slaughter.
- Dairy herd: milk test in every 6 mnths.
- Aborted animals: test 3-6 wks after abortion.
- Only animals originating from free herds are introduced (test: x2, 21 d interval).
Official measures in infected areas following the eradication of anthrax.
• Pasture/ other area where anthrax was confirmed/
which was the O of infection.
• Village, farm, holding where anthrax was confirmed.
• Burying ground/ pound.
• Measures:
> Fence.
> ø grazing, feedstuff production in the area.
> Only vaccinated animals may be kept there for min. 25 yrs.
Country free from Contagious Bo Pleuropneumonia infection without intermediate steps.
- Continuously free from CBPP for at least 10 yrs, +
- ø vaccination for at least 10 yrs;
- ø clinical/ pathological evidence for at least 10 yrs;
- Adequate disease surveillance + reporting system;
- Use of diagnostic procedures capable of differentiating Mycoplasma mycoides from other Bo Mycoplasma infections.
Re-establishing Contagious Bo Pleuropneumonia infection free status.
- 2 yrs from the date of the last case;
- Demonstration that the outbreak did ø represent endemic infection + that the disease has been eradicated by the actions taken.
Official measures in the protection zone in case of Bluetongue.
• Identification of all holdings with animals inside the zone;
• Implementation by the competent authority of an epidemio- surveillance programme based on the monitoring of sentinel grps of Bo animals (/, in their absence, of other sp of Ru) + vector populations;
• A ban on animals leaving the zone.
> However, exemptions from the exit ban may be decided on in particular for animals situated in part of the zone where there is a proven absence of viral circulation/ of vectors.
• Vaccination of animals against bluetongue + their identification in the protection zone may be decided.
Official measures in the surveillances zone in case of Bluetongue.
- Measures for the protection zone apply.
- Any vaccination against bluetongue is prohibited.
- All persons in the protection + surveillance zones shall be fully informed of the restrictions in force + make any arrangements required for the proper implementation of the measures in question.
Public health measures for Bo tuberculosis.
- Notification to state medical service.
- Informing the keeper, owner.
- Personal disinfection.
- Protective clothes, gloves + footwear.
- Control of products.
Public health measures for brucellosis.
- Notification to state medical service.
- Informing the keeper, owner (pregnancy).
- Personal disinfection.
- Protective clothes, gloves + footwear.
- Control of products.
Rules of recovery of FMD free status if ø vaccination has been used:
- The control + eradication measures laid down for the protection + surveillance zones have been effective + may be lifted, +
- At least 3 mnths have elapsed after the last recorded outbreak.
Recovery of FMD-free status if vaccination has been used.
- The control + eradication measures laid down for the protection + surveillance zones have been effective + may be lifted, +
- At least 3 mnths have elapsed since the slaughter of the last vaccinated animal + serological surveillance has been carried out; /
- At least 6 mnths have elapsed since the last outbreak of FMD disease/ the completion of emergency vaccination.
Official measures in case of animals diseased/ suspected of being diseased with myxomatosis.
- Killing, disposal of meat, skin.
* Suspected of being diseased animals may be vaccinated if authorised by the district Vet officer.
Lifting restriction in case of myxomatosis.
Killing, death/ recovery of the last diseased animals: 30 d waiting period + strict disinfection.
Suspected of being infected in case of myxomatosis.
Possible contamination with infected/ suspected of being infected animals within 30 d before confirmation of the disease in the infected flock.
Official control measures with rabbit flocks diseased of viral haemorrhagic disease.
- Movement restrictions, slaughter prohibited; killing the rabbits.
- Proper disposal of carcasses.
- In case of valuable flock: killing only of the diseased animals + healthy animals in the flock are vaccinated + the movement restrictions + vaccination is continued during the next 6 mnths.
Definition of an animal suspected of being contaminated with scabies.
- Direct/ indirect contact within 42 d with D/ SD animal.
- The obligatory yrly treatment was ø carried out in sheep.
- There were sheep introduced into the herd without previous isolation.
Rules of lifting restrictions ordered in case of scabies.
– Observation period: sheep: • if <2 cm wool: 42 d after dipping. • if >2 cm wool: 70 d after x2 dipping. • If other means of treatment: 42 d. • Other sp: 42 d after x2 treatment.
Official measures for scabies.
• Obligatory treatment (with an approved product).
• Sheep:
> If <2 cm wool: 1x.
> If >2 cm wool: shearing + 1x/ treatment 2x ( interval 7-10 d).
• Other sp: 2x ( interval 7-10 days).
• Parallel disinfection of keeping place + equipment (with the same product).
Movement restrictions in case of scabies.
• Pasturing, work, changing keeping place only after treatment if at the new place there is ø contact with susceptible animals.
• Slaughter: only after treatment (zoonosis).
• Raw product:
> Disinfection
> Wool: separate storing for 6 wks.
• Equipment, buildings: strict disinfection/ 6 wks without contact with animals.
Official measures in case of AFB.
- Killing.
• If <50% of the colonies are infected: killing only the infected colonies.
• If during the monitoring new infected colonies are found: killing all colonies.
• Killed bees: burning the carcasses + burial (+ products, comb, brood).
• Burning + burial (min 50 cm deep) of every combustible material from the hive strict disinfection (hive, equipment, buildings, soil).
Rules of lifting the restriction ordered in case of AFB:
• ø colonies + strict disinfection 60 d observation (take into account the non-
brooding period!), +
• Strict disinfection.
• If only colonies suspected of being diseased: + the lab ruled out: lifting without disinfection.
• If only colonies suspected of being contaminated: without disinfection after observation.
Official measures in case of EFB.
- Obligatory treatment: all colonies in the protection zone.
- Checks every 2 wks.
- If treatment is refused by the keeper: the bees are killed without state compensation.
- Weak bee colony: killing (state compensation is theoretical but it was ø notified in time!)
- If + AFB prohibition of treatment, killing the diseased colonies.
- Strict disinfection: (hive, equipment, buildings, soil)
- Treated colonies are placed in clean, disinfected hive.
- Suspected of being contaminated: honey, comb, wax: processing (marked disinfected container) 1 hr - 112ºC.
- If Ab treatment: keeping the WP.
Lifting restrictions in case of EFB.
- ø colonies + strict disinfection.
- 15 d observation + strict disinfection.
- If only colonies suspected of being diseased: + the lab ruled out: without disinfection.
- If only colonies suspected of being contaminated: without disinfection after observation.
Official measures in case of Acariosis.
- Obligatory treatment: all colonies in the protection zone.
• If refused: killing without state compensation.
• Honey, products: only after heat treatment
• Disinfection: (hive, equipments) (SO2 treatment, keeping empty for 1 wk).
Official control measures in case of confirmation of African horse sickness outbreak.
- Informing the public about restrictions.
- Killing of infected Eq.
- Disposal of carcasses + animal waste.
- Strict disinfection.
- 20 km zone: official surveillance, obligatory vaccination, lab examination of dogs, killing of diseased dogs.
- Epizootic inquiry.
- Taking into account of epidemiological, geographical, climatic cond.
Protection zone in case of African Horse Sickness.
- Min 12 mnths.
- A min. radius of 100 km.
- Taking into account of epidemiological, geographical, climatic cond.
- Informing the public about restrictions.
- Disinsectisation.
- Visit of all holding keeping Eq, samples.
- Movement of horses: only for emergency slaughter.
Surveillance zone in case of African Horse Sickness.
- Min 12 mnths.
- A min. radius of +50 km.
- Taking into account of epidemiological, geographical, climatic cond.
- Informing the public about restrictions.
- Disinsectisation
- Visit of all holding keeping Eq, samples.
- Movement of horses: only for emergency slaughter.
- Vaccination is prohibited.
Animals diseased with Glanders.
- Typical CS.
- Non-typical CS but immunodiagnostic test „+”.
- ø CS but repeated immunodiagnostic test „+”.
Public Health Measures in case of Glanders.
- Notification to the public health service.
- Informing the keepers.
- Protective cloth, personal disinfection.
- ø treatment of infected animals.
- SD: treatment only by Vet.
Control measures in case of Equine Infectious Anemia.
• Isolation, housing in the stable, disinsectisation.
• Diseased, infected: slaughter at a slaughterhouse
suspected of being diseased:
> Movement restrictions, observation.
> Clinical + serological examination: every 3 wks.
• Suspected of being contaminated:
> Movement restrictions.
> Diagnostic examination: every 3 wks
> min 90 d
transport: authorisation to slaughterhouse, closed vehicle.
• Unloading: official Vet check, strict disinfection of the vehicle.
• Pasturing: infected pasture: 6 mnths.
• Lifting restrictions: ø eq, strict disinfection, disinsectisation.
Rules of repopulation of a holding after CSF.
- Min 30d after the completion of the cleaning + disinfection operations.
- Open-air holdings: full repopulation may take place only if none of the sentinel Sus has developed antibodies against the virus (test: 40d).
Rules of repopulation of Sus holdings following ASF outbreaks.
• Reintroduction of pigs to infected holdings shall ø take place until at least 40 days after completion of the cleansing, disinfection and, if necessary, disinsectisation operations in the holding in question.
Regular testing in Aujeszky’s disease free large scale holding.
- All boars: every 6 mnths.
- Sows: 20-50% every 6 mnths.
- Representative sample of fattening Sus.
Measures in large scale holding in case of Teschovirus.
- All diseased + suspected of being diseased Sus: killed on the spot.
- Suspected of being contaminated: observation for 40 d, if slaughtered: heat treatment.
- Slaughter: removal of intestinal tract, intact nervous system (special paravertebral cut of the carcasse).
- Heat treatment: 70ºC 20 min.
Restocking in case of Sus Vesicular Disease.
- 4 wks after completion of the 1st full disinfection of the premises.
- Outdoor Sus holdings:
• -ve sentinel piglets: examined clinically + sampled for serological testing after 28 d/
• Full restocking. - Other forms of rearing:
• Within a period of 8 d.
• Sero-ve Sus.
• ø Sus may leave the holding for a period of 60 d after the arrival of the last Sus.
• Clinical + serological examination: 28 d after the arrival of the last Sus.
Definition of AI.
- An infection of poultry/ other captive birds caused by any influenza A virus:
• Of the subtypes H5/ H7; /
• With an iv pathogenicity index in 6-wk old chickens >1.2. - Can be highly pathogenic/ low pathogenic.
Definition of DIVA in avian influenza.
- Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animal.
- A vaccination strategy which enables a differentiation to be made between vaccinated/infected + vaccinated/non-infected animals through the application of a diagnostic test designed to detect antibodies against the field virus + the use of non-vaccinated sentinel birds.
Definition of LPAI (low pathogenic avian influenza)
An infection of poultry/ other captive birds caused by avian influenza viruses of subtypes H5/ H7 that do ø come within the definition of HPAI.
Measures to be applied on holdings where HPAI outbreaks are confirmed.
• All poultry and other captive birds on the holding shall be killed without delay under official supervision.
• Member States may grant derogations for certain sp of poultry/ other captive birds ø to be killed, on the basis of an assessment of the risk of further spread.
• All carcases + eggs on the holding shall be disposed of under official supervision.
• Poultry already hatched from eggs collected from the holding during the period between the probable date of introduction of HPAI on the holding + the application of the measures of stamping out, shall be placed under official supervision + investigations shall be carried out.
• Meat of poultry slaughtered + eggs collected from the holding during the period between the probable date of introduction of HPAI on the holding + the application of the measures of stamping out shall, wherever possible, be traced + disposed of under official supervision.
• All substances + waste likely to be contaminated, such as feed, shall be destroyed/ undergo a treatment ensuring the destruction of virus, in accordance with the instructions of the official Vet.
• Following the disposal of carcases, the buildings used for housing them, pastures/ land, the equipment likely to be contaminated + the vehicles used for transporting the poultry/ other captive birds, carcases, meat, feed, manure, slurry, bedding + any other material/ substance likely to be contaminated shall undergo treatment.
• Other captive birds/ mammals of domestic sp shall ø enter/ leave the holding without the authorisation of the competent authority. > That restriction shall ø apply to mammals of domestic sp which have access only to the living areas for humans.
• In the case of a 1º outbreak, the virus isolate shall be subjected to the lab procedure to identify the genetic subtype.
> That virus isolate shall be submitted to the Community reference lab, as soon as possible.
• Derogations: non-commercial holding, a circus, a zoo, a pet bird shop, a wild life park, a fenced area where poultry/ other captive birds are kept for scientific purposes/ purposes related to the conservation of endangered sp/ officially registered rare breeds of poultry/ other captive birds, provided that such derogations do ø endanger disease control.
ND – surveillance zone official measures.
- Min radius of 10 km.
- Stand-still measures + controlled movements of poultry for at least 30 d.
- Before lifting the measures: sampling of the poultry holdings.
ND – protection zone official measures.
- Min radius of 3 km.
- Stand-still measures + controlled movements of poultry for at least 21d.
- Before lifting the measures: sampling of the poultry holdings.
Preventative measures of Duck viral enteritis.
- ø free keeping on natural H2O during the 2 wks before egg-laying period.
- Infected natural H2O: ø susceptible birds for 2 yrs exc: vaccinated broiler ducks.
- Breeding + broiler flocks shall ø be kept together.
Public health measures in case of rabies.
• Official Vet shall notify the competent regional institution of medical authority if
> He/she confirms rabies/ potential rabies.
> He/she becomes aware of the fact that a rabid/ potentially rabid/ potentially rabies- infected animal has bitten (attacked) any person.
Measures to be applied on holdings where HPAI outbreaks are confirmed.
• All poultry and other captive birds on the holding shall be killed without delay under official supervision.
• Member States may grant derogations for certain sp of poultry/ other captive birds ø to be killed, on the basis of an assessment of the risk of further spread.
• All carcases + eggs on the holding shall be disposed of under official supervision.
• Poultry already hatched from eggs collected from the holding during the period between the probable date of introduction of HPAI on the holding + the application of the measures of stamping out, shall be placed under official supervision + investigations shall be carried out.
• Meat of poultry slaughtered + eggs collected from the holding during the period between the probable date of introduction of HPAI on the holding + the application of the measures of stamping out shall, wherever possible, be traced + disposed of under official supervision.
• All substances + waste likely to be contaminated, such as feed, shall be destroyed/ undergo a treatment ensuring the destruction of virus, in accordance with the instructions of the official Vet.
• Following the disposal of carcases, the buildings used for housing them, pastures/ land, the equipment likely to be contaminated + the vehicles used for transporting the poultry/ other captive birds, carcases, meat, feed, manure, slurry, bedding + any other material/ substance likely to be contaminated shall undergo treatment.
• Other captive birds/ mammals of domestic sp shall ø enter/ leave the holding without the authorisation of the competent authority. > That restriction shall ø apply to mammals of domestic sp which have access only to the living areas for humans.
• In the case of a 1º outbreak, the virus isolate shall be subjected to the lab procedure to identify the genetic subtype.
> That virus isolate shall be submitted to the Community reference lab, as soon as possible.
• Derogations: non-commercial holding, a circus, a zoo, a pet bird shop, a wild life park, a fenced area where poultry/ other captive birds are kept for scientific purposes/ purposes related to the conservation of endangered sp/ officially registered rare breeds of poultry/ other captive birds, provided that such derogations do ø endanger disease control.
Definition of regulation in EU.
Are directly applied without the need for national measures to implement them.
Preventative measures of Duck viral enteritis.
- ø free keeping on natural H2O during the 2 wks before egg-laying period.
- Infected natural H2O: ø susceptible birds for 2 yrs exc: vaccinated broiler ducks.
- Breeding + broiler flocks shall ø be kept together.
Definition of a rabid animal.
An animal in which unquestionable lab tests have confirmed rabies.
Objectives of the OIE (World Organization for Animal Health)
- To inform Gov about the occurrence + course of diseases of animals throughout the world + ways of controlling these diseases;
- To provide co-ordination at the international level for studies devoted to the surveillance + control of diseases of animals;
- To examine regulations for trade in animals + products of animal O, with a view to harmonizing such regulations among Member Countries.
- To give priority to the welfare of animals used in agriculture + aquaculture + to identify animal welfare research needs.
List the specialist commissions of the OIE.
- Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission (“Code Commission”).
- Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases (”Scientific Commission”).
- Biological Standards Commission (“Lab Commission”)
- Aquatic Animal Health Standards Commission (“Aquatic Animals Commission”).
- Reference lab.
6 e.g of common Vet legislations.
- The single market.
- Import from 3rd countries.
- Animal Health certificates.
- Reporting + recording of animal diseases.
- Preventive + control measures for the contagious animal diseases.
- National eradication plans.
- Animal welfare.
- Animal breeding, zoo-sanitary rules.
- Residuums Standards of diagnostic tests, vaccinations.
- Reference lab.
- The Vet committees of the EU.
- Financial measurements, monetary support.
The duties of the national central Vet office (chief Vet officer).
- Preparation of Vet legislation + transposition of EU directives into national law.
- Supervision + coordination of the activities of the Vet services at regional + district levels.
- Decision-making in emergency situations.
- The coordination + cooperation with the network of diagnostic lab, according to contingency plans.
- Negotiations with the 3rd Countries + national representative to various international organisations, e.g. OIE, FAO and WHO.
Definition of decisions.
- Are binding in all their aspects upon those to whom they are addressed.
- A decision may be addressed to any/ all Member States, to undertakings/ to individuals.
Duties (powers) of the EU parliament.
• legislative power. > consultation procedure. > cooperation procedure. > co-decision (ordinary) procedure. > Parliament's assent • Power over the budget. • Supervision of the executive.
International organizations active in animal welfare
- Council of EU.
- World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).
- World Trade Organisation
- European Union.
The “5 freedoms principle” in animal welfare.
- Freedom from hunger + thirst.
- Freedom from discomfort.
- Freedom from pain, injury + disease.
- Freedom to express normal behaviour.
- Freedom from fear + distress.
Animal welfare sanctions
- Official restrictions.
- Exclusion from state compensation.
- Fine: animal health/animal welfare.
- Infringment.
- Criminal offence.
Definition of cruelty to animals in criminal law
- Any person who is engaged in the unjustified abuse/ unjustified mistreatment of vertebrate animals resulting in permanent damage to the animal’s health/ in the animal’s destruction;
• Or who abandons, dispossess/ expels a domesticated vertebrate animal/ a dangerous animal is guilty of a misdemeanor. - The penalty for a felony shall be higher, if the criminal offense is carried out in a manner to cause undue suffering to the animal/ results in permanent damage to several animals/ in the destruction of >1 animal.
The three R ́s.
• The internationally recognized 3 R ́s provide valuable guidance for the use of animals in science.
> Reduction in number of animals.
> Refinement of experimental methods.
> Replacement of animals with non-animal technique.
When it is acceptable to kill an animal? 9
Food production, fur production, population control, incurable disease, injury, risk of infection, pest control, prevention of an otherwise unavoidable attack, + scientific research.
Animal welfare rules of castration of piglets.
After 7 d of age: only under anaesthetic + additional prolonged analgesia by a Vet.
Weaning of piglets.
ø <4 wks of age, unless the welfare/ health of the dam/ piglets would be otherwise adversely affected.
Animal welfare rules of surgical interventions on piglets.
- Tail docking/ reduction of corner teeth: ø routinely, only when there is evidence of injuries; tooth clipping: within 7d of birth.
- Castration/ tail- docking after 7 d of age: only under anaesthetic + additional prolonged analgesia by a Vet.
Animal welfare rules of keeping hens in enriched cage.
- At least 750cm2 of cage area for each laying hens (600 cm2: usable).
- Cage: at least 2000cm2.
- Nest.
- Litter: pecking + scratching.
- Perches.
- Feed trough: 12 cm/ laying hen.
- Drinking system: 2 nipple drinkers/ 2 drinking cups: within reach.
- Aisle: min. width of 90 cm.
- Claw-shortening device.
Definition of long journey.
A journey that exceeds 8 hours starting from when the first animal of the consignment is moved.
When must you have a journey log?
- ø person shall transport animals without carrying documentation in the means of transport stating:
> Their O + their ownership;
> Their place of departure;
> The date + time of departure;
> Their intended place of destination;
> The expected duration of the intended journey. - The transporter shall make the documentation available to the competent authority upon request.
- Transporters + organizers.
- For long journeys between Member States + with 3rd countries for:
• Domestic equidae other than registered equidae.
• Domestic animals of Bo, Ov, caprine + Sus sp.
Transport times/rules of farm animals.
- Shall ø exceed 8 hrs may be extended if the additional requirements are met.
- Unweaned calves, lambs, kids + foals which are still on a milk diet + unweaned piglets must, after 9 hrs of travel, be given a rest period of at least 1hr sufficient in particular for them to be given liquid + if necessary fed.
• After this rest period, they may be transported for a further 9 hrs. - Sus may be transported for a max period of 24 hrs. During the journey, they must have continuous access to H2O.
- Domestic Eq may be transported for a max period of 24 hrs.
• During the journey they must be given liquid + if necessary fed every 8 hrs. - All other animals must, after 14 hrs of travel, be given a rest period of at least 1hr sufficient for them in particular to be given liquid + if necessary fed. After this rest period, they may be transported for a further 14 hrs.
Stunning methods of farm animals.
• Must ø be carried out unless it is possible to bleed the animals immediately afterwards. • Authorised methods: > Captive bolt pistol. > Percussive blow to the head. > Electronarcosis. > Exposure to CO2.
When are stunning ø obligatory?
ø apply to invertebrate animals, to poultry + rabbits slaughtered for home consumption, + in cases where killing of the animal is necessary due to an emergency situation.
Killing methods.
- Free bullet pistol/ rifle.
- Electrocution.
- Exposure to CO2.
- Other approved methods (decapitation, dislocation of the neck, vacuum chamber).
ø license may be granted/ which purpose do you ø use experimental animals.?
For experiments proposed for the purposes of manufacture of cosmetics, tobacco, other consumer goods, weapons + their components, + ammunition.
Which animals can be used for experimentation besides lab animals?
• Farm animals + companion animals.
• Animals taken from the wild (protected sp: if it is
approved by the nature preservation authority)
The duties of LAEC (local animal experimentation committees) are.
- Preparation of the animal experimentation regulation (ethical codex).
- The control of observance of the animal experimentation regulation.
- The professional-ethical supervision of the animal experimentation of the institution.
- Organisation of education + training of those authorised to carry out animal experiments.
ø license may be granted/ which purpose do you ø use experimental animals.?
For experiments proposed for the purposes of manufacture of cosmetics, tobacco, other consumer goods, weapons + their components, + ammunition.
Category 1. Can ask for materials/ carcasses.
- All body parts, including hides + skins, of the following animals:
• Animals suspected of being infected by a TSE/ in which the presence of a TSE has been officially confirmed,
• Animals killed in the context of TSE eradication measures,
• Animals other than farmed animals + wild animals, including in particular pet animals, zoo animals + circus animals,
• Experimental animals,
• Wild animals, when suspected of being infected with diseases communicable to humans/ animals; - SRM, +
• Where, at the time of disposal, SRM has + been removed, entire bodies of dead animals containing SRM; - Animal by-products derived from animals which have been submitted to illegal treatment;
- Animal by-products containing residues of other substances + environmental contaminants, if such residues exceed the permitted level;
- All animal material collected when treating waste H2O from Category 1 processing plants + other premises in which SRM is removed;
- Catering waste from means of transport operating internationally; +
• Mixtures of Category 1 material with either Category 2 material/ Category 3 material/ both, including any material destined for processing in a Category 1 processing plant.
Category 2 carcasses.
Animals + parts of animals, other than those referred to category 1, that die other than by being slaughtered for human consumption, including animals killed to eradicate an epizootic disease.
Category 2 materials.
- Shall comprise animal by-products of the following description,/ any material containing such by- products:
• Manure, non-mineralised guano + digestive tract content;
• All animal materials collected when treating waste H2O from slaughterhouses other than slaughterhouses mentioned above/ from Category 2 processing plants;
• Products of animal O containing residues of Vet drugs + contaminants, if such residues exceed the permitted level laid down by Community legislation;
• Products of animal O which have been declared unfit for human consumption due to the presence of FB in those products;
• Imported/ introduced from a 3rd country + fail to comply with Community Vet legislation for their import/ introduction into the Community except where Community legislation allows their import/ introduction subject to specific restrictions/ their return to the 3rd country.
• Dispatched to another Member State + fail to comply with requirements laid down/ authorised by Community legislation except where they are returned with the authorisation of the competent authority of the Member State of O;
• Animals + parts of animals, other than those referred to category 1, that die other than by being slaughtered for human consumption, including animals killed to eradicate an epizootic disease;
• Foetuses;
• Oocytes, embryos + semen which are ø destined for breeding purposes; +
• Dead-in-shell poultry.
• Mixtures of Category 2 material with Category 3 material, including any material destined for processing in a Category 2 processing plant; +
• Animal by-products other than Category 1 material/ Category 3 material.
Public health establishment + labs under control of minister of agriculture.
- Vet institutes functioning with national/ regional competence perform the diagnostic + examinations for the prevention of epidemics prevention connected with reduction in production, infections, diseases, death of animals;
- Institute performing tasks of food examination adopts the international methods of food examination + makes them general, operates residuum, radiological + toxicological monitoring systems (system of food control) adequate to the international + national regulations, carries out international + national reference lab activities, also, performs institutional expert tasks concerning similar activities of the lab of the Vet offices;
- Institute performing tasks of vaccine-, medicine- + fodder examination: contributes to procedures of permission concerning products of Vet therapeutics (vaccines, diagnostics, medicines) as well as to fodder containing medicine as an expert institute;
- Lab operated by the regional Vet authority: the task of the lab is making a microbiological examination of food + fodder;
- Lab of reproduction biology of the authority of animal breeding, in the competence provided in the law;
Cl disinfectants.
• Has bleaching + germicidal properties + is commonly used in disinfection, sanitizing + H2O purification.
> In high conc, used for sewage treatment.
> Disinfectants + sanitizers are readily available, inexpensive, have a broad antimicrobial spectrum + present min environmental hazards.
• Are very effective in the absence of organic material.
> Other factors affecting the efficacy of Cl-based disinfectants are conc, pH, presence of natural proteins + presence of NH3.
List the Vet lab.
- Public Vet lab,
- Veterinary lab of a holding,
- Vet (clinical) lab.
Official measures if a single Bo animal in an officially EBL-free herd has reacted +vely to the serological test:
• Animal which has reacted +vely, +, in the case of a cow, any calf it may have produced, must have left the herd for slaughter under the supervision of the Vet authorities;
• All animals in the herd >12 mnths old have reacted -vely to 2 serological tests (at least 4 mnths and <12 mnths apart) carried out at least 3 mnths after removal of the +ve animal + any possible progeny thereof;
• An epidemiological inquiry has been conducted with -ve results + the herds linked epidemiologically to the infected herd have been tested.
• However, the competent authority may grant a derogation from the obligation to slaughter the calf of an infected cow where it was separated from its mother immediately after calving.
> In this case, the calf must be tested at the age of 24 mnths.