筆試1 Flashcards
關於先天性二個瓣的主動脈瓣(bicuspid valve)之特性何者為真? A. 常與急性風濕性心臟病合併 B. 常有狹窄與鈣化情形 C. 不會造成瓣膜脫落(prolapse) D. 45%會合併主動脈瓣狹窄(coaxtation of the aorta)
C. 不會造成瓣膜脫落(prolapse)
在成人第四腰椎前方之腰主動脈具正常橫值為? A. 1.0cm B. 1.75cm C. 2.5cm D. 3.0cm
B. 1.75cm
下列對tetralogy of Fallot 為正確,除了? A. Boot-shaped heart B. Right ventricular hypertrophy C. Ventricular septal defect D. Subvalvular pulmonary stenosis
D. Subvalvular pulmonary stenosis
The modality of choice for demonstrating abdominal aortic aneurysm is: A. 動脈攝影 B. 超音波 C. 電腦斷層攝影 D. 普通腹部X光素片
B. 超音波
假性動脈瘤(False Aneurysm)常由下列何種因素造成? A. 梅毒 B. 細菌感染 C. 動脈粥狀硬化 D. 外傷後 E. 先天性異常
D. 外傷後
Left atrial enlargement may help differential one of the following conditions: A. Ventricular septal defect B. Atrial septal defect C. Anomalous pulmonary venous return D. Mitral atresia
A. Ventricular septal defect
以下何種先天性心臟病在胸部X光中呈現小而不明顯的主動脈(small aorta) A. 主動脈瓣狹窄(Aortic stenosis) B. 開放動脈導管(Patent Ductus Arteriosis) C. 主動脈狹窄(Coarctation of aorta) D. 心室中膈缺損(VSD)
D. 心室中膈缺損(VSD)
以下何種先天性心臟病在常規胸部X光中可見比較明顯而大的主動脈(Large aorta)? A. 主動脈瓣狹窄(Aortic stenosis) B. 心室中膈缺損(VSD) C. 心房中膈缺損(ASD) D. 心臟房室交通(AV Commonis)
A. 主動脈瓣狹窄(Aortic stenosis)
Epidural hematoma of spine的敘述,下列何者不正確? A. 以cervical spine最常見 B. 好發年齡在40-50歲 C. Idiopathic的原因最常見 D. 常見compression of posterior aspect of cord
A. 以cervical spine最常見
Nonshadowing nonmobile, echogenic foci signal son within the gall bladder are most likely? A. Calculi B. biliary growty C. polyp D. sludge ball
C. polyp
所謂MRI中的”double IR blackblood” preparation of cardiac image何者為非,(單選) ?
A. Nonselective 180∘pulse that inverts the signals of all the tissues
B. A slice selective 90∘pulse that saturate the signal of the pareicular slice, and some signal in the cavity or lumen
C. A time delay to further null the signal of the blood in the cavity
D. Usually require breath-hold
B. A slice selective 90∘pulse that saturate the signal of the pareicular slice, and some signal in the cavity or lumen
MRI研究cardiac function有下列可行之方法(複選)?
A. Segmented K-space gradient echo for ventricular stroke volume
B. Myocardial tagging 量regional wall motion
C. Diffusion tensor image 量fibroarchieture
D. Contrast enhanced myocardial perfusion map 量infarction area
A. Segmented K-space gradient echo for ventricular stroke volume
B. Myocardial tagging 量regional wall motion
C. Diffusion tensor image 量fibroarchieture
D. Contrast enhanced myocardial perfusion map 量infarction area
下列先天性心臟病,會使pulmonary vascularity 增加,除了? A. Atrial septal defect B. Ventricular septal defect C. Tetralogy of fallot D. Dateut dactus atreriosus
C. Tetralogy of fallot
下列對Te-ralogy of fallot 為正確,除了? A. boot-shaped heart B. Right ventricular hypertrophy C. Ventricular septal defect D. Subavleolar pulmonary stenosis
D. Subavleolar pulmonary stenosis
In MR imaging, T1 is defined as the time when ?
A. About 63% of the original longitudinal magnetization is reached
B. About 37% of the original longitudinal magnetization is reached
C. Transversal magnetization decreased to 63% of the original valve
D. Transversal magnetization decreased to 37% of the original valve
A. About 63% of the original longitudinal magnetization is reached